Chapter Eight

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   MJ scanned the crowd before him, carefully looking for his brother. He needed to locate Willy before the diversion started, else all would be lost. He bit his lip and searched the sea of headdresses, his brother no where to be seen. Then he caught sight of him! Willy was dressed in Socorros traditional clothing, and he was carrying a large pack that he struggled to hold. He kept his eyes on Willy the whole time, as his brother made his way over to a man who was trying to hide himself in the shadows. Ten more seconds. MJ began the count down. When he reached one, he heard someone screaming in the distance.

"Thief! Stop him!" The man Willy was talking too dashed into the shadows, taking the pack with him and grabbing on to Willy's arm, trying to drag him with him. Now was his only chance. MJ ran across the open space and slipped into the shadows, where he last saw Willy and Rigneg disappear.

"Good job lad. Your little friend will be well taken care for on our trip to Araluen." MJ heard a voice around the corner. He pressed his back against the wall of the stone building and breathed through his nose to quiet his breathing. He slowly inched towards the voices, until he reached the corner and slipped into the shadows behind the two figures. Rignegs back was turned, but Willy caught sight of MJ, and his eyes widened. Rigneg looked at Willy curiously and tried to turn around, but Willy grabbed his arm.

"It was just the wind. Shall we get going?" He asked. Rigneg rose his eyebrows and nodded, hoisting the pack higher on his shoulder before taking Willy's arm.

"Yes. They don't accept slaves after dark." MJ swallowed hard and ran lightly after them. Willy was stiff and kept glancing back with Rigneg wasn't looking, just too make sure MJ was still behind them.

    They all ran down an alley way between two buildings. Cloths were drapped over the alley, making it shielded from the sun. MJ saw the light from the end of the alley approaching, and he hoped that the Heron crew was waiting for them. If they weren't, Then there was no way of saving Willy. Rigneg was obviously more skilled with any weapon then MJ was, so he knew he wouldn't be able to fight him.

    They were clear of the alley, and MJ felt as if a rock had been dropped in his stomach when he saw that the Herons were no where in sight. Rigneg continued to pull Willy up the hill and MJ was too far behind to catch up with them. He watched as his brother and the trader disappeared over the crest of the hill.


Willy felt even more nervousness arise when he saw MJ following them. He didn't want his brother to get hurt, and he knew Rigneg would have no trouble hurting MJ at all. Willy let Rigneg drag him over the hill and out of his brothers sight before he slowly slipped under his robes with his free hand, slipping his Saxe from it's sheath. He slowly pulled it out and within a flash, he plunged it into Rignegs thigh. The older man let out a howl of pain and Willy wasted no time to run away from the now angry trader.


"Did you hear that?" Will asked Hal. He and Hal were running as fast as they could with the rest of the crew, trying to get to the point where MJ told them to meet him. Will stopped when he heard a cry of pain.

"What was that?" Jesper asked. The whole crew was there except Edvin and Ingvar. Edvin stayed on the ship with Bente, to protect her, and Ingvar was too blind, he would had slowed them down, so he stayed behind. Lydia had not come at all, since she had to stay in Hallasholm with her new baby girl. She and Hal had gotten married only five years before, and the two of them surprised most of Hallasholm with the announcement of her pregnancy. She resigned from the crew and now helped Karina and Abby with the eating house so she could stay close to their daughter, Evangeline.

    They all turned when they heard the sound of approaching running feet. MJ ran up to them, looking distraught. He placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath and ran his fingers through his wavy dark hair.

"They got away!" Jesper felt his heart drop and all the men turned to look at him as his eyes filled with tears.

"No. We can still get them!" Hal said. He turned to run up the hill, but Stig grabbed his hand.

"Hal, We're too late." Stig said.

"That's my nephew!" He said. Stig hung his head.

"Hal, it's no use." He said. MJ felt like crying out for his brother when he notcied that his grandfather was gone. While they were all disscussing it, Will had slipped away and up the hill, Where he met up with Willy and Rigneg. Will watched in amazement as Willy ran to him after sticking his knife into the traders thigh. Willy looked like he was ready to cry. His arms wrapped around Wills waist and Will held his grandson tightly.

"I think we'd better go tell you father you're alright." Will said. Willy's eyes were filled with tears and he nodded. The two of them ran back down the hill, much too the crews surprise. Jesper hugged Willy so tightly that he couldn't breathe. But what surprised him the most, was MJ crying as he hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for everything, Willy." MJ sobbed into Willy's shoulder. Willy rose an eyebrow.

"Sorry for what?" He asked. MJ stared at him.

"Everything. All I've done to torture you all these years." MJ said. Willy shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't hold grudges Mik. You are my brother after all." He said. MJ gave him a small smile and slipped his arm around Willy's neck.

"Come on Willy, let's get you home to Mam." He said. Willy let out a groan and glanced back at their father.

"Mam isn't gonna take it very well." Willy said. He could imagine her sobbing in his mind. Jesper smiled and kissed the crown of his head.

"I don't blame her. You've given all of us a heart attack." He said. Willy rolled his eyes and they all walked back to where the Heron was moored. As they walked along the dock, Willy was stunned as the ship he had been captive on for the past few days suddenly burst into flames. The whole crew stopped in amazement as Edvin and Bente came running back sniggering. Hal glared at them.

"What did you do?!?" He asked.

"No time for questions. Let's just say, pay back." Edvin smiled.

"I never thought I'd see the day when our little Edvin would break a rule!" Jesper teased. Edvin glared at him. The twins placed their hands on his shoulders and grinned while Jesper placed his hand on Edvin's forehead.

"No fever. He isn't delusional. Welcome to the darkside Ed." Jesper grinned. Hal rolled his eyes.

"Let's go!" He said. They all happily agreed when they saw Rignegs crew running towards them. Ingvar shoved them off and they were headed back towards Skandia.

The Ranger and the Thief (Book two of The Ranger and the Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now