Chapter Fifteen

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The ship glided gracefully across the water as Willy stood at the tiller. He couldn't help but feel at peace, away from all of his troubles as he felt the slight salty spray of the sea. The ship had been a gift from an elderly Skandian, Gundar Hardstrike, who had to retire due to his age. The old Skandian had known Willy and MJ's grandfather. They had met in Seacliff Araluen and the Skirl ended up helping Will Treaty with the siege of the castle Macandaw, and rescuing Willy's grandmother. Gundar had even renamed the ship, Wolfwill, After Willy's grandfather. Wolfwill had changed her sail into the same triangle shaped sail as Hals ship. Many Skandians had made the switch when Hal had returned from his chase after Zavac. She was a magestic ship, and Willy could feel her every move.

Quint joined Willy in the stern as they watched Wolfwill slice through the stormwhite. Willy hadn't even noticed that they had passengers with them, which was a plus for him. It was the perfect time for him to get to know his crew better, and their strengths and weaknesses.

"You're lucky you got this ship." Quint commented. Willy couldn't help but agree.

"Gundar is an old family friend. He wouldn't let me refuse." Willy said. Quint gestured over to where Bente stood with Preston. They had been inseperable over the pass ten days. Willy tried to ignore her most of the time, and focus on his ship, though it was hard at times.

"She hasn't spoken to you yet?"He asked. Willy shook his head.

"No. And It's for the best."He said. Quint was slightly shocked by his Skirls answer, but he didn't argue.

"Hal said he wanted to speak to you."Quint said. Willy noticed Hal and MJ in the bow, talking amoungest themselves. "I'll take the Tiller." Willy passed the Tiller off to Quint and walked swiftly to the front of the ship. The two of them looked up as they noticed Willy approaching them.

"Quint said you wanted to speak to me?"He asked his uncle. Hal nodded, his face serious.

"It looks like a storm is coming in."Hal said. Willy nodded. He had noticed the dark clouds gathering an hour before. The wind was picking up, and making them go faster, which was fortunite. "We may have to stay in Celtica until things settle, we can't risk it." Hal continued.

"We'll be in Celtica by midnight if the wind stays at this rate. We'll see then if we need to wait a little before returning to Skandia." Willy said. Hal nodded his approval.

"You do realise the risk, though? Staying longer then needed will make you lose points and your crew will be in third place, Tristan will have to lead." Hal said. Willy shook his head.

"It's better to lose points then men. Don't you agree, Uncle Hal?" Willy said. Hal nodded.

"Fully." He replied. With a nod, Willy left his brother and uncle and made his way back to Quint.


The rain started at around nine at night. It was only a light sprinkle until twenty minutes later, when it became a downpour. The wind was whistling about them and Willy had to shout loudly over the sound to order Kerk and Grong to stow away the sheets. Wolfwill bobbed along the waves, just barely keeping her passengers on board. Willy ordered Boyd to tie Bente, Preston and his father to the mast, to keep them from going over board. He tried to tie MJ too, but his brother simply glared at him.

"I am a Skandian to Willy, I know how to not go overboard." He scowled. Willy didn't argue with him, he ran to the tiller and with the help of Quint, was able to keep the ship on the course of Celtica. Within another hour, it had finally calmed down enough to give the boys a break. All of them sank to the deck in the shallow water that had gathered.

"I see land!" Dannie called. Willy groaned and pulled himself up to the tiller. His muscles were aching and he could barely stand. Quint joined him and Willy ordered the crew to get out the oars. The boys crawled onto their rowing benches and put their oars in the rowlocks. MJ walked down the keel and untied a shaking Bente. Preston pulled her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her. He planted a kiss on her forehead and she closed her eyes, burying her face in his shoulder. Willy glared at Preston at the sight of that, but he knew better. He took in a deep breath and trained his eyes on the long stretch of land approaching.


They landed in the Celtica coast at eleven that night. Javat jumped out of the ship and dug a beach anchor. The others hopped off and helped the passengers down. Bente refused to let go of Preston the whole time, much to Willy's dislike. He looked back to see the sea was raging, tossing the waves back and forth. They wouldn't be able to cross for at least a week.

"Alright Hounds, we need to find shelter and we'll have to ration our food for the next week for the trip home." Willy told his crew. They all nodded. Willy turned to Preston and the Earl. "My Brother, Ranger MJ will accompany you to your house, m'lord." Willy said. The Earl rolled his eyes.

"You shall come with us as well. You helped us, so now it's our turn to return the favour. You will stay as our guests." Lord Flinchshire said.

"We could never do that." Willy said. Lord Flinchshire glared at him.

"You aren't refusing my hospitably are you boy?" He asked. Willy glanced at Hal for advice.

"I don't wanna sleep in the rain." Hal mumbled. Willy rolled his eyes at his uncles responds and nodded to the Earl.

"Thank you Lord Flinchshire, we do appreciate it." Willy said. The Earl nodded once and began to lead them towards Flinchshire Estate.

The Ranger and the Thief (Book two of The Ranger and the Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now