Chapter Twenty One

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Lynn couldn't contain her excitement that she felt as she and MJ stepped off of the ship onto Araluen soil. Castle Araluen towered above them and MJ led his horse, Maple towards it, leaving Lynn to stare in awe until she realized she was being left behind. She ran to catch up with him.

"It's huge!" She said. He smirked at her.

"It's a castle, not a house." He said. She blushed slightly, unnoticed by him.

MJ left Maple with the stable hand, making sure he would care for her carefully. He then led her into the castle, passing by the guards by simply showing them his silver oakleaf that hung around his neck as a symbol of his title.

MJ led her up the stairs and to the top floor, where he knocked on a closed wooden door. A deep voice grumbled for him to enter and he turned the knob, pushing it open. An ageing, but still very handsome ranger sat at a desk with his head in his reports. He glanced up and smiled at MJ.

"MJ!" he said. He stood and gestured for them to enter.

"Hello Uncle Gil." MJ said. Gilan smiled at Lynn.

"You must be Lynn, MJ's new apprentice." He said holding out his hand. She shook it firmly and nodded.

"Yes sir." She said. Gilan gestured for them to sit and Lynn sat quietly as the two men conversed.

"How is aunt Jenny?" MJ asked. Gilan let out a breathy laugh.

"To well. All her plum tarts are getting the better of me." He said holding his belt. MJ simply laughed. "How do you think Skandia will get along without you for two months?" Gilan asked. MJ laughed again.

"The Oberjarl said that Skandia has survived over three centuries without the blasted rangers corps, and that they could survive another two months." He said. "The same thing he said when I was headed to Celtica." Gilan shook his head while smiling.

"That man. He'll be the death of all of us." He teased. MJ nodded in agreement. "Are you two going to be at the gathering?"

"Of course. Lynn can hardly wait. I think she's more excited to receive her horse though." MJ said, nudging her with his elbow. She blushed and bit her lip. Gilan smiled.

"We all were. Treat the horse well, they'll be your best friend for the rest of their lives. I remember when I first got my horse, Blaze, a beautiful gelding." He said.

MJ nodded in agreement.

"Same with Maple and I." He said.

"Well, I'd best let you go then. I'll see you both at the gathering." Gilan said. MJ and Lynn bid farewell and left.


      Emmy sat down next to Willy on the log that was next to the fire. She stared into the dancing flame and contemplated the past two weeks she had spent with the Hounds. They were practically the older brothers she had always wanted. She was an only child and her cousins never liked her because she was different. She loved sailing, and always wanted to be in a brotherband, but her mother would never let her. When her uncle Erak had mentioned how an instructor had resigned, she jumped at the oppertunity. Erak had finally convinced her mother that she would come and stay with him in Hallasholm, purposefully forgetting to mention she would be an instructor for a brotherband. As the days progressed, the boys were put up to harder and harder tasks. Emmy could hardly keep up with them, so she asked her uncle if she could just stay with the boys in the tent. Sigurd had hounded the boys the day before she moved in to make sure they didn't try anything on her.

"Have you ever met a women who sailed with a crew?" Emmy asked turning to Willy. A few of the other boys turned to watch their conversations.

"Yes. My mother, and my aunt Lydia. They both sailed with my uncle Hal and my father." He said. She rose her eyebrows.

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