Chapter Twenty Two

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  Willy was sleeping peacefully when all of the sudden, a bucket of ice cold water was dumped on his body. He woke with a start and jumped out of his bed roll to face the accuser. Emmy was holding a bucket that was swinging back and forth still and she gave him a guilty smile.

"Why did you do that?!?" He asked forcefully. She bit her lip.

"I wanted to wake you." she said. He glared at her.

"And shaking my shoulder and calling my name wouldn't have worked?" He asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and dropped the bucket.

"Come on. It's our day off, and I have big plans for us." She said. He rose an eyebrow and smirked.

"Well, sorry to break it to you Emmy, but I just got out of a relationship." He said. She rolled her eyes in disgust and began yo walk away. Willy quickly got changed and ran after her. "So where are we going?"

"To apoligize to every person you've ever stolen from." She said. He froze in his tracks and grabbed her arm to stop her as well.

"What? Are you trying to get me killed? Many people have death wishes on me!" He said horrified. She smiled and without responding, continued to walk away.


There was no getting away from her. So he went along with it all.

"Who was the first one you ever remember stealing from?" Emmy asked. Willy shrugged.

"Probably Tristan. Maybe that's why he hates me so much." Willy said.

"Then go apoligize." She said. He glared at her.

"You want me to apoligize to my cousin, my rival skirl and enemy? Are you mad?!?" He asked. She smirked.

"It can't be that bad!" She said. Willy rolled his eyes and walked away from her. He could hear her running after him.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked.

"Away from you. You're crazy. Tristan and I have bad blood, and I don't want to chance stirring that up." He said. He proceeded to walk back to the eating house. Emmy followed him, though they didn't speak the whole time. When they reached the eating house, Willy walked through the front door. A little bell chimed when he opened the door and several Skandians looked up from their meals that Willy's mother, Grandmother and Aunt had prepared. Abby was just finishing serving a man some ale when they came in. She looked up and smiled at him. She gestured for him to follow her into the kitchen and Emmy tagged along. Once they were in the kitchen, Abby hugged him tightly and kissed him on his cheek.

"Where's grandmam and Thorn?" Willy asked.

"Erak asked to see Thorn so they could catch up and Mam is teaching Evangeline how to swim today." She said. She glanced over, finally noticing Emmy standing awkwardly in the door. "Hello. I'm Abby. And you are?"

"Emmy, I'm a friend if Willy's." she said.

"More like an acquaintance." Willy mumbled. Emmy acted like she hadn't heard him.

"Well nice to meet you. Now, I must get back to cooking." Abby said.

"We won't keep you Mam." He said. He kissed her cheek before taking Emmy's wrist and dragging her out of the eating house.


   The trip took forever and Lynn was exhausted by the time they reached a little cabin outside of Redmont fife, identical to the one she and MJ lived in.

"Who is the ranger that lives here?" she asked.

"Will Treaty." He said casually. She paused, and stared at him in disbelief.

"You mean the famous Will Treaty?" She asked. He smiled.

"No, I mean my grandfather." He teased. Then he paused. "Oh

wait..." She glared at him and they continued to walk until they reached the veranda. MJ had already put Maple in her old stall next to Tug, who greeted her with a welcoming neigh. MJ didn't knock, he simply walked in. A middle aged Ranger was sitting at the table with his nose buried in reports.

"Hello MJ." He said without looking up.

"Did you know he was coming?" Lynn asked the famous Will Treaty. Will looked up and gave her a smile.

"No. But I've heard him stumble up that step a thousand times. It's good to see you Mik." He said. He stood and embraced his Grandson. MJ glared at Will.

"It was Gil that stumbled up the step, not me." He said. Will smirked.

"You both do. So I took a gamble and guessed you since there were two sets of feet and I knew you have recently aquired an apprentice. When you go up and down that step lass, make sure to pick up your feet, something MJ here never learned to do." He teased. Lynn smiled, amazed at how casual everything felt, like she wasn't just meeting her childhood hero for the first time, but an old friend.

"Yes sir." She said smiling at the look on MJ's face. Will shook his head.

"I'll have none of that. Call me Will." He said.

"Only if you call me Lynn." She said. He put his finger on his chin and began to stroke his beard.

"Um...Deal." He held out his hand and she shook it firmly.

"Are you done flirting with my apprentice?" MJ asked dully. Will and Lynn looked at him, then back at each other before bursting out in laughter. Lynn held her side as she laughed and Will tried to stop but only ended up gasping for breath.

"You're funny, MJ." Will said. Lynn was finally able to contain herself.

"So what brings this unexpected visit. The gathering is that way, you know." he said pointing west. MJ rolled his eyes.

"I know where it is. We came to see Young Bob." MJ said. Will nodded his understanding.

"Yes, I was over there three days ago visiting with some of my previous horses. Young Bob is grieving just as much if not more then me over the death of Bellerophen. It's been hard." Will said, the cheerfulness in his eyes suddenly disappeared as he remembered the times he spent with his very first rangers horse.

"For us all." MJ agreed.

"Well, how about Tug and I accompany you both and then we can head out to the gathering afterwards?" Will suggested.

"Splendid!" Lynn said. But while she was saying it, MJ shook his head.

"No!" He said. Lynn glared at MJ.

"Why not? The more ther merrier!" She said. MJ glared at her, but Will simply laughed.

"Why not Mik? Mad that you can't carry on the whole mentor ex-Apprentice pranks? I'm sorry, but I'd much rather travel in the company of this beautiful lady then you trying to attack me." Will said draping an arm over Lynn's shoulder blades.

"Fine." MJ growled. Lynn smiled and clapped her hands together.

"Alright, let's get packing then!"


Only one or two chapters left in this books. I'm going to contiune on with this series though. Not yet ready to let go of these characters. If you haven't heard, the next book will be called The Lost and the Hounds. I will have the first chapter written of that book before I publish the last chapter of this book so you all won't have to wait. Love you all!


The Ranger and the Thief (Book two of The Ranger and the Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now