Chapter Twenty Three

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The morning was peaceful as they rode quietly through the woods, taking a back woods trail to Young Bobs house. Lynn was seated firmly on top of their packs on the pack horse. The old horse was tired and didn't want to carry her weight around, but she had no choice. She tried to keep up with Maple and Tug, but failed, so Lynn lagged behind the to older rangers as they talked about ranger stuff she had yet to understand. Her mind began to wander as she thought about what her horse would be like. She had often heard MJ talking to himself in the stables. At first she thought he was going mad until she realized he was speaking to Maple. He continued on with the conversation usually, as if she was answering him also. Was it some mind connection? Was that why Will and MJ had refused to disclose any information about the rangers horse? The only thing she knew was that they were faster and more durable then any other horse, battle or farm.

Her mind seemed to wander a lot longer then she thought, because she was soon stopped abruptly by MJ when they reached an old shack like home and a large stable. They were greeted by several neighs. An old man hobbled out of the shack and smiled at them, embracing both Will and MJ.

"How are you Young Bob?" MJ asked the old man.

"Doing better Ranger MJ." He said. He turned to Lynn and smiled.

"You must be the un come to take my pretty little Angel away." He said. Lynn dismounted and smiled at the man.

"Is that her name?" She asked. He smiled and nodded his head.

"Come this way, I'll show ya too her." He said. She followed him over to a pen where three mares were grazing.

"Oi! Angel!" The shaggy gray mare with a white mane jerked up her head and let out a low nicker. "Come 'ere." Young Bob called to her. She trotted over to them, holding her tail and head up high to show how beautiful she was. Angel came up to the fence and nudged Young Bob with her nose. He smirked and gave her an apple. Young Bob tossed Lynn a halter and lead rope.

"Go get her." He said. She rose an eyebrow and slipped under the fence. Angel danced away from her and seemed to be laughing at her. Lynn bit her lip and glanced over to see MJ, Young Bob and Will watching her intently. She noted the apple barrel next to the stable and she quickly grabbed one, holding it out to Angel. She saw Will nod his approval and MJ had no emotion. Angel pricked up her ears and pranced over to her, allowing her to halter her as she munched happily on the apple. Lynn led the mare over to where the boys were watching her.

"Well done." Young Bob said. "Now let's get a saddle on that pretty mare and get you riding." He chuckled. He hobbled into the tack room and came out carrying a saddle and blanket. Lynn gave the mare a quick brush down then threw on the saddle blanket and saddle, tightening the girth and making sure all of the straps fit. She then fitted the bridle into place. Young Bob smiled at her.

"Well, go on then, get on her!" He said beaming. Lynn wanted to very badly, but the amused look on Will's face and the unreadable expression on MJ's made her question. The fact that catching the mare had been a test made her wonder whether or not this one was a test also.

"What's the catch?" She asked Young Bob. All three of them were caught off gaurd. MJ's facial expression slowly turned into one of surprise and Will's excitement faded into disappointment. Young Bob simply laughed and patted Lynn on the back.

"You picked a smart 'un, MJ." Young Bob grinned. "Rangers horses are trained to only allow people who know their code on. You only need to say it to her once, then she remember you forever. Angel here was trained to respond to 'Caedaigh dom?' Which is Celtica for..." She stopped him, smiling.

"Allow me? Yes I know. I am from Celtica, and it is my native language." She said patting Angels nose. Young Bob grinned.

"Angel was born there as well. She responds better to the language then the common one. That is good for you both." He said. Lynn turned to Angel and pulled down on her halter so she could reach her ear to whisper in 'Caediagh dom?' Angel let out a small rumble in her barrel chest and Young Bob nodded, gesturing for Lynn to proceed mounting the mare. Angel was completely relaxed. Lynn used her knees to hold onto her mare and gave her a light squeeze with her knees so Angel began to trot away from the stables. She squeezed harder and she began to canter. She felt so smooth underneath her as they rode as a team. Lynn moved with Angel so she wasn't simply dead weight. They were about a kilometre away from the stables within a minute. She turned her around smoothly and they rode back. She halted right in front of MJ and Will. She grinned as she slid down out of the saddle and patted the neck of the mare.

"Chomh álainn mar aingeal." Lynn whispered to her mare. Angel's ears flicked towards her at the sound of their native language.

"Great, Now I'll never get to understand what they are talking about." MJ pouted. Lynn smirked.

"If you really wanted to know, You can always ask. I simply said, 'as beautiful as an Angel." She said smiling. MJ bit his lip and avoided eye contact from her. Will patted MJ on the back.

"Thank you Bob. But we must get going now." Will said. Lynn climbed back into Angel's saddle and followed Tug and Maple out of the clearing.


The road to the gathering was a painful one since Lynn had not ridden a horse in over a year. Angel sensed her pain so tried to trot as smoothly as she could. MJ hadn't spoken since they left Young Bob's, three days before. It was mainly Lynn and Will who laughed and joked while MJ seemed to be pouting.

"Here is a good campsite. Best one we'll see the rest of the way." Will said dismounting Tug. The others followed his example and Will decided they could have a small campfire. Will and Lynn set out to gathering firewood while MJ prepared the meal. As they were walking through the forest, Will and Lynn were silent, always assuming they weren't alone. Better to assume the worst, so you are pleasantly surprised when things turn out better. Will had told her.

"He really likes you, you know." Will said, breaking their sudden silence. He had an armful of wood while Lynn was gathering the kindling.

"Who?" She asked.

"MJ. I've never seen him look at a girl the way he looks at you, and it's not just because you're his apprentice." He said. Lynn bit her lip and tried to think of words to say. She could feel her cheeks getting hot.

"Um...I'm sure it's nothing." she said. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you want to think, Lynn. Finish up, I'll meet you back up at camp." He said. Once he was out of sight, she sat down on a fallen log and stared at her hands. He liked her? But he couldn't! She was an apprentice! She let out a shuddering breath and was about to head back up to camp when something, or someone clamped a hand over her mouth and grabbed her waist. She tried let out a scream, but she couldn't because he held her firmly. She tried to kick him off, but two others joined him.

"Hurry, before the ranger returns." One of them said. Something was familiar about the strange purple cloaks they wore, all three of them. They almost looked like Ranger cloaks. They began to drag her away and she felt herself slowly slipping away as the man's hand didn't allow her to breath. Her vision turned black and everything was silent.


Angel let out a nervous neigh and walked to the edge of the forest, causing both MJ and Will to stand, giving each other nervous glances.

"Lynn?" MJ called out. No respond. "Lynnette?" Nothing. He grabbed his bow and ran into the forest, frantically searching for his apprentice. Will joined him and he stopped MJ where he last saw her. He felt his heart drop as he caught sight of a struggle and three new pairs of prints in the soft ground. Will went pale as he plucked a small piece of fabric off of a near by bush. The purple fabric was all to familiar.

"No!" MJ felt his heart pound as he recognized the fabric from the purple cloaks, the signature mark of the Genovesan. Some of the most deadly assassins.


Emmy was eating her porriage next to her uncle while he was reading through letters. He froze at one and she glanced up at him.

"What is it Uncle?" She asked. He seemed to read through the letter three more times before summoning a page boy. He handed the letter to him.

"Run as fast as you can and get this too the Mikkel family." He said. The boy nodded and ran out.

"What did that letter have to deal with Willy's family?" She asked. Erak swallowed hard before answering her.

"Skandias apprentice ranger, Lynn, has been captured by Genovesan assassins. They have asked for Willy and the Hounds help in recovering her. And Gorlog help them all."


THE END! Sorry for the cliffy! The next book should be up already. It is called the Lost and the Hounds. NO! LYNN! I hate doing this to her, but this idea got me out of my funk. Please keep reading and don't hate me for this loveys!


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