Chapter Twenty

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   Willy led his crew through the gate into the brotherband training field. They took a good look around at the familiar sight.

"Taking in the view so you remember it when you loose?" Came a voice behind Willy. He rolled his eyes, causing a few of the boys to laugh. "What are you laughing at?!?" Tristan demanded.

Willy slowly turned around to face Tristan.

"They are laughing at the look on your face that you'll have the day we win brotherband." Willy retorted. Tristan glared at him.

"I won't loose, Will." He said. Willy was about to respond when Sigurd approached, followed by the other two instructors, and a girl, who looks about sixteen, Willy's age.

"Alright, boys, listen up. Hal has resigned due to certain events that have occurred in the past month. So I have chosen a new instructor for the Hounds, This is Emilia. She will be your coach and go with you on your sea fairing tests." Sigurd said. Willy noticed how his crew was eyeing Emilia, and oddly, he found himself doing so himself.

"But a girl has never been an instructor before." Tristan scoffed. Sigurd glared at him.

"I'm in charge here. The Oberjarl approves of her, so she is not to be questioned." Sigurd said. He glanced up at the sun. It was almost noon. "Head back to your campsites and get ready for lunch. Hounds, take Emilia and show her around."

   The bands slowly began to head back to their camps. Willy had the Hounds stay for a little bit so they could talk to Emilia. She had bouncy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was fairly tall and slender, though she was about an inch smaller then Willy.

"Hello, I'm Emmy." She said smiling.

"I'm Willy, the skirl. This is my first mate, Quint, and here is the rest of the crew, Oilge, Dannie, Javat, Boyd, Grong, Kerk, and Farrel." He said introducing them all.

"So you have experience with sailing?" Boyd asked curiously. The pretty girl nodded.

"My great uncle takes me out whenever he can. He taught me everything there is to know." She said.

"Who is you're uncle? Do we know him?" Oilge asked. Emmy smirked.

"Yes, you know him, everyone knows him. He is Oberjarl Erak."


    Lynn couldn't help but smile as the arrow met it's mark. She lowered her bow and glanced over at MJ, who was sitting on the veranda. He was suppose to be going through reports, but he was watching her intently instead.

"Pull more with your shoulders, it'll take the stress off your bicepts." He said. She did as he told her, and she noticed the sudden change, noting how the string was significantly easier to pull back. She met her mark again, and glanced back at MJ for more instructions. Within three days, she had already shown massive improvement in all of the rangers weapons. MJ knew she was ready from the beginning and started her off the very next day. She was a natural in all of them.

   MJ stood and made his way over too her. He picked up his own long bow and drew an arrow from her quiver, notching it onto his string.

"Now that you have aim and draw down, I want you to limit yourself five seconds between each arrow." He said. He demonstrated by fire five arrows within five seconds of themselves. Lynn stared in amazement as he concentrated on his target, having them all fall within the same ring. "Your turn." He passed an arrow to her and she stared at it in horror.

"Five seconds?" She asked in disbelief. He nodded.

"Yes, I do believe that's what I said." He said smirking. She let out a shudder, trying not to focus on how cute he looked when he smirked. She notched in her arrow and drew and fired. She grabbed another and another as MJ counted. Once she had met five arrows, he stopped counting.

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