Chapter Seventeen

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  Willy was just finishing up making a bed when Lynn came in the room smiling.

"Thank you sir." She said, helping him smooth out any wrinkles in the sheets.

"May I ask what my brother wanted?" Willy asked. Lynn smiled again.

"He asked me to become his apprentice!" She squealed. Willy was shocked.

"Wow. Congratulations. I guess I'll be seeing more of you then. So call me Willy." He said. She nodded.

"Lynn." She said. He nodded and they walked out of the room together.



   Bente and Preston were walking down the corridors together when they heard a girl laughing, and Bente heard Willy's voice. They turned to corner to find Willy walking with a beautiful brunnette maid.

"Lynnette, are you finished with your chores?" Preston asked, with slight coldness in his voice. She nodded, still smiling. "Well go to Madam Louise, she is looking for you, and she didn't sound happy." He said. She rolled her eyes, much to Preston's disbelief.

"I'm now longer a maid. I handed in my notice five minutes ago. Willy here is just coming to help me pack." She said. She took Willy's hand and led him down the corridor the opposite direction. Bente felt a pang of jealousy as she saw Lynn take Willy's hand. She turned to Preston.

"I'll catch up with you later." She said. He nodded and left her. She walked swiftly after Willy and Lynn.


"It's still hard to believe." Lynn said. She and Willy were sitting on her bed as she folded some of her dresses.

"I didn't even know MJ was searching for an apprentice. You'll like Skandia. Cold winters, but beautiful Summers." He said.

"I've never left the country before though." She said. He took her hand a squeezed it lightly.

"You'll be fine." Just then there was a loud clatter down stairs and Willy groaned.

"I think that's for me. That means the boys are up." He said. She giggled and he stood. He said farewell and left her.

   Five minutes after Willy left her, Bente knocked on Lynns door. Lynn opened it and smiled at her.

"How can I help you malady?" She asked. Bente bit her lip.

"I...I just wanted to ask you to watch after Willy for me. I heard you are becoming MJ's apprentice. I love Willy very much, and if you could write me, and tell me how he is doing, I will be forever grateful." Bente said. Lynn's smile faded into a more serious face.

"Yes Malady. I'll write you as much as I can." she said. Bente let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much." She said. She then left Lynn to finish packing.


"Seriously? I leave you for five minutes and you break a priceless artifact?" Willy whisper-shouted at the Hounds. Kerk and Oilge were standing around the shattered plate looking guilty.

"Well I don't think they should put it on a stand in the middle of the room." Boyd said. Willy glared at him and they all froze as Hal came down stairs. He rolled his eyes as he saw the boys trying to cover it with their bodies by standing in front of it.

"I could dock points for this." He said. Willy gave him an innocent smile.

"But you won't, because you love me." Willy said. Hal rose an eyebrow.

"I thought you were my nephew, not my niece." He smirked. Willy glared at him. Hal draped his arm across Willy's shoulder blades. He grinned and tousled Willy's dark hair. "I'm just kidding you. I do love you Willykins!" He said pinching Willy's cheek. Willy glared at him again. The crew began to laugh, earning a glare for Willy as well. They continued to laugh until they heard Lord Flinchshire coming down the stairs. He eyed them curiously and was followed by Bente and Preston.

"What's going on down here?" Lord Flinchshire asked. He rose an eyebrow as he saw the shattered plate.

"It was an accident, M'lord. I will have my men clean up their mess this instant." Willy said. Lord Flinchshire simply smiled.

"I don't care about that blasted plate, lad! Good riddence, I couldn't stand the sight of it. It was my mothers, and she had horrible taste." Lord Flinchshire smiled. Willy could hear Kerk and Oilge sigh in relief. He flashed them a glare saying they were still in trouble. Preston scoffed in disbelief.

"Father! You can't let them do whatever they like! First they steal your maid, then they break Grandmama's plate?!? They get more freedom in this bloody house then I do!" Preston said to his father harshly. Lord Flinchshire glared at him.

"Preston, if Lynnette wants to become a ranger, then we let her. She deserves a better chance at life then a house maid. Going to Skandia is an amazing opertunity and if she wants to live there, I won't stop her, and as for the plate, I was planning on breaking it myself if she insisted on keeping it here any longer."He said. Preston glared at everyone in the room before stalking back up stairs. Willy let out a small sigh.

"Not to be rude, or anything, m'lord. but I think we should leave. If we are causing that much trouble, then we will seek housing else where." Willy said. Lord Flinchshire shook his head.

"Nonsense lad! If Preston wants to be a idiot, then let him, but he won't be the reason you boys leave this house."Lord Flinchshire said. Willy nodded his thanks and Lord Flinchshire and Bente left the room, leaving Willy to order the boys to clean up their mess.


    MJ was walking down the corridors when he heard a girl speaking in one of the rooms. He couldn't help but eavesdrop as he saw the open door.

"It's black magic, Lynn. They can disappear out of thin air, and shoot deadly arrows. Don't get involved in it, please!" MJ saw a girl around Willy and Lynn's age helping Lynn straighten up a room. Lynn glared at the girl.

"I don't think it is though, Lily. I think there is more to it. I have so many questions I want answered." Lynn said. Lily stopped her work and placed her hands on Lynn's shoulders, forcing her to look her in the eyes.

"I'm begging you, don't go, Lynn. Skandia is the most brutal country out there, besides Sorroco, of course." Lily said. Lynn said nothing. Lily dropped her hands and left the room, not noticing MJ as she turned the corner. MJ watched as Lynn sat down on the bed and stared at her hands. After a few moments, he pushed the door open and stepped in. Lynn stood quickly and smoothed out the sheets.

"You don't have to stand for me, Lynn." He chuckled. She let out a sigh and gave him a small smile before sinking onto the bed again. He sat down next to her and gingerly took her hand in his own. "What's wrong?" He asked. She bit her lip and looked up at him with a questioning look in her eyes.

"Is she right? Should I not go? I'm changing everything about my life, do I really want to do that?" She asked. He said nothing. He leaned over and kissed her on her soft cheek.

"Only one that can tell that is yourself." He whispered. He stood, letting her hand drop. He turned to leave her. He put his hand on the door knob before turning back to her again, with a slight smirk on his lips. "And there is no black magic involved in the rangers corps. It is scrictly skill and talent, talent that you have, and can benefit the world with." Then he left her in her thoughts.

The Ranger and the Thief (Book two of The Ranger and the Thief series)Where stories live. Discover now