my favorite newsies lyrics

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Everything in parentheses is my commentary btw🤪

Carrying the Banner
-Long as suckers don't mind payin' just to get bad news
-I don't need the limp to sell papes I got personality (awwwww Crutchie is such a cutie)
-If I hate the headline I'll make up the headline
-Newsies on a mission kill the competition

I Never Planned On You/Don't Come A Knocking
-Love at first sight's for suckers at least it used to be
-But I never planned on someone like you

The World Will Know
-When you got a hundred voices singin' who can hear a lousy whistle blow?
-Now they're gonna see what stop the presses really means
-And I lost my shoe (did he ever find his shoe?!)
-Pulitzer may own the world but he don't own us (When Christian Bale says this line in the movie I get so hyped)
-Either they gives us our right or we gives them a war
-And the things we do today will be tomorrow's news
-Try to walk all over us we'll stomp all over you (*starts stomping feet and banging pots and pans together*)
-Your world will feel the fire and finally know

Watch What Happens
-And who's there with her camera and her pen as boys turn into men (this line makes me sad because it makes me think about how fast the boys had to grow up)
-The fact is he's also the face of the strike, what a face, face the facts (I love that Katherine is like "this guy is really cute but he's also sarcastic and I have to be professional but he also really cute")
-No sir, we'll stay young forever

Seize The Day
-Courage is when we face our fears
-You're still our brothers and we will fight for you (Why say I love you when you could just say this?)
-Someday becomes somehow
-Proud and defiant we'll slay the giant
-Houston to Harlem, look what's begun (the way the say Houston makes me laugh every time)
-They're gonna see there's hell to pay
-Nothing can break us no one can make us quit before we're done

Letter From The Refuge
-But the food ain't so bad least so far, 'cause so far they ain't brung us no food ha, ha (*tears start to form*)
-Then Jack, I was thinking we might just go, like you was sayin' (*single tear rolls down cheek*)
-I'll be fine. Good as new. (*tries not to sob*)
-On the rooftop you said a fam'ly looks out for each other, so tell all the fellas for me to protect one another (*Niagara falls down my face *)
-Your friend, your best friend, your brother, Crutchie (*drowns in tears*)

Santa Fe
-Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and go! (Jeremy Jordan's emotion in this line kills me every time)
-No more running, no more lying
-I can't spend my whole life dreamin' though I know it's all I seem inclined to do
-Let 'em laugh in my face, I don't care
-Just be real is all I'm askin' not some paintin' in my head (*chokes back sobs*) 
-The entire song (honestly what do we do to deserve Jer Jor?)

King of New York
-Nobbin' with all muckety-mucks I'm blowing my dough and going deluxe (I have no idea what this means but I love it with all my heart)
-Ain't I pretty (yes Race you are indeed very pretty)
-Am-scray punk, she's the king of New York (whatever you say Race)
-So let's get drunk not with liquor fame works quicker (an all time favorite)
-Flashpots are shootin' bright as a sun I'm one highfallutin' son of a gun (I'm starting a petition to bring highfallutin' back into everyday language)
-Let'em ditch ya, snap one pit'cha

Brooklyn's Here
-We're from Brooklyn we are newsies we are Brooklyn newsies (so profound)
-Hey Manhattan, the calvary's comin'
-We'll get your pay back with some payback
-We'll kick you halfway to Queens
-They's a joke, but they thinks we're jokin'

Something To Believe In (Jack Kelly makes me have insanely high expectations for guys because of this song)
-"There was a way I could grab hold of somethin'. To make time stop so I can just keep on lookin' at you." (Nothing can top this. Nothing. Fight me.)
-"For sure?" "For sure." (My heart melts EVERY FRICKIN' TIME)
-That love will do what it does
-I have something to believe in now that I know you believed in me
-She gave me something to believe in
-And if I'm gone tomorrow what was ours still will be 

Once and For All
-There's change comin' once and for all
-In a few hours by dawns early light we'll be ready to fight us a war
-Write it in ink or in blood it's the same either way (alright edgelord)
-But we've got a promise to keep
-Once and for all if they don't find their manners we'll bleed 'em (Me standing on a chair screaming: Bleed 'em!)
-This time the union awakes, once and for all
-Once and for all they'll be blood on the wall if they doubt us
-"Keep your fingers crossed." "For us too." (*cries in 54 languages*)
-They think they're running this town, but this town will shut down with out us (I wish the Newsies were in my town)
-"Come on boys." (This line is after "'till once and for all you're gone" and idk who says it but it's so cute that they were all each other's cheerleaders)
-guitars at the end (ik this isn't a lyric but the music goes all guitar hero and I feel FRICKING MOTIVATED TO DO EVERYTHING)

-Don't take much to be a dreamer all you do is close your eyes
-They don't much matter if you ain't with me (ahhhh I can't breath)

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