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hey ! i know we don't
know each other besides
that fifteen minute talk we
had on the subway, but
december first, my best
friend and his friends are
visiting me and i don't
have much girl friends
to accompany me


basically i'm just
wondering if you
could come and
stop by for a few
hours? it's completely
okay if you can't. xx

READ 11: 56 AM

"what's fa' lunch?" trinity grabbed a breadstick, dunking it in the plastic cup filled with ranch. she didn't even pay no mind to derrick who rubbed his ashy ass hands together, running his tongue over his bottom lip. after all, he was diamond's friend, not hers.

"get out here," diamond mugged the light skinned boy, pushing his hands away from the warm pizza box. he smacked his plump lips together.

"let me get a piece," he threw his arm around her shoulders, crouching down to the level of the desk she was seated at, "i deadass haven't ate all day," he reached again, but flinched when diamond went to slap his hand away.

"i deadass don't care," she emphasized.

he smacked his lips again, then smirked, ready to try a different approach.

"aye, whats good with chu' ma," he walked a few steps over, throwing his other arm around trinity. the strong stench of musk engulfing her sense of smell, "lemme get some of ya' wings, yeah?" he questioned.

trinity rolled her eyes, pulling out one of her airpods and shutting her screen off, "here," she tossed a slice of pizza into her half finished wing box from dominos, adding in a breadstick and a thing of ranch. "now take ya' hungry ass on. always begging fa' shit," she pushed his arm from around her shoulders.

"damn trin," derrick played like he was hurt, "i didn't know it was like that," he sat in the empty desk next to theirs, going ham on the slice of pizza.

"i don't even know you," she rose a naked brow. makeup was never for her, but she was damn good at it when she wanted it to be. plus it she had been late to school the past few days and just gave up on rushing on her pretty face. "and my name is trinity,"

"aye, if you friends with any of the people i fuck with, then consider us friends," he chewed obnoxiously on his food, holding his hand out for a dap. trinity looked at the wing sauce that glazed his fingers, letting out a tuh under her breath.

"mr. smith, leave my babies alone," miss. lopez walked in from the back room, a steaming pot of soup in her hands. she was the lit ass spanish teacher everybody had spent their free period in. as long as your quiet and entertaining yourself, your welcomed in her class for as long as you'd like. she'd even fake a pass if you were that special to her.

"miss-" derrick started until miss. lopez gave him that look.

"how long till lunch is over?"

trinity unlocked her phone, muttering the time which was now twenty five after twelve. just before derrick had came over, begging for food, she was about to text charlotte and let her know what was up.

she could remember meeting charlotte on a subway that one time she was in brooklyn. charlotte was just a petite little white girl surrounded by wanna be gangsters and thugs. trinity took it upon herself to conversate with her so she wouldn't look so uptight and also so none of these jawns tried to buck at her.

she found out she was studying out in new york city, but lived in la with her best friend. trinity even threw in a petty comment about her outfit just to keep the conversation going. charlotte then suggested they traded numbers and she had agreed, thinking charlotte would never text her.



yeah sure


i have another
friend whose down
to come too of that
aight w/ you and
your friends


yeah, thats perfect
and i'll text you the
address after i'm
done with hw


say less

"diamond, clear your schedule tomorrow because we're going to a christmas party,"

"ooh, can i-"

"no," both diamond and trinity denied derrick who rolled his eyes, but continued eating his savaged food.


so i had a hard time
trynna start this. but
lemme get some things
clear first lmao. im from
cali, neva been to nyc, but
i mess with their slang and
wanted to create a new york
character so if my slang is like
cringy or over doing it, IM SO
SORRY. lmaoo. alot of the slang, i
use, but it probably has a different
meaning but oh well lmao. but
yea, enjoy my 'christmas' special.

diamond is diamond white btw
and that nigga derrick is a
random till i find a face claim
for him lmaooo.

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