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"enjoy your day ladies," the patrol in the front office dismissed the girls, sending them a small smile as they exited the school building into the cold air.

"alright, i'll meet you when you get back home," diamond was about to walk away, till trinity grabbed a hold of her arm.

"i forgot to tell you, your coming with," she said, looking around for brandon. they were let out always an hour and thirty minutes before the regular students, so it shouldn't be this hard to find them.

"why would i third wheel?"

"oh shut up,"

from a distance, she could notice all the boys walking up. well, if it weren't for edwin hyping up zion so loud, she wouldn't have seen them straight away.

"c'mon," trinity began walking towards them, making eye contact with a smiley brandon.

he looked extremely good even though his fit was pretty simple. he had on some type of puma shoes, all black pants and an all black hoodie. the hood rested on his head along with an orange beanie. he also had a little black and orange flame shoulder bag.

she almost smiled back, till she noticed charlotte walking amongst the group, taking in her surroundings.

"headass!" zion happily yelled, opening his arms for a hug to which trinity accpeted with a smile. he let go, eyes wandering to diamond who had just got done giving edwin a hug, "hey diamond,"

trinity gave everyone a hug including charlotte. she didn't want to make nothing obvious. if she was gonna' take her mans she was gonna be nonchalant about it.

"so i guess we can take the one twenty five throughout, it'll just take us like twenty minutes to get to times square," trinity said and everyone agreed since she was in charge of today's shenanigans.

"we can walk the ten minute walk or just call an lyft to drop us off," she gave suggestions.

"uber," almost everybody said in unison.

"so your tryna' tell me all new yorkers ain't defensive and always want to be right?" zion asked, knowing damn well it's true.

trinity laughed, already feeling defensive, "no! i mean yes there are some that are ready to buck any where any time, but the people i associate myself with aren't," she said.

zion shook his head, "i can't fuck with y'all new york people," he said, "i can fuck with y'all slang and y'all food, but y'all are too crazy," he played with a purple dread at the front of his head.

"i'm not that bad," she cocked her head to the side, giving him a sweet smile.

"you're actually horrible," diamond butted in, "the absolute worst,"

they laughed at her, knowing she was only joking.

"i'm innocent," she grinned fully, dimples peeking through.

"awh," brandon cooed, poking his finger into her dimple repeatedly.

"don't fall for it," diamond warned.

"he already has," edwin made a face, his eyes going wide as he looked else where, pretending as if he didn't just say that.

they had only been on the mobile for about ten minutes, another ten to go. there was barely anyone which wasn't surprising because they were at work or in school.

"so what's the plans?" charlotte asked.

"i could go for a bacon egg and cheese, but i already ate just morning so if y'all want food we can something. times squarw isn't as lit during the day though i'm sure we'll find something to do,"

"if times square wasn't as lit then what were you and brandon gonna' do?" austin asked. he never really asked her anything or even spoke to her which was odd.

she shrugged, "what do people normally do on a date?" she said sarcastically.

"you were taking her on a da-"

charlotte was cut off by edwin, "get to know ewch other," edwin said, answering the question, oblivious to her sarcasm.

"no shit," trinity laughed.

"his birthday is coming up," zion wiggled his brows, "give my boy something special, yeah?"

she smirked, glancing up at brandon who looked back at her, "brandon already knows wassup,"

"do i really?" he rose a brow.

"damn right," she grinned, "lookin' all daddy-ish," she gassed. he laughed, the other boys actually taken back by her random ass comment.

"i forgot to mention," zion pointed his finger and squinted his eyes at trinity, "y'all new york females be wylin' out,"


lmao, hey.

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