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"i can't believe you kissed him," diamond laughed on the other end of the line, still remember the shocked look on brandon's face.

trinity laughed as well, but as best as she could since she had been getting sick these past few days. school was really stressing her out along with the cold whether and she recentlt found out some news about her father she wasn't to happy about either.

"i was like should i go for it cause i know he was indecisive at the moment, but like two days ago he rold me he went tk see charlotte and she tried to make a move on him but he denied her for me," she told diamond.

"i feel like they've fucked before,"

trinity laughed, then it turned into fits of coughs, "sis, i feel that way too!" she said, happy that somebody fianlly said that shit so she didn't have too.

"and what time is he coming over?"

"after moms goes to work," she said. she wasn't going to school today and tomorrow because her mom called her out for excused absences. but her mom had to go into hella details on how she couldn't go out or have anyone in, not even brandon.

"damn, you bout' to get some dick," diamond cheered, "just don't get pregnant cause im too young to be a godmom," trinity could imagine diamond shaking her head a d rolling her eyes.

"shut up, ain't nobody gettin' nothing today,"

"whatever you say missu," diamond sighed, "call me whenever he leaves so you can spill the beans. i just got into class," she informed.

"of course. bye baby,"

"goodbye my love, feel better " diamond hung up first.

a few minutes later her momma came knocking on the door, "i'm leaving for work, nana is still sleep and she will be so try not to cough so loud unless you want her in here cooking up remedies," she said, "i'll be back by four maybe five," her mother shut the door.

that's when she sent brandon a text to let him know to come within the next twenty minutes.

trinity grabbed his hand, tip toeing through the house and upstairs to her room where she closed the door behind him.

"i feel like i'm in high school," brandon said lowly.

trinity chuckled, slightly coughing, "i just don't want to wake my nana up although she's won't snitch cause my nana is cool like that," she said, bringing him to sit on her bed.

"nana," he mocked her, laughing at the simple fact that it was cute she called her grandma that.

"shut up," she giggled, hitting his arm.

he smiled, reaching over her body to lay her on her back and snuggle up into hee neck. she giggled once more, hands reaching up to rake the beanie off his head, and run her fingers through his wavy locks.

"i wish i wasn't sick," she pouted.


"the fuck you mean why? i highkey wanna kiss the shit out of you, but i don't want you to get sick as well," she said, almost eager.

"who says i care," he laughed.

she smirked, "just know i'm not kissing you first, just incase you flip the script and blame me for getting you sick," she shrugged.

he lifted his head up, "fine by me," he placed his lips to hers, feeling her instantly respond back. her fingers combing through his hair some more, to which he moaned into mouth.

she smiled into the kiss, leaving him no choice but to pull away with a grin on his own face, "what?"

"your real cute," she muttered.

he pecked her lips, falling to the other side of her bed upaginst the wall.

"tell me more about your family,"

trinity sighed, "well you know my mom is white and my dad is mixed with black a filipino. even though my mom is white, she grew up around my dad's mom and dad who i call my nana and my pops who passed just two years ago,"

"oh, i'm sor-"

"don't be," she grabbed his hand, "i've only ever met him once and i was like four i think,"

"anyway, my nana is my ride or die. she stuck alongside me when i started acting out and made me realize a lot of the shit i was doing wasn't worth it and that i should never take my own muva' for granted cause i did,"

he smiled a little at her slang.

"my dad is actually coming in the day you guys leave, but he's here tomorrow to take a look at the house he's planning on getting cause' he moving back to harlem for good,"

brandon knew her father wasn't in her life and left her mother for some one else, so hearing that must of been hard for her. he squeezed her hand, bringing it up to peck her smooth skin.

"i sadly have no full blood siblings, and i don't mean to sound mad rude, but i have an older brother and sister on my dads side who i don't care for," she shrugged.

"but enough of that depressing shit before i get in my feelings," she turned onto her side to face brandon, "i wanna know more about you,"


i really needa edit my
books lmao.

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