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"now i really don't want you to go," trinity pouted, eyes swelling up with tear as she rocked back and forth on her feet.

it was currently maybe eight a.m now december twentieth and here she was dressed in only an extra large, white fruit of the loom shirt and a pair of boxer briefs with her mini ugg botts to keep her feet warm.

the airport wasn't as crowded, but it had just enough peoppe running around. the other four sat down, bickering over small things which resolved in diamond and charlotte calming them down.

brandon micked her pout, grabbing her hands. they stood up, facing each other, only because they wanted a few minutes of privacy. ever since the gang found out they were dating and trinity went to spemd time with brandon after class, they would come in and bombard the couple with all these questions.

diamond was happy for her best friend, even though everyone seen it coming. it wasn't a big deal to her, seeing ad she was dealing with her own problems, she has yet to tell trinity, but in the end, she was there for her.

charlotte was sad of course. it wasn't exactly funny, but when she walked in on a half naked trinity giving her ex crush and current best friend a blow job, her face made trinity giggle.

"i'll be back in like a week maybe," his fake pout turned into a smile, staring down at the girl he can finally call his.

"a week too long," thank god she wasn't wearing makeup because a few tears began to fall down her face.

"awe," brandon went to instantly wipe her face, "i promise i'll be back. atleast you have edwin with you," he pointed at the blue haired boy who was recording himself, most likely for his instagram story.

"yeah, but i can't kiss him," she groaned. brandon laughed, capturing her lips in a quick kiss.

"you never explained who those boys were on your story though?" he scrunched his brows.

"so my dad's girl had a son by a white man of course and she's white herself, so that is my step brother i  guess you could say," she sighed, "he's in a band as well and thise were his bandmates. all he did was invite me to a small gig and get to know them,"

he decided to hold off, "i think it's time for you, the other girls and edwin to go," he picked up the carry on bah he had.

trinity pouted, feeling even more sad, "are you mad at me now," she whined. not to mention her cycle had just started and she's emotional every fifteen seconds.

brandon chuckled, "of course i'm not mad," he slung the carry on duffle bag onto his shoulder and grabbed her face with both of his hands, "i just don't want you to start crying out of no where and guilt trick me into staying," he said, which would never happen, but he really did want them to go because guarantee trinity would cry.

"i'm not going to cry," she pushed his hands away, sniffing back her tears.

"okay, miss im the big bad wolf from harlem," he air quoted his words, "let's go,"

"love me first," she whined, gripping onto his neck just for her small frame to climb his body and latch on. at this point be didn't have to hold her, her hair clouding his vision as she rested her face in the crook of his neck to place kisses.

"now really isn't the time trin," he laughed, his hands going around her waist to try and pull her off of him.

she pulled back to place her lips to his. it was a slow, but meaningful kiss. one that'll leave brandon remembering.

she moved her head back just enough to break the kiss "i swear to god if i catch you boo'd up with another girl i will deadass beat you and that jit hoe up," she pecked his lips a few more times before jumping down to go and say her goodbyes.

first was austin who distanced himself a couple seats away. she decided to come up behind him and wrap her arms around his neck into a light hug, "i'll miss you blondie,"

ever since she found out he used to have long hair and would dye it blonde, the nickname blondie stuck and he didn't mind since she wasn't the first to ever call him that.

"i'll miss you too shortie," his hands rested on her hands, a smile on his face.

she kissed his cheek, moving on to nick who was chatting with diamond.

"i can't believe i'll actaully miss your nosey ass," trinity laughed, giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek as well.

"please, you'll miss me more than brandon watch," he boasted, but then laughed knowing it wasn't true, "but i'll miss you too trin,"

"nah, she'll miss her headass more," zion said suddenly, swiping trinity off her feet and spining her in a circle.

"aye!" brandon yelled, catching the attention of some other soon to be passengers, "put the girlfriend down," he said in a threatening tone.

"this was my headass before your girlfriend," zion kissed his teeth, but let trinity back onto her feet, only for her to nearly knock him over in a bear hug.

"shut up, you fat head," she mumbled, "but i will miss you," she laughed.

he smiled in victory, wrapping his arms around her.

"what about me?" edwin pouted.

"edwin, your literally dropping me off at home and then going to your moms house," trinity laughed.

"but i wanna' feel loved too,"


we back on
traaaack :)))

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