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"i've been meaning to talk to you,"

diamond took a seat on the trinity's bed, ignoring the fact that her friend was dressed in only a pair of boy short panties from pink with a plain black bra. trinity stood in her vanity, using the scrunching method to towel dry her curls.

"about what?" trinity turned to look at diamond in the face. she lookes pretty drained.

"so remember how me and zion went out and the date was cool, but i wasn't really feeling him like that?" trinity hummed to let her know she remembered, "and how austin was supposed to stay till the extra two days to take me out?" trinity hummed again.

"well. the night you and brandon left and did what y'all did, i actually lost my virginty to austin that same night," she trailed off.

trinity's naw dropped, "bitch! why didn't you tell me sooner?!" she was shocked because diamond had always said she would never give her virginity to just anybody. if anything, trinity expected her to give it to zion.

"because," diamond whined, covering her face. "i don't know wheter to be ashamed of myself and cry or get over it and move on," her voice cracked.

"oh honey," trinity pouted, making her way over to diamond. she wrapped her arms around her friend in her half naked glory and began to comfort diamond, "i can always see his intentions with you. if he fucked you over then you know i got your back," she didn't know much about austin, but he seemed like such a sweetheart from the outside.

diamond nodded, "please. i really want to get to know him, but i also don't want zion to feel some type of way either,"

trinity smacked her lips, "my headass will live just fine. that was just a date to see where things would go and plus he's a flirtatious flirt around pretty girls. austin is probably the better fit for you relationship wise and not talking wise. i can definitely talk to him for you without the other boys knowing," she informed diamond.

"thank you," she gave trinity a quick smile, "now please put on some clothes. as amazing as your boobs feel against my arm, i don't think brandon would appreciate it one bit,"

"he can be jealous all he wants. you were mine first," trinity placed a sloppy kiss on diamond's cheek. they both bursted into fits of giggles.



hey austin


i don't want to come off
as so straight forward, but
i want you to know diamond
did tell me what happened on
my baby's birthday and she's
not upset, but just confused and
i want to know your intentions
with her. that's my best friend
and i want whats best for her


i figured this would
happen lol, but i do
like her and i told her
i would be back


i couldn't stay
cause after the holidays
we're working on a new


i hope you aren't
creeped out or anything
lol. i told her you would be
good for her, but i think you
should call her later on tonight
because she's currently in my
bed contemplating about


geez, was i that bad 😂


LOOOL. i deadass want
details on what went down


we definitely need to
talk more, but ill hit you
up when diamond isn't
around cause she's getting
suspicious 💀


ofc 😂



ok. so i got the motivation
to start back writing again
but the thing is, with this
story, it'll still be Decemeber
2018-January 2018 cause im
so far behind.

im really sorry about just
disappearing btw lmaoo.
thanks for the plenty of
reads tho, even tho im
trash 💓

YALL !!! this was supposed
to upload but the app started
bugging and it NEVER posted

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