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the past two hours had been oddly one of the best moments trinity had in a while. she never knew eating out with a group of idiots would be so fun. they had just got done eating and been out just walking around until trinity had to take a break since she had stuffed herself with so much food.

at the moment, they all sat in an area meant for outside dinning. trinity sat further away from them, admiring how diamond enjoyed herself, zion with an arm around her shoulders as he mumbled something for her to hear, poking the side of her cheek.

"mind if i join?"

she turned her head towards the voice, seeing brandon with his hands shoved in his pockets. she shook her head, face scrunched at the winds that caught her off guard.

"i'm sorry for char," he brought up, "i now know why everyone keep saying she likes me," he said. they had been best friends forever and told each other everything, but clearly char skipped out on something important.

"yeah, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway," she said dryly.

"are you mad? because i really do want to get to know you," he said quickly, "i have no problem talking to charlotte," he added, glancing at trinity.

"no, i'm not mad," she laughed, scooting herself closer to him, "i'm also not about to fight over you cause' i'll end up hurting her feelings," she had to put that out.

"i don't want to sound fucked up, but i'll choose you over her," he said, "i mean we've known each other for like four days, but your different and i think that's why i'm so attracted to you,"

"same," trinity dragged her letters, shocked that he said what she was just thinking to herself.

"i don't want to hurt anyones feelings,"

"my feeling couldn't get hurt," she shrugged, "i can always deal with being friends and plus i don't think i could get away from my headass if i tried," she laughed, looking over at zion who was in a playful arguement with austin.

"i actually do want to takw you out still," he squinted one eye, "like alone,"

"that sounds great," she smiled, "just try not to mention it to anybody,"

he laughed, "i'll try not to,"

"okay but if you add a drop of water into water, then that water doesn't become magically wet!" zion yelled, irritated with the two girls. they were currently on their way back into harlem to take the girls home and some how jumped into this random

"now i'm confused," diamond scrunched her brows, looking at trinity who was confused as well.

"water isn't wet,"

"water is wet,"

"how?! water can only make things wet," zion said.

"if water can make things wet then it might as well be wet," trinity pointed out.

"nah, ca-"

"alright! water isn't wet, we get it z," diamond just ended the altercation.

"yeah, cause y'all know i'm right," he boasted.

"nah, cause we know yo' ass ain't gone shut up," she corrected him, earning laughs from everyone, even a few people on the subway who listened into their friendly debate.

"i know what i'm talking about," he kissed his teeth, upset at tbe fact that no one agreed with him.

"alright guys,"

they all huddled outside trinity's apartment, the lights on meaning that her mother was up or either her nana. everone apart from her and charlotte had been waiting for an uber to come. charlotte had called her own uber when theh first got here, wishing everyone a goodbye and mentally noting to text trinity.

the uber was only two minutes away, so she had decided to say her own goodbyes and head inside.

of course she hugged diamond first and let her know to text her if zion tried anything when they dropped her off at her mom's place.

then she hugged everyone else who fell into line. nick, edwin, austin and zion who thought it would be funny to nearly suffocate her in a tight ass hug.

finally there was brandon.

"i'll walk you up," he pointed to her stoop with his head since it was near dark and so cold that his hands never left his pockets.

so they walked in silence to the top of the few steps.

"make sure you text me," trinity reminded him. she didn't expect one tonight, but hopefully tomorrow some time, just so they could talk.

"oh i will," he smiled.

she tried to hold a straight face, but smiled anyway, going in for the hug.

her jacket was unzipped, so he took the chance to wrap his arms around her frame as her arms linked around his neck, "your so warm," he said in a husky tone.

"yeah and your hands are mad cold, now let go," she joked. he chuckled, ending the hug with a light squeeze.

feeling bold, trinity lifted herself onto her tip toes and placed a pop kiss onto his lips which were slightly chapped, but still managed to feel super soft.

she could hear the other hooting from the sidewalk which made her laugh and shake her head. brandon himself stood there with a smirk on his face, kind of shocked.

"text me," she reminded him again, opening up the front door she had told her mom to unlock since she was on the way back.

he nodded, raising a brow as he watched her enter the small space with a slick grin on her face.


finally i wrote it.
i had a chapter planned
and hates it so i came with
this one last minute :(
excuse any major
mistakes lmaooo

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