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"merry christmas dad," trinity muttered as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. she side hugged him, feeling him hug her tighter into his side as he wished her a merry christmas a well.

"merry christmas guys," she mentioned to grace, her younger half brothers and her step brother. they all sat on the sofa, waiting for the gift receiving and opening to happen. she wasn't used to waking up at midnight to open gifts because her mom always made her wait till the actual morning when the sun was out.

everyone wished their merry christmases to one another.

"let's start," grace was the first to fo, giving khalil a gift and then searching for one to give to isaac. her dad picked up a medium sized gift, handing it to corbyn.

trinity sighed, going a head to search for her own gifts. it took a minute, but she was able to dig out a small box with her name written in plain hand writing along with mentioning that it was from grace.

she dug around some more, politely setting the gifts that belonged to everyone else around their area. she only had three, but it was the thought that counted.

she managed to sneak away back to her room while the family cheered out about the new things they had got. she arrived at her room where she shut and locked her door as quiet as possible.

first, she opened up the gift from grace. it was just a gift card to forever21 and two twenty dollar bills and two fives folded down perfectly. she reminded herself to thank her later and moved on to the next.

a nike jacket from macy's. she only knew because the receipt was laid ontop probably just incase she wanted to return in for something else or a different size. it was from khalil and isaac, most likely her dad instructed them to pick something out for her.

the last one was from ber dad, but just as she pulled the paper off, she could hear knocking at her door. she didn't realize she her eyes were flooded with tears until she blinked and they began to roll down her face. all she could do was quickly wipe her face and open the door.

"we just finished up and i noticed you were gone," her dad smiled widely, but soon his face fell when he noticed her red eyes, "what's wrong?" he frowned.

she shook her head and sniffed, "nothing dad, i'm okay," she walked back to ber bed and continuted to open up the gift in ber hand. whatever it was, was boxed in a pandora box. she smiled.

"are you sure? i know i haven't been the best dad around, but i want you to know that i am here for you and you can tell me anything," he watched her take off the lid to the box.

"i'm fine, i promise," she lifted up the shining sterling sliver and rose gold chain, remember that this was something she brought up to him ages ago when they were on hood terms. he promised one day he would get and here we are now. "it's beautiful,"

"i may be old, but i remember a couple things," he laughed. he pulled out a stack of cards from his pocket, "here's a few gift cards. i don't know your style so i just went around and added some money on cards,"

she set the box on her bed aling with the gift cards and gave her father a hug. it took a while for him to process that his daughter was actually hugging him when just a few months ago, she told him she wanted nothing to do with him as long as he continued to act stupid.

trinity was very vocal with him and he could understand. he wasn't the father figure he needed to be at the time and put a lot of stress on her mother as well as her. but trinity cleaned her self up pretty well and he could tell she attempted to be nice as timed which is all that mattered.

"thank you pops," she pulled out if the hug and sighed. "i guess i should talk to you about my life and let you know what's going on," she took her seat back in the bed and patted the spot next to her.

"of course i want to know, but i don't want to have ro force you into telling mw anything," her dad took the seat.

"no it's fine," trinity cross her legs, "i have a boyfriend and he stays in los angeles," she started.

"we met through a friend of mine around the beginning of the month. diamond and i started hanging out with his friends, cause' they're in a band or whatever and we all just click on different levels," she informed him.

"wait, so you barely know this guy?"

"yes, but if mom is learning to trust me, then i think you should too," she said, "anyway he recently went back home so we are long distance, but we facetime almost everyday and he text me to check up on me and vice versa,"

"have y'all..?"

"yes we have dad," trinity rolled her eyes, "anyway, he's coming back next week and he always tells me how he wants to meet you before he takes me back to la after i finish getting all my credits the week after new years," she rushed out.

"back to los angeles?" her dad asked, shocked.

"yes. mom has to think about it, but you know how she is. she'll agree on certain terms," trinity said.

her dad sighed and rubbed the wrinkles in his forehead, "well i know you don't think i have much to say, but i do think it's a little suspect, but if your mom is thinking on it then your right, i have no reason but to trust your decision," he said.

trinity squealed, reaching over to wrap her arms around her dads neck. it's been a while since she had opened up to him about her life willing, so it felt good to have him there again to vent. "i love you,"

"i love you too trin,"

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