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"happy birthday!"

trinity's raspy voice rang through brandon's phone. he smiled at the short video clip, turning the volume up even high just to satisfy his need of hearing her voice.

"i know i sound like death, but i'm still coming out to see you tonight. i just wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday," she laughed, "it's like 11:58 and i'm sending this at 11:59 so it can get to you by midnight," she made a cute face while figuring out her statistics.

the video clip ended of her blowing a simple kiss, wishing him one more happy birthday. the video was sent exactly nine hours ago, being that it's now nine a.m.

he would probably still be sleep, but edwin had barged in to wish him a happy birthday followed by everyone else.

the only plans he had was to stay inside his hotel room and have a few drinks since it's been a while. charlotte would most likely come over and he expected trinity to be here as well.

just as he was about to close his eyes for some extra sleep, his door creaked open and in came edwin with a mini cupcake.

"happy birthday babe,"

"shut up," brandon rolled over to his side, disregarding the cupcake and edwin who giggled to himself.

"i was thinking i could give him that one jacket i got, but never wore cause it was too big," trinity said to diamond who laid on her bed, taking down a few of her box braids to redo them just to kill time.

"enough about him, what about my birthday?" diamond sassed.

"your birthday is january first my love," trinity laughed. she didn't know that the boys had planned to celebrate them both tonight while they were all in town.

"but yeah, that jacket is a cute idea,"

trinty nodded, going to find the black moncler jackets that was super expensive.

"when does the party start again?"

"it's no set time, but i think he mentioned something about going over a friends house so they wouldn't dusturb people in the hotel,"

"what time are we leaving?"

"it's already almost eleven, i'm gonna take some drugs and go back to sleep for a little bit then get ready around five i guess," she shrugged.

she placed the jacket into the plain black birthday bag she had bought ahead of time and decided to make it pretty later. she took the ibuprofen off her desk and the half full water bottle and popped two 400 miligrams to ease her headache quicker.

she climbed over diamond towards the back wall of her bed, plugged her phone on the charger and gor comfortable under the blankets.

"if you aren't going to sleep then wake me up around five," she told diamond who nodded, braiding down the final braid she decided to take out.

"isn't haley waiting on us?"

zion questioned, scrolling through his instagram feed, liking a few post here and there.

"trinity and diamond are coming right n-"

just then, there was a knock at the door and he knew it was trinity when he heard her laugh at something diamond had said.

he grabbed whatbhe needed; his phone and his car keys, slipped his feet into his favorite pair of vans and then called for the boys to hurry up.

he opened the door up, a smile coming to his face when he noticed trinity. her outfit was plain and simple. she wore a dark grey crop top that stopped at about the top of her belly button. it was probably long sleeve, but he couldn't tell due to the light blue puffer jacket over top. she had on a pair of black sweats that were very wide legged and baggy, but cuffed perfectly over her balcenciaga sneakers that were roughed up.

"stop staring at me as if i looked good and give me a hug," she laughed, reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck. he hugged her back and when they pulled away, he gave diamond a side hug and a quick happy early birthday.

diamond being diamond, luckily didn't get the memo that brandon wasn't supposed to say anything and mumbled a thank you.

"if y'all are coming then hurry up. i'm going to the car," brandon yelled slightly into the room, then closed the door as they walked out to the lot together.

"happy birthday!" trinity suddenly yelled, attacking him in a bunch of kisses as they exited the lobby of the hotel.

it caught him off guard, making him stumble over as he bent down to meet her level of height so she wouldn't drag him down forcefully by the grip she had on him.

he chuckled, placing a peck onto her lips, "thank you," he pecked her lips one more time before pressing the unlock button on the car.

it was just now when he noticed the giantic black bag she had sat down on the passenger side floor as she got in the car. white tissue paper covered the top so it was hard to see what was inside, buf he chose to ignore it.

then a few moments later, nick and austin appeared at the car, sliding in the next to diamond who looked at trinity to help her.

she ended up going out with zion and really enjoyed herself, but now austin wants to actaully stay an extra few days so he could take her out on a proper date and get to know her.

trinity pretended not to see diamond and mentally took a sip of tea. she had a feeling there was going to be some type of drama tonight.


yall why is brandon single
LMAO and its not a bad thing.
like they're ALL single now.
my TWO lanes are finally single.
anyways tomorrows update
will be a recap of his birthday.
so lemme just take the time
to say happy birthday to my
first lane loool. i haven't been
a stan that damn long to know
every little detail, but i do enjoy
this fandom and their music and
them as people a whole ass lot

anyways go check put jello :)))

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