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"corbyn is about ten minutes away," momma peeked her head into trinity's room, watching her daughter apply to little bit of mascara to her naked eyelashes.

"alright, i'll be down,"

she had just got out of school and straight away had to freshen up so she could make it to her now step brother's gig he invited her to. ontop of dinner with brandon later at around eight.

she finished off her last mascara coat, going to apply a thick layer of gloss over her lips. she actually felt pretty decent today.

she had on her classic brown ugh boots with a pair of white slightly ripped jeans and a baggy knit sweater that matched the color of her uggs.

her hair was styled in a messy bun to which she pulled out bits of curly pieces and even added some edge control to her side burns to get that crips curl. her edges weren't exactly working at the moment, so she threw on a white knit headband with a knot detailing to hide those imperfections.

after adding her gloss, she dropped it into her small bag and decided to grab a hefty jacket incase it gets cold where ever he was taking her.


she knew that was her cue so she grabbed her phone, her bag and her jacket and exited the room.

as she came down the stairs, she was met with corbyn and four other pairs of eyes.

she smiled, giving corbyn a side hug.

"i just wanted your mom to meet the guys that'll have you for the next few hours," he chuckled.

"oh, it's cool. i'm trinity by the way," she introduced herself. she might as well.

"i'm jack, " the one with curly hair lifted his hand to wave, "that's daniel, jonah and zach," he pointed out.

she waved to them, then turned to her mother, "i'll be back like maybe an hour and an half before we go to dinner," she kissed her mom on the cheek and mentioned everyone to go outside.

they all piled up into the sort of mini van car. jonah was driving, corbyn passenger. zach was in the far back and in the middle row of seats it was daniel, trinity and then jack.

"so, do you guys do anything special?"

"i mean," jack shrugged, "we sing,"

"i can knit," jonah said.

trinity chuckled, "instrument wise,"

trinity wondered how all of a sudden she is meeting such great performers in her life. first it was prettymuch and now it's why don't we.

on the way to this small cafe, she really got to know everyone and to her surprise, they were all an open book around her. jack had to be favorite so far only because he's made her laugh the most, but daniel was a close second. only because he was shy, but it was cute.

when they got here, they had to rush because they were a little late, but trinity just took a random booth near the back and ordered a coffee to drink in the mean time.

and when the sound of bomb as voices filled her ears, she almost fell in love. they were definitely different from what she normally listened to, but it was actually decent enough for her to play on a daily basis. she figured the song was called 8 letters because it was most repeated.

then they went on the sing one more with trinity recording them to add to her instagram story for later memories.

"that was so much better than i expected," she said, scooting over to allow the boys to pile in next to her and also fil the other side.

"thanks?" zach laughed, confused.

"no, like i thought you guys could sing of course. but you beat my expectations which were already pretty high," she complimented.

"again," daniel chuckled, "thanks?"

trinity scoffed, hearing them all laugh, "just take the compliment and move around," she joined in the laughter.

"so, corbyn's step sister," jack cleared his throat. he had been calling her that the whole maybe two hours they had been out.

"yes, jack?" she rolled her eyes, a smile dancing acorss her face.

"you've been living in new york for about seventeen years, correct?"

"very correct," she confirmed.

"your dad and his mother met a few years ago, correct?"

"correct again," she nodded.

"how come we've never met you?" he wondered.

"usually when my dad visits with his other family, him and my mother aren't on good terms and when they aren't, i prefer not to see him if my moms not happy with him," she shrugged.

corbyn held a hand over his heart, "other family," he mocked as he pretended to be hurt.

"yeah," trinity shrugged again.

"well step sis," he threw an arm around her shoulder, "i just want to let you know i'll probably be annoying you every other day along with these dipshits, so you should get used to this other family,"


i been at the hospital all
morning and i got home
around one and i barely woke
up around seven maybe. ughh

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