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"i'm bout to go and visit charlotte," brandon announced, shaking his keys.

trinity was at school and was too busy to text him and charlotte was free till about one. it was now about nine a.m.

"don't do anything stupid," zion called out, knowing something was bound to happen just as before.

brandon rolled his eyes, heading out the door and to the shared rented honda civic sedan.

he could understand why zion would warn him. there was one point where him and charlotte had a thing, but she promised she wouldn't catch feelings. he agreed because after all, it was her idea.

they had sex once, but it was never anything more after that. he did regret it because now he can see the feelings were there, except they weren't mutual.

that's why he wanted to go visit her and let her know he his intentions with trinity.

"hey bub," she greeted, squeezing him into a hug. he tried his best to smile, kind of nervous as to what was about to come.

"hey char," he walked into her small apartment, closing the door behind him. before he could even walk all the way in, she had her arms around his neck, a child like smile on her face. the one she used where we often got her way.

"i missed you so much," she tried to lean in closer, but when be jerked his neck back harder then be intended, she frowned.

"i actually came over here to talk about something," he removed her hands away from his neck, allowing himself to go and sit in the couch.

"is it about trinity?" she mumbled, following him to sit about a full couch cushion away.

"no," he stammered, "i mean yes,"

she sighed.

"i say no because i've been wanting to end things between us a while ago. the boys always say how you caught feelings to soon and how it was never a good idea since they found out and i lowkey feel the same," he edged on.

"and i say yes because although i haven't known trinity that long, she's different and bold and i'm heavily attracted to her for no damn reason," he admitted to which she scoffed.

"am i not any of those things? are you not attracted to me?" she asked defensively.

he sighed.

"your my best friend char. i've known you for about four years and you know how i feel about you as a friend. i don't want to be that guy, but i regret what we did in the sake of our friendship,"

"you don't want to be that guy, but you sure are being him right now," she said as her eyes teared up.

"are you crying because i don't want to have sex with you?" brandon asked with his face scrunched to the max, confused as fuck.

"i'm crying because they were right," she sniffed, "i love you but you like some illiterate new yorker you just met,"

"don't be like that," he said, "i came her from la just to see you," he pointed out. he was about to defend trinity as well till charlotte groaned out loud.

"i literally hate you so much, but i can't hate you so much. atleast i know where we stand and i'm perfectly fine with being best friends because i couldn't see myself without my best friend," she wiped her tears.

"thank you for understanding," he opened his arms for a hug. she got up and slumped into his arms, wishing they could be more in this moment.

"tell me what you like about her?"

brandon sighed, "at the christmas she was very open into telling me little things about her life. she was also bold and told me that eyebrow thing i do was attractive," he laughed.

"before she left, she put her number in my phone and i texted her that same night because i couldn't stop thinking about our conversarion even though it was nothing serious," he said, "we texted about a date until you guys kind of blew it-" he trailed off.

"i like her physically too if i gotta say," he chuckled more to himself, "she's a little bit more wide in the hips with a little pudgy stomach. she's short as fuck which i find cute. her smile and the way she can use her dimples to basically manipulate whoever she wants for the fun of it,"

and as he went into more details on her personality, charlotte realized her best friend and tbe boy she was deeply in love with, has moved on and as unhappy as she was, all she could do was listen to him ramble and pretend she was okay.


damn. i dont hate
charlotte as much
as it seems i do. she a
cool girl lmaoooo

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