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"so how was it?"

brandon had just left about thirty minutes ago, but he didn't go very far since he was going to come back and drop off some soup for panera bread for the both of them.

she had just called diamond to spill the details on how her morning went.

"so boom, he came over after my mom left and not even ten minutes in, he had me laid on my back and he was kissing me. then i talked about my family and my dad and then i told him to tell me about him, but that didn't get very far because we ended up kissing some more and now he has a phat ass hickey on his neck,"

"i'm shocked her made out with you when you sound like your damn nana," diamond said in a shocked tone.

"he just offered to buy me some panera bread because my throat stared hurting and i told him he might as well get some too because he's bound to get sick," she chuckled.

"gross," diamond scoffed, "but y'all still mad cute though,"

"i know," trinity smiled to herself, "but how are you and zion?"

"he's actually picking me up later to take me out," she told her, "but it's crazy because i talked was talking to austin and conversation between us was a lot smoother than i expected,"

"so your feeling him more?"

"at this point, yes. zion is too much for me, although he is a good friend," she said with a frown.

"you know i support you one hundred percent. go out with zion, and if you don't like him then continue to talk to austin but take it slow. maybe when you visit la during the new year, you guys can link up again,"

"thank you my love,"

"trinity!" her grandma yelled from downstairs, letting the boy enter her apartment with a bag from a food place. "you have company!"

trinity sat up slowly, careful not to make herself dizzy. "coming nana!" she moved the phone away as she tried her best to yell, "call me after you come home from zion," she said, not giving her time to speak, and hung the phone up.

she jogged out the door and down the stairs to see brandon there with the food in his hand.

"nana, can he stay and eat with me?" she questioned, batting her eyelashes and smiling politely.

her grandma gave her the side eye, "i ain't see nothin' wrong with it," she said, then looked down at trinitys feet, "make sure you keep that door open and put on some damn socks-" she hit trinity on the back of her thigh as she began walking up the stairs with brandon to her room, "-wonder why you so sick now? that's why,"

trinity laughed, hurrying up to her room with brandon right behind her.

she listened to her nana, leaving the door open.

"i didn't know i was staying," he laughed. he kind of promised charlotte he would come back and watch a couple movied with her. after all he was meant to be there for her.

"just until i finish my soup," trinity took the bag and placed it on her bed. she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning in to place a kiss onto his lips.

he rose a brow, "promise?"

"yes. now let's eat," she sat on her bed, criss cross applesauce and reach over to pat the spot next to her. she then thought about it, "unless you have somewhere to be, then that's okay,"

he sat down, "i do, but it can wait," he took out his soup which was plain cream of chicken and wild rice as for trinity, she asked for the broccoli cheddar soup.

"are you sure?" she asked, blowing onto her soup.

he nodded.

"brandon," she began to laugh, coughing in the mix of it, "you can go and do whatever you were going to do with charlotte, i'm going to be perfectly fine on my own,"

he didn't exactly know what to say. how would she know he was going to spend time with char unless she had posted about it. he couldn't have beeb reading his messages because they planned a movie day sometime yesterday.

and so he put his soup back in the bag, pecked trinity on her lips and told her he would see her another day.

he even said by to her nana, still wondering how she knew.


yall, im deadass about
to fight this girl tomorrow

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