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"how do you feel about ol' girl being here?" diamond questioned as they drifted away from the group. the subway had dropped them off and now it was just a matter of getting from underground to the actual destination.

"ima still do what i want," she shrugged, "she hasn't elaborated her feelings to me about him, so until she does, i'll continue,"

"by the time she tells you it'll be too late," diamond said. she knew trinity hasn't been in a real relationship before, but it wasn't hard for her to enter the talking stage with some one.

"exactly," she snapped and pointed, a sly smirk on her face.

they both began to laugh.

"what y'all back here giggling about?" nick questioned, slipping away from the group as well just to be nosy.

"nothing for you to be worrying about," trinity joked.

"well damn girl," he held his hand over his chest, not expecting the attitude in her voice, but when she smiled, he knew she was only kidding.

within the next few seconds, they found themselves ontop of the stair way.

"y'all decided what to eat?" diamond asked.

"wait, can we please get carmine's," trinity grabbed on to the nearest persons arm, turning to beg.

"what is it?" austin asked, kind of wincing at the grip she had. food must be real important to her.

"it's italian and it's so bomb," she said in hopes that they agreed.

"you like italian?" nick asked, a smile making it way to his face.

"yes!" she cheered, feeling as if she was getting closer to her destination of getting fresh mix seafood pasta with a side of garlic bread.

he threw an arm over her shoulders, "i'm sorry b, but i might have to steal your girl," he licked his lips.

trinity scrunched her face, "your cute and all, but no," she pushed him away and went to brandon who had his hands shoved in his pockets. she slid one arm through the space between his arm and his side and wrapped the other around the front to cuddle into his body.

"she think i'm cute, she wanna have sex," nick and zion said in unison, mimicking that one viral video.

"anyway, i'm cool with italian," edwin piped up. everyone agreed with him and trinity's mood physically changed as she ushered her new friends to follow her.

"how many seats?" the waiter politely asked, holding a stack of menus in her hand with a slight smile on her lips.

"can we get one with six and then another with two," trinity asked, ignoring the looks of diamond and charlotte.

"right this way,"

as they were walking, charlotte grabbed brandon by his hand, "your sitting with me right?" she gave him a hopeful look that trinity almost laughed at.

"actually me and trin were gonna have our date-" his voice trailed off when he noticed the disappointment in her face.

trinity decided to step in before he changed his mind and have her feeling mad dumb. she would really catch an attitude and sit alone and devour her food in peace if he ditched out.

"you don't mind, do you?" she asked, linking arms with brandon. she noticed their hands slowly coming apart.

"what if i did,"

"i'm not going to make him choose, i can always sit with someone else or by myself,"

"just change the arrangement,"

she was about to say something back when the waiter spoke up, "i thought we have tables, but we only have a booth that'll fit you all, is that fine?"

"perfect," charlotte intervened, sliding herself into the booth. everyone soon piled in. from right to left in the shape of the letter to u it was austin, edwin, nick, trinity, zion, diamond, charlotte and brandon.

"sadly we have no speicals today, but we do have our basic party deals that do feed more. drinks are at the back of the menu. i wont be taking your order, but someone should be here in less than five minutes to help you guys," she smiled, receiving a head nod from everyone.

"what do you recommend?" austin askes trinity as the lady walked away.

"i am in love with their seafood pasta, but if you don't eat seafood then i usually get rigatoni with sausage and broccoli,"

"i might really have to wife you," nick said, making it clear that the fact she ate italian food was lowkey a turn on.

"why?" trinity laughed.

"he's italian,"

"you want to wife me because i like italian?" she scrunched her brows, laughing.

"is that not a valid reason?"

"shit," she shrugged, "let me know when you purpose though cause' i hate surpises,"


i keep putting food that
i cant stand in books lmao.
i don't eat anytype of pasta,
onlt spaghetti. i only eat
lobster and crab like every
once in a blue moon lmaoo

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