2 | Brain Invaders

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It took many hours, two adventurous padawans, and many brave soldiers, but the key droid weapons factory on Geonosis had been destroyed. The battle turned in favor for the Republic and the Jedi that dusty day. Dakota had been there for every moment of it, and was now overseeing the clean up operation.

They were still missing Poggle the Lesser, the Geonosian leader who was responsible for all this mess. She intended to find him as well and bring him to justice.

"We're really sorry to leave like this, Master Ky" Ashoka apologized with Padawan Barris. The two were just about to board a gun ship and return back home to Coruscant "-there's still so much left to do" She motioned to the mess surrounding them on the battle field.

Dakota appreciated her concerns, waving them off "No worries you two, you've saved the day by destroying that droid factory. Now go home and rest, I'll keep you updated on things here"

"Yes Master" the Padawan's bowed. Dakota gave Ashoka a quick fist bump before the gun ship took off into the air, leaving her to watch from below.

Captain Rex approached the General once the gun ship was out of sight. He paused beside her, his hands linking together behind his back "When I leave this planet once clean up is over..." Dakota started "I can assure you Rex, that I'm never coming back" she crossed her arms, the taste of dust on her tongue.

"I'm right there with you General, those bugs give me the creeps" Rex agreed.

"The situation was even stranger the first time that we were here" she referenced to being tied to a pole in the middle of a geonosian arena not all that long ago.

"What happened, General?"

"I'm not going to get into it"


Soon, General Kenobi would arrive on planet. They'd be working together to fix this mess that was left behind "We just sent out another team to search for Poggle" Rex informed, walking next to the General as they made their way across camp. Her hands were linked together behind her back. The black robes she wore still had dirt clinging to them.

"I think I may go out there myself" she contemplated, knowing that if she left, General Kenobi would still be there to lead the troops.

"Shall I assemble a team to go with you?" Rex asked.

"No, that won't be necessary. We need all the troops we can get here. There's still a lot to be done"

"Yes General"


Dakota stood on top of the highest rock platform that overlooked the camp set up below. From there, she could see the destroyed droid factory, as well as the scars left behind from the battle. This battle was different from the ones before. It was getting under her skin.

It's like the enemy knew exactly what their plan was the entire time. How could they know their locations, and cripple them that much? Again she thought of Mars, and how he perished in the battle here.

Those were the thoughts that plagued her mind as she stood above the Republic camp. A gun ship flew over her head and landed behind her on the ground "Am I interrupting a self-reflecting moment?" his familiar voice asked across the ground.

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