| Chapter 9 | Uneasy feeling

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"Felicity's right. You'll need your strength today." Naomi told Felix. He wasn't eating anything and we had a big game today. I was about to hit him on the shoulder when I noticed Snape approaching us.

"I'm not hungry." was all that Felix could tell us before Snape interrupted.

"Good luck today, Lee, Kim. This is your chance to prove yourself. A game of Quidditch should be easy work, even if it's against Gryffindor." and then Snape walked away.

"Oi Felix, did you get your broomstick?" I asked him trying to get a conversation started.

"Yeah, I got the newest model too!" He looked more excited now as he talked about his new broomstick.

. . .

As Felix and I were walking with the rest of the Quidditch team to the arena, we stopped in a small room. Peregrine looked at Felix, "Scared, Felix?" 

"A little."

"It's all right. I felt the same way before my first game."

"I'm not scared for myself, I'm scared for Felicity. I'm used to playing like this but she's totally new to the competitive side." Felix said, it really made my heart warm up but I can handle a little game.

"What happened?" I asked Peregrine referring to his first game.

"I don't really remember. I took a Bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in a hospital a week later." He said with his strong accent.

Namjoon's best friend Yoongi who stood beside me patted my head, "It's going to be okay Felicity, your family is really good at being Chasers. And remember that I'm right here with you!"

The door opened and we all flew out hearing the cheers from all the other Slytherin's and some Ravenclaws. I could also hear some girls chanting Felix's name which made me really uncomfortable for some reason.

"Hello, Welcome to Hogwarts first Quidditch game of the season. Today's game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor!" The little boy announced.

We all got into our starting positions as the coach got ready, "Now, I want a nice, clean game from all of you!" I noticed some Slytherin's looking at each other. The coach opened the chest and out flew the balls. "The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." The boy announced once again.

Felix and the other Seeker looked at the snitch as it flew away, whilst I focused on the ball that the coach was going to throw up any second now, "3... 2... 1... And the Quaffle is released and the game begins!"

Everyone started going after the Quaffle and I caught it, moving swiftly between the enemy team I scored an easy ten pointer. "Slytherin takes the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Peregrin Derrick." He almost scored but that stupid Gryffindor blocked it.

I now had the Quaffle once again and was passing it between me and Yoongi for a bit before taking off to score yet another ten pointers for Slytherin. I could hear the cheers from Slytherin and groans from Gryffindor. The competitive side of this game was really thrilling.

. . .

It was 20-20 between Slytherin and Gryffindor when I noticed Felix chasing the Snitch in full speed. He was flying everywhere trying to catch it but suddenly he was knocked in his side by the other Seeker. He almost fell off his broom but was quick to find his balance as they both were going for the Snitch in full speed. They were getting really close to the ground and Gryffindors Seeker flew up again to avoid hitting the ground but Felix shifted his broom and stood on it as the Snitch was incredibly close. 

He took a step forward and grabbed the Snitch, in his attempt he, unfortunately, fell off his broom. The game was won and I quickly flew down to check if he was okay. He gave me a smile.

"Felicity, I won! We won!" I gave him a big smile and patted his shoulder.

"Yes Felix, we won." He gave me a big hug which took me by shock even though it wasn't unusual for him to be touchy.

. . .

"So are you guys going to celebrate the win?" Naomi asked us.

"Well, I think I should take Felix to the nurse first to make sure he's fine. It was a big fall after all." I could hear Felix chuckle beside me.

"Alright, but I'm telling you I'm fine!" He said with a smile. I noticed that Naomi looked a little off but she's been like that ever since the term began.

"Naomi are you okay?" I asked her trying to see if something was actually bothering her.

"Actually, can I talk to you in private?" She told me, I nodded my head and told Felix to wait for me.

. . .

"So what's on your mind?" I asked her hoping she would let it all out.

"W-well I kind of like N-" She stopped her sentence looking down at her feet. 

"You like N? W-wait... YOU LIKE NORMAN??!" I shrieked as it was very unexpected, she rarely talked to Norman and was mostly hanging out with my brother.

"Nononono! Not Norman! I like Namjoon..." She waved her hands at me and mumbled the last part.

"Oh! God, you made me panic at first! Well, how long have you liked him? And why my brother? He's a total weirdo haha," I was very relieved but also interested in the fact that she had a crush on my brother.

"W-well since about a month ago was when I first realized..." I smirked at her.

"Aww! You guys would be so cute! Do you know if he feels the same, I mean he's only a 2nd year so?"

"I think so... He always cares for me and helps me with stuff like learning new spells..." She had this look in her eyes, so loving. My brother and I were very much alike except that he was way more patient than I.

"Well good luck then! I'll make sure to tell you if he tells me anything." I gave her a hug and walked back to Felix. We then went to the nurse and was told that Felix was totally fine which made me feel a sense of relief.

. . .


So as I was writing this I accidentally made it so Naomi was in love with Chan T_T I didn't even realize it so I made a few mistakes but I hope it's fixed now! Also, I will release another book focusing more on Naomi and Namjoon~ But it won't be as long as this one :p

Hope you all enjoy this series because I sure love writing it and it's the longest book I've ever written!

xoxo Sungmin, Hungry~

xoxo Sungmin, Hungry~

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