| Chapter 20 |

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"You'll pay for that one, Kim. Eat slugs!" Felix said as he cast a spell onto her which ended up backfiring as his wand was broken. He got shot back onto the ground and the Gryffindor team only laughed. We all rushed forward to see if he was okay and soon enough Chan told them all to head to practice so he could check on his little brother.

"You okay, Felix? Say something." I asked worriedly. He turned around and started gagging, soon enough a slug came out of his mouth.

That's when we saw a flash from behind us, Sherley stood there with her camera. "Wow! Can you turn him around, Felix?"

"No, Sherley, get out of the way." I looked away from the mess as Chan took him to Hagrid.


"This calls for specialist's equipment. Nothing to do but wait till it stops, I'm afraid." Hagrid gave Felix a bucket which he used to puke out the slugs.

"Better out than in," Hagrid stated. "Who was Felix trying to curse, anyway?"

"Jennie. She called Felicity... Umm, Well I don't know exactly what it means." Chan said a little confused. I stood up and walked a bit away from them before speaking in a sad tone.

"He called me a Mudblood." Hagrid gasped.

"He did not." He said shocked.

"What's a Mudblood?" Chan asked.

"It means 'dirt blood.' Mudblood's a foul name for someone who's Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me. It's not a term one usually hears in a civilized conversation." I said angrily at the brink of tears.

"See, the thing is, Chan, there are some wizards, like the Kim family who thinks they're better than everyone else because they're pure-blood," Hagrid explained.

"That's horrible."

"It's disgusting."

"And its codswallop to boot. Dirty blood. Why there isn't a wizard alive today that's not half-blood or less. More to the point, they've yet to think of a spell that our Felicity cant do. Come here." I smiled at Hagrid's words. "Don't you think on it, Felicity. Don't you think about it for one minute."


Chan, Felix and I were sitting down outside on a bench talking about random stuff when a question popped into Chan's head.

"Wait, Felicity. I thought you and Namjoon's parents are both pure-blood? How come you're not?" His question was valid and I had to tell them sooner or later.

"I'm adopted."

"You're adopted!? Well, that explains why you didn't get into Ravenclaw purely based on bloodline. Do you know who your biological parents are?"

"Sadly I don't... But I got all the family I need right here so I don't plan on looking for them." I said with a smile as Chan hugged me.

"You're just so precious!" He said in a high pitched voice as he squeezed me.

"Hey, hands off she's mine!" Felix said and hugged me instead as he hit his older brother on the arms, we all laughed but I felt as if someone was looking at me. I just shrugged it off as we walked away.


It had been a month since I started feeling as if someone was constantly watching me. It was such a weird feeling that I would unconsciously look around all the time which worried most of my friends.

We were currently in a quidditch match though so all I could think of was the balls.

"Another point for Slytherin!" They cheered, "They lead Gryffindor 20 to 90" We were ahead of them, this was good. I was flying in one spot as I thought about a way to grab another point for the team when a Bludger almost flew into me.

"Watch it, Kim!" Peregrine warned me. Just as I looked back at him I noticed the Bludger returning towards us.

"Hey watch out!" I shouted, but it was too late. The Bludger hit Peregrine's broom and sent him flying to the ground, I was just about to fly down to check if he was okay when the Bludger started chasing me at a fast speed. It seemed as if it was out to kill me!

I started flying around trying to avoid it when I noticed Jennie staring at me with a smirk and a wand slightly hidden in her hand. So she was the one that did this?

Soon enough people started noticing but they didn't know who had tampered with it. I stopped right before Jennie. "Training for the ballet, Kim?" She said with a smirk but all I noticed was the snitch that was right beside her head. "Oi, Lee!" I got his attention and he noticed the snitch right away as he chased it at full speed, this caused Jennie to become startled as she also went for the snitch.

After a while they had been out of sight I saw Jennie rolling up on the ground looking as if she was about to puke. I tried to hold in the laughter as I pressed my lips together. Yoongi on the other hand straight up laughed at her.

I diverted my attention to Felix as I noticed him close to the ground chasing the snitch. The bludger almost hit his hand but he successfully dodged it. He was so destined to catch the snitch that he fell to the ground as he caught it. He fell with a loud thud and a pained face so I quickly hurried over.

"Felix Lee has caught the Snitch. Slytherin wins!" they announced in the loud magical speakers. Everyone cheered but I noticed the Bludger heading towards Felix once again, I thought fast and cast a spell on it.

"Finite Incantatem!" It exploded in pieces everywhere like fireworks. Felix gave me a small 'thank you' but I was too worried about if he was hurt to even notice.

"Are you okay!?"

"No, I think my arm is broken." His arm looked hurt as he moved. Then a teacher I've never seen before rushed towards us saying that he could fix it. I was skeptical but he was a teacher at Hogwarts so I had to trust him. He cast a spell on Felix's arm and asked if it still hurt.

"I-I think I have no bones left?!" Felix looked panicked. I grabbed my wand to fix it but Hagrid told me that it would only make it worse and that Felix just needed to go to the nurse. So I took Felix to the nurse making sure to not hurt him any more than he already was.

He was told that Regrowing bones would take a while as he drank some weird juice. The rest of the Slytherin team just stood there and watched as he made a disgusted face. Hyunjin laughed beside me and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I've never felt this way before- it's such a weird but pleasant feeling.

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