| Chapter 5 | Not alone

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. . .

Author POV

After a while of taking in the situation, both Felix and Felicity had accepted their fate. They both sat far from each other and didn't make eye contact, but Felicity kept glancing over at Felix every now and then.

The other students didn't really seem to notice the weird atmosphere around the two first years and continued talking.

Felicity POV

I kept looking over at Felix trying to hear what he was thinking about but all I could hear were the thoughts of other students, and let's just say that the female students and I were not going to get along. 

She doesn't look like a Slytherin

She's so pretty, but she's probably a bitch

She's gonna make us lose the house cup

I wonder where Felicity is sitting.

Wait- The last thought I heard was Felix's. I looked at him and tried to get his attention. When I noticed that didn't work I decided it would be best to just wait until we all gathered later.

. . .

Soon enough the head student of Slytherin was guiding us to our common room, I was looking around for Felix but there were too many students for me to see him.

"Watch out for the stairs... They like to change." The head student said as the stairs moved from left to right. I looked up in awe and felt someone hit the back of my head. 

"Ow!" I shrieked as I quickly turned around seeing Felix standing behind me.

"I thought I lost you there for a while, haha." He chuckled showing me a bright smile that could make anyone happy. I returned the smile before letting it turn into a serious face and I hit him on the arm. He winced a bit but laughed it off and slung his arm around me.

"So.. Ehh you're a Slytherin huh?" I asked him.

"Yeah... Well, I guess I am now." He said as he gave me a forced smile. I wanted to continue asking him what he meant but I was still wondering why I was a Slytherin too.

We stopped in front of the common room as the head student told the moving painting the password for us to enter. As we walked in everyone looked around the room in awe, me and Felix stood in the front.

"Welcome to the Slytherin common room. Boys dormitory is upstairs and down to your left, girls the same on your right. You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up."

. . .

It was late at night and all the others were asleep, but I had way too much on my mind to fall asleep so I sat by the open window and looked out at the night sky, beside me I had my cat, Tabby. Tabby had snuggled up against my leg and was purring peacefully.

"Maybe I was destined to do something great and that's why I was put here. At least I have Felix here, I'm not all alone." I said as I slowly petted Tabby.

. . .


Sana is texting me while I'm writing this UwU

She is still in need of her mother I see :)

(I am her mother UwU)

Please don't kill me @Briar_Hart437 <-- also don't forget to check her out!

xoxo Sungmin, Mother mode~

xoxo Sungmin, Mother mode~

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