| Chapter 22 |

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"Are you crazy!?" Felix asked as he walked into the room. He got really close to me.

"Hey watch it!" My brother Namjoon put a hand on Felix's chest in an attempt to create some distance.

"She's not crazy, she's a Slytherin. This is who were are and if you can't accept that then why are you even here in the first place." Yoongi answered bluntly. We all looked at him, some shocked at what he said and others know what he said was true. Felix on the other hand...

"Look, just cause we are Slytherin's doesn't mean that we can just do shit like this!" Felix started walking closer to Yoongi who was sitting on the couch. "This is the reason why people see us like this in the first place!" He poked Yoongi in the chest, Yoongi wasn't even giving a shit and just waved him off. Felix was still mad though.

"Hey guys let's just all calm down-" Namjoon tried to talk to them and move Felix away from Yoongi, thankfully it worked.

"I-i'm sorry I just... I'm going back to the common room." With that Felix left.

"I'll be heading back to," I said as they all just nodded.


As I got to the common room I couldn't see Felix anywhere so I decided to sit down in the space by the big windows. As I sat there, staring outside into the beautiful night I started thinking.

Maybe I should just stop trying to be like the Ravenclaws... Like my brother... I should just accept that this is who I am.

A Slytherin.

What Yoongi said was right, this is just who we are. Sly, evil. There hasn't been one single wizard or witch from Slytherin that didn't turn evil. Ugh, Felix just wants us to be perfect.

"I hate him! He knows nothing!" I screamed loudly in the empty room, or so I thought. Little did I know a certain someone was listening to all of it, breaking down after every word.

For the rest of the night, I kept thinking badly about Felix. I don't know why I did this but it was what I did. After a while I convinced myself to hate him, every time I would see him I would either scoff or ignore him. I started hanging out with Yoongi way more, he taught me some forbidden spells he had learned. He took me under his wing.

I felt how Felix and I slowly drifted apart. First, we stopped talking, then we stopped looking at each other, in the end, we could barely even be in the same room.


We were now in our 3rd year, Felix grew a lot and was now way taller than me and his voice got a little deeper but that's all that's changed.

"I'm warning you, Felicity, keep your filthy hands off of my cat or I'll- I'll curse you!" Felix screamed at me as he held his cat.

"It's a cat Felix, what do you expect? It's not my fault it wandered into my room!" I screamed back at him before turning around and noticing someone I've missed a lot, he looked at me with a big smile. "Hyunjin!" I ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"Fe!" He laughed as he hugged me, "Should we get going then? The train is about to leave." He smiled down at me. He had also grown a lot but everything I loved about him was still there.

"Yeah let's go, I don't want to have to sit near him." I glared at Felix. Hyungjin intertwined our hands as we walked past him.


"C'mon this is the only place we can sit, everywhere else is full," Hyunjin said as he opened one of the glass doors. There was another girl who was sleeping in one of the seats, I didn't recognize her.

"I wonder who that is," I said as we sat down. Hyunjin looked at her briefly before shrugging, we spent the rest of the ride talking and joking around. At some point, I guess I fell asleep and I woke up and noticed that I was sleeping on Hyunjin's shoulder and the girl had woken up.

"Hello, I'm Lisa, Hufflepuff." She smiled, she seemed nice and she was really pretty. She'll be a great friend.

"I'm Felicity, now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to sleep." and with that, I fell asleep on Hyunjin's shoulder again.


As we sat in the great hall I saw Felix looking at me and I glared back at him to make him stop but all he did was look at me... He just looked. He didn't smile, didn't even react. It was like he was reading to me.


Felix POV

I was still curious about Felicity's locked compartment, even if we weren't on good term... I wanted to know what her mind was hiding. She was still glaring at me but eventually gave up and whispered something to Yoongi who sat beside her. He looked at me with a glare before taking out his wand, this was the sign that I should stop staring. So I looked away, I heard a chuckle from Yoongi. He was the only person who could scare me except my brother.

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