| Chapter 17 | 2

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I'm sitting in my room, as usual, looking through the scrapbook that I had gotten at the end of the first year by Hagrid. All the memories and fun moments with my friends and family were in here.

"Meow." I turned around to see my precious cat in her cage. "I can't let you out, Tabby. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. Besides, if my parents found out..." I was going to continue before getting cut off by my dad.

"Kim Felicity!" he shouted from downstairs.

"Now you've done it," I told Tabby before shutting the book and walking downstairs. As I rounded the corner into the living room I saw my mother decorating a cake.

"He's in there. Honey?" she nudged her head towards my father who was helping my older brother with his tie.

"I'm warning you, if you can't control that bloody cat, it'll have to go." My dad never liked cats but we still had two of them in the house, Tabby and Koya.

"But she's bored. If I could only let her out for an hour or two." I tried telling my dad.

"So it can go around the house leaving hair all over the place? No thank you." he laughed as he finished fixing my brother's suit.

"But she won't leave my room I promise!"

"Pfft, don't you remember when you said that last time." Namjoon laughed showing his dimples.

"Whatever Mr. 146 IQ!" I stuck out my tongue at him and he flicked my forehead, "Ow!"

"Oh did it hurt Ms. 1 IQ?" He mocked and stuck out his tongue.

"Excuse me Mr. 146 IQ but from what I remember, your sister was always the one who got a point more than you on all the tests." My dad was always on my side when it came to stuff like this, mostly because how fun it is to tease my brother.

"Okay now children, the guests will arrive soon!" My mom interrupted. Yep, we were having guests before me and my brother started Hogwarts again.


I walked away from the table as we all finished eating and the guests were about to leave. They all wished us good luck on another year and hoped we would do good. But all I wanted was to be with my best friend in the whole world. Felix.

I said goodbye and walked to my room. I was about to open my door as I heard a weird noise coming from inside. I slowly opened the door and tried to see what it was when it flung open revealing the best gift ever.

"What's up, mate!" Felix said as he hugged me.

"God I missed you so much! But why and how are you here?" I said in excitement.

"Well, I may or may not have used magic outside of school... But don't worry! They'll never find out~" He said with a cute little smile on his face. That's when I noticed.

"Wow, Felix... You... You're taller than me!" I said and stood beside him checking our heights. He seemed to be about a centimeter taller than me.

"Wait really!? Finally! I was getting annoyed that you teased me for being so short." He pouted, he sat on my bed and started bouncing, "Your bed is really bouncy~" He said happily, he was really cute as I watched him. But the door squeaked loudly and I could hear footsteps coming up.

Oh no my parents can't find out that he's here if they find out they're gonna kill us both!

"Felix, hide!" I said and pushed him inside my closet. After a bit, my door opened revealing my dad.

"I heard noises? Is something going on?"

"Nope, everything's fine. It's just the door!" I said and forced a convincing smile. My dad nodded and left. I could hear his footsteps go away.

I opened the closet again leaving a sheepily smiled Felix.

"I guess you could say that I'm finally coming out of the closet." He winked at me. God help me with this boy. We sat in silence for a bit before Felix opened his mouth.

"So are you going to Hogwarts with me again? It's not really a question and you don't really have a choice so let's go." He said taking my hand, that's also when I noticed he had blonde hair which I really liked. But that was not the problem here.

Felix stood close to the window and looked at me with a smirk. You can't escape~

"Wait, what? Now!?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at him. He was opening the window, were we going to jump out?

"Yes now! Just jump!" he said as he jumped out of my window. How is he so stupid!? Why did he just jump out of the window like that?! What if he's hurt!

"What the-" I saw him sitting in a blue car that was flying in midair, probably enchanted. Before I could say anything else Felix dragged me into the car.

"I may or may not have stolen my dad's car... Also, say hello to my brothers. Jungkook and Chan." I already knew them both so I just waved. I also noticed that my cat and all my stuff was in the car which I was happy about.

They started 'flying' or 'driving' the car towards Hogwarts when I felt someone poke my shoulder.

"By the way, Felicity, happy birthday," he said and gave me a smile.



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