| Chapter 4 | Wrong

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Author POV

As the train stopped all of the students walked out on the platform, Felix and Felicity stood close to each other small talking about how they would still be friends even though they were gonna be placed in different houses.

Felix gave Felicity a smile and took her hand as he noticed that she looked a bit nervous. Not long after that, a big man stepped in front of all the students. 

"Oh, Hagrid!" Felicity yelled from the back whilst pushing through the crowd, still holding Felix's hand tightly.

"Well if it isn't little Felicity!" Hagrid laughed and patted Felicity's head. Hagrid looked at Felix who was still holding Felicity's hand.

"And who might this young man be?" Hagrid asked looking at Felix.

"I'm Felix, sir." Felix bowed a little showing off how respectful he actually is. 

"No need to bow for me." Hagrid laughed and they both joined him.

"Now, follow me, kids!" Hagrid said and showed them to the boats. All the kids boarded the boats and Felix and Felicity got to know another kid in their year named Naomi and Felicity's older brother Namjoon who was a second year. They were all getting along well.

Felix POV

I already knew which house Namjoon was in but Naomi was still a mystery, she had been avoiding eye contact with me throughout the whole trip and I don't know why. It didn't really matter though as we all got along well and I could already tell that Namjoon would be a great mentor for me.

But the fact that Felicity and I were going to different houses still saddened me quite a bit, even though I hadn't known her for that long I still felt a connection with her. She was smart, pretty, a Ravenclaw. Me? I wasn't especially smart nor was I overly friendly, a Gryffindor.

. . .

After a while, we arrived at the castle which was now going to be our school and home for the upcoming years of our lives. I would spend this time training quidditch and becoming the next 'legendary Lee' but I was always right behind my older brother Chan, I loved the guy but he was a pain in the ass.

Felicity POV

I noticed Felix looking a little uncomfortable as we walked inside the school, I wanted to know why but I felt as if it was wrong to look inside his mind and decided to just let him be. He might just be nervous about the choosing ceremony.

As we walked up the stairs a woman greeted us.

"Hello students, I want all of you to listen carefully now." She said looking seriously at us.

"We are going to enter the great hall and I want all of you to stand in the middle row and walk to the front, I also want you to know that the choosing hat is never wrong. Whatever house you get put in you have to accept it as yours and you will have to fight for it to win the house cup. You will get more information after you get sorted into your house. Chop chop now!" She clapped her hands and signaled us to follow her.

I started walking up the stairs once again but slightly misstepped and almost fell backward's but as I did I felt a hand on my back holding me up. I looked up and saw Chan looking at me with a smile.

"I told you I would be here if you ever needed any help." He then turned to Felix.

"Oi, Felix! This is the girl I told you about, make sure to take care of her alright?" I looked at them both confused, Chan talked about me? To Felix? Is this his brother?

"Yah, Chan this is Felicity! She's already my friend." Felix said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 

Author POV

They all walked into the great hall and gathered at the front, Chan sat back down with his fellow 4th year Gryffindor's. 

Felix and Felicity stood beside each other as normal and waited for their names to be called. After a few names had been called it was Felicity's turn.

"Hmm, A smart young girl- Ah! A Kim! I see I see... Well then... SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat yelled out, I was shocked... My whole family had been Ravenclaw... I could see my brother looking at me and he seemed to be as shocked as me. I slowly walked down from the front and sat down with the Slytherin's and they all greeted me. I forced a smile at them but I still wasn't over the shock.

Felix POV

As I sat down at the chair professor McGonagall put the hat slightly over my head and not even letting it touch my head a second later I heard it.

"SLYTHERIN!" I was sure I must've heard wrong but from the cheers coming from the Slytherin table, I must be wrong... I'm the first ever Lee to be sorted into Slytherin...

. . .


I'm actually quite happy how this turned out blep :p Remember that they are only 11 years old at the moment so there won't be ANY kind of 'smut' for the moment. Honestly, I'm so pure when I write stuff here but in real life, I can talk about unholy stuff all day T_T 

Fun fact: I'm a Catholic :) Forgive me god for what I have sinned :(

Another fun fact: I write almost every day before I go to bed and then in the mornings I read as much as I can before and during school so I can improve my writing and storytelling.

I truly love making this but I can't write anything good if I publish it as I'm still writing hence why I am pre-writing all of this T_T I will, of course, make changes in the story after I write something and having it unpublished makes it so much easier so please bear with me on this and I promise I will publish more Fanfic's soon!

xoxo Sungmin, Beautiful.

xoxo Sungmin, Beautiful

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