Chapter 14: Sign

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The stairs swept every downwards, light disappearing from the surface as the two of them went deeper and deeper down. Once they reached the bottom, it was pitch black. It takes more than just perfect eyesight to see what's down there. Adam and Sara then turned on the flashlights on their smart devices as the white lights illuminated the secret vault rather briefly. "Is there a switch somewhere? There has to be..." Sara wondered, scanning the place around.

"Here it is... and it's uhh... not working. Power's out, damn it..." Adam replied, knowing there wasn't any other choice than just the dim lights on their phone. Soon though, they inched deeper and deeper into the darkness.

"We're in our forties and here we are, still looking for something stupid like we're children," Sara chuckled.

"It's not something stupid, Sara... we need to do this.."

Adam then stubbed his feet on something in the darkness. He shone his flashlight below him and there it was something. He flipped the white sheets over, bursting a huge cloud of dust in the air. "Subaru WRX... 2017. This was a classic. I remember seeing this. How did they recover it?" Adam asked.

"What, what happened?"

"I'm not sure if I told you this, but on the day when... you know, the whole safe house with all of these cars are burnt to the ground. Police and firemen swarmed the place before they had the chance to recover anything. Or so I thought. Not quite what happened, apparently." Adam explained. They then continued moving forward and noticed more and more cars, rather familiar to Adam.

The hallway full of cars ended with the most important two of them all. Adam went left and Sara went right. Removing the cover, one revealed to be a battered Swedish hypercar while the other one revealed to be the remains of Adam's beloved Lotus. Just the chassis, the body barely shaped like a proper car. Adam went over to the Agera RS and inspected every single dent and damage, remembering very vividly how he got each of them. Adam kneeled down and ran his hand through the dent on the front bumper of the Koenigsegg. "This very spot, Sara. This spot ended the whole conspiracy about Alexander." Adam reminded before using the key left on the hood and unlocked the door.

"Does the engine still work?"

"Let's find out," Adam then punched the 'engine start' button to the right of the steering wheel.

The merciless roar of the tuned up V8 engine echoed throughout the underground vault. "We can take this back," Adam chuckled, realising his wife had a frown on her face. "What's wrong?" Adam asked.

"We can't. I mean, there must be a reason why they hid this somewhere so secretive. This is a street illegal car that was once wanted by the entire of Europe. Is there anything else they might have left in here, besides the cars?" Sara brought up. Adam looked around the inside of the Agera, looking for some message or sign before he opened the glovebox to reveal an old smartphone.

He hit the power button, and to his surprise, the phone started up. As soon as it booted up, it asked for a passcode, with the prompt being "Sunrise". Adam immediately punched in "E-X-I-G-E-3-8-0", remembering that his now-destroyed Lotus Exige had a Sunrise Yellow colour. The phone screen unlocked, and Adam was left staring at just one on-screen button, with a phone symbol on it. "This should be it..." He said to Sara. "Let's see if she'd be willing to help an old friend out.."

Round 7 - SingTel Singapore ePrix

Round 7 - SingTel Singapore ePrix

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