Chapter 16: Flashback

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Just stepping into the changing room made Lara's breathing rapid and shallow. She could feel her pulse pounding in her temples. It's a relief to get to her locker because between the heels and her legs shaking, She was afraid she'd trip.

"I just live a fast life. Forget about the past time. Numb out to escape my feels. And friendships only pass by. Show up, gone, like strobe lights. But with you, I feel something real?"  Lara sang as she blasted music into her ears to calm her nerves down.

"Classic, Martin Garrix, 2018..." Her teammate, Emily came in, noticing Lara's melodic voice whilst she's changing into her sports wear.

"Emily, I don't know if I can do it. It's a full house... I can't take the pressure," Lara paused the song on her smart device.

"Lar, you've trained since you're 13, four times a week, four hours each session, for more than four years! Don't tell me it all ends because you don't feel like you can do it? C'mon Lara. We can do this. You're not alone. You got Erin, Selena and myself in this thing."

It was an accident that I became a runner

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It was an accident that I became a runner. The entire school was turfed out to run a race and mostly my friends wanted to walk. Halfway up a long hill of stubby grass and soggy mud I just got bored and began to run. Getting back sooner seemed like a good idea. I recall crossing a small wooden bridge close to the school and the teacher yelling at me that I was in second place. After that, I was on the running team. I guess it was the first positive label I ever got - "the girl who can run." So I never stopped. I just added tennis and a little bit of karting when I got the chance.

"In Lane 1, from Great Britain, Lara Robertson!" The announcement boomed over the crowd, strident timbre of the voice, a cacophony of applause and cheering, whooping, hollering, clapping, stamping of feet, palpable excitement buzzed through the charged air, infectious grins, spontaneous outpouring of emotion.

"C'mon Lara, bring it home!"

The loud bang of the gun and the runners blasted off the line... Lara did her thing and breezed easily past her competitors, completing her 100m-stint before passing it over to her teammates. The 'Lara-boost', what the athletics enthusiasts decided to name it, obviously gave Great Britain the jump they needed to bring the gold medal home in their own backyard.

 The 'Lara-boost', what the athletics enthusiasts decided to name it, obviously gave Great Britain the jump they needed to bring the gold medal home in their own backyard

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