Present Day: Amelia "Loses Out"

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This was it! She was sixteen, now old enough to audition for the school musical lead roles. She was going for the main female lead.

Her pitch was perfect.

Her stance was perfect.

Her audition audience was fully captivated by her.

She smiled angelically as she reached her final high note with perfect gusto.

The audience clapped loudly. Amelia met the music teacher's eye. The angel was a stern woman not prone to buttery compliments. She nodded curtly to Amelia in approval.

Amelia smiled and skipped down the steps to join the gathered crowd of angels eagerly awaiting for the final role selections.

The team of judges bowed their heads together at the main table. Finally the group broke apart. The students ceased talking to focus on the spokesangel,
"Students, we have made our selections as followed..."

She listed off the extras first. Light sighs sounded with disappointment as angels were selected for chorus and small lines, losing out to the main roles. Amelia's smile remained. She was undoubtedly the best singer; the main lead was hers.

The spokesangel cleared her throat. She announced the main lead male: dreamy Jason with perfect coiffed hair and carefree style. She squealed internally at her good fortune. It was down to her and Mabel. Mabel was a goody two shoes and she screeched her high notes making her perfect for the main protagonist role.

The spokesangel announced,
"As for the main lead and main protagonist female leads..."

The spokesangel paused. The other judges squirmed in their seats except for Mable's Aunt May. Amelia felt her stomach drop. May was perfectly poised at the table, a small triumph smile tinged on her lips. The same lips as Mabel's other Aunt Maria though May was way less butch. Maria disliked Victoria but she had never done anything to Amelia.

And Amelia knew she was the very best. Her voice was way better and, if she was being honest, she was way more prettier than plain Mable.

So why did all the judges look so guilty? Why did the spokesangel look pained?
"... Well both roles really need... expertise... They are equally important. So we have decided that for this year, since Mable is in her final year, she will be granted female main. And Amelia will be the female protagonist. That is all, auditions are over."

Mabel burst into a wide grin, smiling shyly at Jason. The group of angels were quick to congratulate Mabel, her Aunt May beaming at her from the judges table.

Amelia felt her temper rise. This was so not fair. She was way better. She started to march over to the judge's table. The music teacher quickly intercepted her on the way.
"Now Amelia, there is no doubt you are technically the better singer. You know that the next two years you will be lead. Mabel has put in more time then you so let her have it this year...You don't want to cause another scene. They will call Gabriel this time."

Amelia sobered at the last part. Gabriel was her ancient warrior father. He was quite stern. He wasn't around much but when he was he always made clear to her that obedience was the most important trait an angel should have. He would have her neck if she had another tantrum this year.
"Fine. I won't go for a rebuttal. But you should know that I don't take kindly to having my role sabotaged by Mable's aunt. I know she had part in this decision, I am aware she doesn't like Victoria. You know as well as I do that this wasn't fair."

The music teacher stood quietly, lost for words. She knew Amelia had spoken truth and it wasn't angelic nature to lie. In fact Amelia was very right. Victoria was a beautiful woman and May, Maria and Mabel's mom all held petty jealousy towards Victoria. The last thing they wanted to do was grant a main role to Victoria's daughter. May had worn down the other judges until she got Mabel the lead.

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