Amelia- New Future

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Amelia couldn't believe all she learned. She felt like her life completely flipped around. As quick as it was she was surprised at how calm she felt. Heaven was hard for her. She enjoyed competition, which was frowned upon; She loved debates, definitely consider rude; and she loved clothes. She stopped in front of a mirror to check out her cherry printed summer dress. She pushed her hair back and studied her image. She thought back to the taunts her hair drew from the other angels. In hell she looked fabulous. Plus the articles that were written about her were so positive. She liked that in hell she could be proud to be herself.

She opened up the kitchen door. Nora sat on a stool, so nervous she wasn't even doing anything. And Lilly was pacing back and forth. Both ladies leaped up in apprehension when they saw Amelia.

She couldn't help to break into a smile. Both ladies squealed and wrapped her in a huge hug.

"Your father can be such a scoundrel, so we were so worried you would up and leave when you found out the truth!"

Amelia laughed,
"It's just so bizarre. My perfect mother is leaving the most faithful man ever for the most damned! Who also, as it turns out, is my real father. Do you think I need a shrink?"

The women all laughed. Amelia was surprised how calm she was. It was like somehow she knew things were just going to be better overall.

Pizza had been delivered to the castle. Lilly and Amelia had a quick bite so they could start getting "dolled up" as Lilly put it. Nora had headed back upstairs to have pizza with Victoria and Luce. After Nora left Lilly filled Amelia in,

"Nora and me have been here over 50 years. Luce gave us the kitchen management because why we had done what we did granted us immunity from torture.

That said, Luce is temperamental. And sometimes he is just mean. For a long time he had recruited a ton of followers with ease just out of boredom. Soon though Hell was overpacked. Heaven has unlimited space but Hell is not that large.

Luckily the month Victoria arrived things changed suddenly. She would walk with Luce down the street and her light would just like... release.. people. It was like everyone who was still worthy of forgiveness found light again and made it back up to the gates. Hell became a lot more manageable again.

So Nora was super excited, especially since she and Victoria hit it off so well. I am permanently 18 so I have an easy time making friends here and the demons really like me but my mom found it hard. Victoria really connected with Nora so she was super upset when Victoria left.

Nora and Luce have both been super lonely.  She and Luce would argue, and sometimes Nora almost went to repent. I love hell, I know I wouldn't suit life in heaven but I couldn't live without Nora ye' know? Luckily I always convinced her to stay, but it was close call a few times."

Amelia patted Lilly's hand sympathetically. Amelia understood Nora instantly. Amelia had often thought of leaving heaven before her actual jump but Victoria always held her back from leaving. She was glad that Victoria would be staying in Hell. Amelia liked it so much better.

Especially now that Amelia knew her mom served a great purpose being here too. In a funny way Amelia could see what god had done. He twisted fate. He made Victoria specifically to make Luce fall in love. She smiled to herself as she realized god's humor. Luce may have won more souls from earth but god found a way into Hell to get them back.

She said her first prayer since she came, thanking him for bettering her situation.

Soon her and Lilly were ripping apart the closet for what to wear. They had cute club dresses on. Amelia's was sparkly black with a low back and long lace sleeves. It was short and form fitting. She looked hot! Lilly wore a similar style but red and tube top style. She was a few inches taller than Amelia with amber brown hair, tan skin and green eyes so she looked absolutely gorgeous too. They smiled at each other as Lilly put on her black eyeliner.

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