Victoria: A Harold of Angels

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Victoria's kitten heels clicked on the tiles of the high school. She just had to get to the principal's office where her daughter was being held.

She had got a phone call from the school only moments before. She just had to....oh no.

Victoria watched helplessly as her husband's large frame passed through the principal's door. He was going to be so angry.

Victoria sighed. Too late.

She waved lightly to the school's receptionist then strode towards the office door. Amelia's friend Mason and another good looking guy sat outside the door, looks of worry mixed with confusion etched on their faces. She patted Mason's shoulder reassuringly. He smiled meekly at Victoria. The guy beside him looked at Victoria in awe, her beauty making him momentarily forget the situation. She nodded politely towards him and stepped into the office.

She caught Gabriel's eyes and tried to look as apologetically as she could. He hated being interrupted during his training sessions especially when it was by Amelia and her temper bursts.

He looked at her back with a stoic expression though there were frustration lines around his eyes. He was mad.

Amelia sat in her chair. She had her head down, hands folded in front of her. She was silent.

This was bad.

When Amelia was in trouble she argued, stomped or yelled. She refused to believe she deserved to be in trouble.

Victoria sat down in a chair in front of Gabriel, who was standing. She went to reach out to hold Amelia's hand but her daughter flinched her hands away violently.

Victoria bit her lip nervously.

This was really bad.

The office door swung open and Mable's mother entered the room wheezing heavily. Tears stained her red eyes. She shot Amelia a look so dark that Victoria got a momentary flash back to the demons in hell.

Maria drew up behind her sister. She guided her sister to a chair on the other side of Victoria. Maria then went up to Gabriel and motioned him to the back of the room. She was no doubt filling him in on her own interpretation of the story.

Victoria tried to keep her face passive despite her annoyance to Maria always needing Gabriel's attention. It was in moments like this that she really wished she and Gabriel clicked as a couple more. She took a light breath. She had to try to keep a calm presence around Amelia.

The principal walked into the room with an unreadable look on his face. He sat down heavily in his chair.

Maria and Gabriel pulled apart and stationed themselves behind their respectives. Gabriel's face was now grim.

The principal shuffled notes in front of him but Victoria could see he was just stalling. He let out a deep sigh.

"I suppose you must all need to know. As we speak Mabel is having all her hair cut off. The intense heat applied to the pop created such a mess that they had no other choice but to shave her head."

Victoria's hand went to her mouth in shock. She looked over at the hunched over Amelia.

The principal looked right at Amelia,
"Care to explain?"

"I just went to pour pop on her. I truly do not what happened with the hair burning, sir."

Gabriel slapped the back of her chair in annoyance. Victoria went to turn around to gather his hands in hers to try to calm him but Maria was already rubbing his arm soothingly.

Victoria swallowed her distaste and tried to keep herself looking concerned to Amelia's predictoment.

"I think I need some more information, Amelia has a temper, but she is not prone to violence." Victoria tried to keep her voice even.

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