Chapter 1: Pendleton-Croft Sisters

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Nico and his wife Sofia are having breakfast when three of their children came down stairs and joined them at the breakfast table "Good morning all!" Sofia greeted as they give their mother a kiss except Brix the oldest of the three who went to the cupboard to get a pill for her hangover.

"Where were you again last night Brix?" Nico asked sternly to his daughter

"Out" Brix replied briefly taking a seat next to her younger sister Ghaille.

"You knew damn well it's a school night and y-" Nico's temper began to rise but his wife noticed it

"Nico!" Sofia restrained her husband "we're eating" She then turned to their youngest who was quietly seating, minding her own business "Jaime, you ready for your first day?" she asked

"Yeah, can't wait" the girl replied

"The teachers at KTU (Kathryn Tate University) are the best" Sofia added

Nico then turned to their other daughter "Ghaille, it's your last year. We expect great things from you"

She turned to her dad "I wont let you down dad"

"After med school, your residency at CGH (Croft General Hospital) is waiting for you" Sofia told her daughter. Ghaille answered with a smile.

While having breakfast, the eldest came down and brewed herself a coffee "Alex? What are you still doing here? Don't you have a flight today?" Nico asked

"Got cancelled, they said there was a problem with the engine or something. So, they moved the flight tomorrow" Alex replied while taking sip from her coffee

"Why don't you seat down and join us" Sofia suggested.

So, the eldest took a seat next to Jaime ruffling her hair "First day kiddo. You're finally a college girl, huh?"

After breakfast, the three youngest made their way out. They drove their separate cars and parked just in front of the building.

Brix came out first wearing her signature leather jacket waved at her roaring fans. She was supposed to graduate a few years back, however due to an incident she got suspended and forced to do another year.

A crowd of girls not far from them shouted he name "Hi Brix!" she turned to them and gave them a wink making them shout even more

Ghaille came after shortly, wearing her sunglasses on. Though she's one of the quietest among them, she still has adoring fans "Ghaille, you look so hot!" they cheered but she just ignored them.

In comparison to Brix, she wears more semi-formal clothing like slacks and button up shirts "Can you please stop entertaining them?" she asked and went in the building.

Lastly, Jaime came out and was shocked when she heard people calling her name. She turned to the girls who called out Brix's name and smiled questioningly.

Brix stood next to her sister and whispered "welcome to college, lil sis. Look you already have fans" she whispered and started walking towards the building.

When they got to the entrance a middle-aged lady welcomed them "Ms Jaime, welcome to Tate University. My name is Laura, the deans PA. He is waiting for you in his office"

"Enjoy your first day. Don't let us down!" Brix yelled at Jaime

"I think you already did that Brix" said Ghaille who came from her locker

"Shut up nerd"

While walking towards the dean's office, Jaime couldn't help but notice eyes on her. "That's Jaime Pendleton, the youngest" she heard one whisper.

With her dad owning one the biggest airline in the world and her mother being this well-known in the medical field, their family is always on the news, magazines, newspapers. But she never expected this much attention towards her.

Before college, she stayed in a boarding school, so she never really experienced this much attention towards her. "Everyone was so excited when they heard that you will be attending KTU" said Laura beside Jaime

"Glad to be here" Jaime said simply

"I know the students might make you feel uncomfortable, but it was worse when your sister Alex was still here. We had to hire extra security because people and reporters started coming here" Laura explained

She wasn't surprised when she heard that. Alex being the oldest and the future owner of the Pendleton-Croft Empire, she can't help but to have that much attention and people looking up to her.

And one of them is Jaime, herself. She idolises her oldest sister. Alex is not only smart, but she also has the looks. After her graduation, modelling agencies wanted to sign her but, she declined all of them and focused on their company instead.

Laura opened the door for her and saw two figures inside ""Ah, Miss Pendleton, come in" the older man said

The person he was talking to also turned as well and to Jaime's surprise it was Alex "Alex? What are you doing here?" she asked

"Hey baby sis" Alex greeted her back "Well, I'm in the area, i decided to come visit my Alma mater"

The man told Jaime about the things she needed to know and what she'll be doing. The meeting didn't last long "Nice meeting you Miss Pendleton. We expect great things from you. We're so glad to have and teach all four of the Pendleton-Croft sisters" the man said

"Happy to be here, sir" Jaime responded nervously. With her family's reputation she couldn't help but to feel the pressure. Everyone in her family, including Brix have graduated and expected to graduate with a high score.

Alex walked her sister to her first lesson and as they were walking Alex gave her a few tips and tricks on how to survive college. "I'm proud of you, you know that" Jaime smiled "Just do your best and uhm... just be you ok?" said Alex placing a reassuring tap on her sisters' shoulder

"Ok" replied

"Go and please keep an eye on Brix. I dont want to hear her bunking her first day again"

"I will" they laughed

"I love you, kiddo"

"I love you too" Alex and Jordyn's relationship has always been like that. She's like her third parent. She's looking out for her, protecting her. Well, who could blame her she's the oldest and that's her job.

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