Chapter 48: Guilty

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(A/N: Hey guys, short chapter again. Just trying to squeeze this in. And sorry if i'll disappoint some of you in this chapter) 

Everyone is currently in court for the McGregor case "you know don't have to come" Isabella told Alex who was seating just behind her "you're still injured. You need to be at home resting"

The girl scoffed "Do you really want me out that much?" Alex leaned forward "and why would I leave and deny you the honour of my presence. Besides, the judge might need me to speak about the case anyways"

"You are so annoying" Isabella replied turning back to the front making Alex grin in accomplishment. So, the hearing started and everyone stood up as the judge entered. Brix is seating next to Ember and her brother. Ghaille, Naomi, Jamie and Claire are just behind them.

The proceeding began and the sides presented their cases. By the end the judge made a decision "Senator Oliver McGregor accused of distribution of illegal drugs and for the murder of Franklin Donovan and two others is found guilty and sentenced with life imprisonment" Ember sobbed at what she heard, Brix comforted her "Martha Elizabeth McGregor accused for the distribution and trafficking of controlled substance also found guilty and sentenced to 35 years in prison"

The trial ended and the pair was escorted out. But before they could leave, they saw their children "Anthony" their mother told them apologetically "Ember" The youngest couldn't look at them "We're so sorry"

Anthony is now also tearing up "if you're truly sorry then do what is right for ones" he said turning to his father "you always wanted us to do the right thing. You drilled it inside our brains yet here you are dad"

"Anthony" spoked Oliver "we only wanted what is best for you two"

"No dad. You only wanted what is best for you" Anthony replied "but don't worry, I won't do anything to ruin this family like you two already have. I'll take care of Ember"

Martha turned to their youngest and saw Brix was with her "Ember" she tried to hold her, but the girl stepped back.

"Let's go" the guards told them and they followed. Ember cried into Brix's arms while the girl comforted her.

Alex and Isabella watched the whole interaction "I get what they were saying and that it's sad to see parents getting separated from their kids. But there are other things to make money than selling drugs" said Alex to the girl next to her

Isabella nodded then turned to the girl next to her "so" the woman also turned to face her "it's been quite entertaining working with you" she offered her hand

Alex smiled "don't go all mushy with me now" they shook hands "but yeah it has"

"Alex!" Jaime called her from the distance

Alex nodded at her younger sister "well, I guess this is it" she told the woman and started walking to her sister.

"You'd make a great officer" said Isabella making Alex turn to her with a smile

Alex pocketed her hands "just say you're going to miss me"

"You wish!" the girl replied

Alex smiled at her and gave her a salute then went out the door "are you sure you're just going to stand there and let her go?" said someone behind her. She turned to see her partner Jillian who was giving her a look.

With that Isabella ran out the door. She saw Alex was about to get in her car "Alex!" she shouted.

The girl at first didn't know where the person who was calling her so she looked around and saw Isabella walking down the stairs "you miss me already?" Alex teased making the woman roll her eyes. Then suddenly Isabella leaned forward kissing a now surprised Alex "w-what was that for?" Alex asked

"I-I don't know" Isabella now confused and embarrassed on what she just did. Alex smiled and leaned in one more time "w-why did you do that?"

"I don't know too" Alex replied

Ghaille and the others waiting inside the car saw everything that was happening "A—" Jaime was about to say something, but her older sister covered her mouth. So, they closed the door and left the couple be and drove off. Brix, Ember and Anthony went ahead before them.

Lips sealed together, the pair made their way inside Alex's penthouse. The girl threw her key somewhere and closed the door with her foot. She took off her jacket and connected their lips again as they made their way upstairs.

Alex laid the woman on her bed and sealed their lips again. Frantically taking off her top, Alex now only wearing her bra as the other girl took off hers. On top of the other girl, Alex joined their lips again. Suddenly a memory popped up of a certain brunette stopping Alex from what she was doing. She got up making the girl look up at her "what's wrong?" she asked panting for air

"Uhm..." Alex replied clearing her throat. Then she turned to the girl "i-I'm so sorry. I can't do this" she added now fully getting out of bed.

"It's her isn't it?" Isabella asked seating on the bed

Alex rubbed her forehead then turned to the girl "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to"

So, the girl started fixing up "I understand" she replied softly standing on front of the girl "you just got out of a messy relationship and I completely understand"

Alex turned to her "I'm really sorry"

"I'm sorry too" Isabella replied "So, friends?" she asked

"Sure" Alex responded "friends"

Alex went home and saw her sisters and their girlfriends in the living room. Brix is still out, probably at the McGregor's again. Jaime grinned at her sister "so what happened?" she teased their eldest "a little goodbye sex?" Claire swatted her head "what? I was only joking" Alex shook her head and joined them "so was there?" Jaime asked and her girlfriend swatted her again "we saw you two having a moment after the trial"

Alex sighed "Isabella and I are just...friends" she explained

"Friends? With benefits?" Ghaille asked then sat next to her sister "Just say it, you still haven't moved on from Ysa, haven't you?" she teased, Naomi glared at her "just saying. It's completely ok"

"I guess I haven't" Alex replied clearing her throat then got up her seat "well, I'll go ahead. You too should go, you still have school tomorrow" she added then went up the stairs  

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