Chapter 43: Double Date Disasters

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The same with Ghaille, the school, the people and the media is yet again surprised with another bomb. The last remaining Pendleton sister is taken, by a girl. Jaime is still getting used to the attention she's receiving in school but now with this news, she's been bombarded. Jaime parked her car after losing an ocean of paps who's been tailing her since she left the house. Going inside the restaurant as quickly as she could not go get spotted, she sat on booth lifting the menu to cover her face

"Rough day?" asked someone in front of her. Looking up, she saw a girl wearing a waitress uniform and a pad and pen in hand.

"Jenny?" Jaime asked surprised to see the girl "you work here too?"

The girl smiled "well living in this city is not cheap you know" Jenny replied "so, what can I get for you? An invisibility cloak or something?"

"I'll take one of that please" Jaime replied

"I saw the news" the girl smiled "so you and Claire, yeah? Finally"

Jaime laughed "it wasn't a fun ride. But I'd do it again"

"Lucky girl" the girl answered

After an hour or two Jaime went to school. Out of breath she opened her locker "what happened to you?" asked a familiar voice behind her "you're all wet"

Jaime turned to the person "I kinda had to jump on a pond to avoid some cameras"

Claire shook her head and smiled "I can already read the headlines tomorrow. 'A Pendleton swimming with sharks? No, goldfishes'" she teased making Jaime roll her eyes "come on" she pushed the girl to the gym "take a shower, we don't know what kind of stuff is in that pond"

Her girlfriend smiled "Koi fish?"

Claire shook her head and closed the door "I'll get you something to change with"

After taking a shower, Jaime came out of the cubicle and walked to the changing room to where the other girl is waiting "Jeez!" Claire blurted out when she saw Jaime wearing just a sports bra and a towel on her waist

"What?" Jaime asked confusedly

"Can you put a shirt on?"

Jaime looked at her questioningly "I'm wearing a sports bra and I have something under the towel" she smiled "plus were both girls"


The girl laughed "the shirt you gave me is too small so..." Claire went to get the girl a new shirt and while Jaime is putting it on, Claire couldn't help but to gulp seeing the girls' toned abs. After that, Jaime again gave the girl an entertained look when she saw her deep in thought. Clicking her fingers in front of the girls' face "Claire" she called

"Huh, what?" the woman asked

"I said let's go" Jaime replied. After school, Jaime stayed back waiting for Claire to finish her meeting with the student council.

Leaning by the lockers, the door opened and Ghaille saw her sister "Jaime?" she asked "what are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for Claire" Jaime replied

"Ah, right. Well we just finished so" Ghaille replied. Naomi came out next and greeted the younger girl then Claire came out "are you guys going somewhere?" Ghaille asked

The other couple looked at each other and shrugged. "Why don't you come with us?" offered Naomi "we're going to catch a movie"

Jaime turned to the girl "do you wanna go?" she asked

"Yeah, sure" Claire replied.

So, they are now in the mall, by the cashier picking which movie to watch "I wanna watch a horror movie" Ghaille told Naomi

"But that's boring" Naomi argued "and most of the plot is cliché"

"But they're fun" Ghaille replied back

As the two argue on which movie to watch the couple behind them just stayed back and let the pair. "I thought that now that they're dating, the arguing would stop" Claire told the girl next to her.

Jamie shrugged "Well, it wouldn't be normal for them not to argue. It's Ghaille and Naomi we're talking about here. Arguing is like their thing." The other pairs voice is kinda getting louder now and it's catching a crowd, so Jaime steeped in "guys" she said

"What?!" the couple asked the intruder

"Uhm...why don't we just eat first, huh?" Jaime suggested "cus it seems like we're kinda hangry?"

"I think that'd be a good idea" Claire backed her girlfriend "what do you guys think?"

Now they're still outside still haven't picked out where to eat "I said I don't want pizza!" Naomi told Ghaille

"I asked you and you said I could pick!" Ghaille countered

The other pair facepalmed. Jaime cleared her throat and approached the two again "ok! Ok! Everyone chill. Naomi, where you do want to eat?"

"Anywhere" the girl replied

"See!" Ghaille butted in

"But I don't want pizza!" Naomi replied

"Ok! Why don't we just go to this restaurant, huh? I'll pick" Jaime suggested

So, they're seating around a table looking at the menu "Good evening, what can I get you guys?" asked the woman.

"I'll h—" Jaime looked up to the waitress and stooped "Jenny!" she said making everyone turn to the girl

"Back so soon?" Jenny replied

"You're still here. Isn't your shift done yet?" Jaime asked

The girl shook her head "my friend wanted me to cover her shift so"

"Ah" Jaime replied

Then someone cleared their throat "can we order now please?" asked the girl seating next to her

"Ah, yeah" Jenny smiled "what can I get for you?"

"There's so many options" Ghaille replied "What do you recommend?" she asked the girl.

"Hmm" Naomi hummed then turned to Claire "I suddenly don't feel hungry. Claire do you want to go look around instead?" she asked. The other girl agreed, and they left the restaurant leaving the siblings confused.

Jaime cleared her throat "we'll get the bill, please" 

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