Chapter 24: Real Reason

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(A/N: Uploading two today because I wanted to upload this one) 

They all sat around the ten-seater table eating silently until Jaime cleared her throat "So, uhm... Ysa! H-how are you? We missed you"

Ysabelle who is still feeling awkward because her ex fiancé is seating in front of her. She took a quick glance at the girl who was busy with her food then turned to Jaime beside her. She guessed, Alex might've told them already so... "I- I've been better. How about you?"

"She's crushing on someone" said Brix trying to lighten up the atmosphere

"Oh really?" Ysabelle asked Jaime inquisitively "who is this lucky girl?" she turned to Brix who quickly glanced at the other girl seating next to Jaime. Ysabelle quickly caught on

"No one!" Jaime answered "she's just making stories"

"Ok, ok. If you say so" Ysabelle replied who again took a brief look at the girl in front of her who haven't said a word yet.

After lunch, Ysabelle had to go back to the hospital because she just went out for a quick lunch but then turned into 2 hours. She's seating on her desk thinking about one person. She knows that what she did to Alex was unspeakable but it was the only way she could think of. "Ysa!" said someone trying to shake off Ysabelle from her thoughts.

The girl looked up and saw Gia in front of her desk "D-do you need anything?" she asked then started typing on her laptop again

"I noticed this past few weeks you've been off lately" said a concerned Gia

"I don't know what you're talking about" Ysabelle replied not bothering to look at her friend

"Girl, don't bother lying to me" said Gia taking a seat on front of the girl "you've been high in your thoughts lately and you haven't been this cheery, lively Ysabelle that I know of"

"I'm just tired, Gia. Okay?" Ysabelle replied finally looking up to the other girl.

She was about the reply but someone knocked on the door "Doc Alvarez?" said a woman in a suit by the door "Doc Pendleton is asking for you in her office" when the woman said that Ysabelle's heart started pounding. Everytime she hears their surname or even her name, it always have the same reaction.

So, she got up and followed the woman. Every inch closer to the office of the head of the hospital, she could feel her knees turning into jelly. She knocked on the door first then heard a reply on the other side so, she went in. "You called for me, ma'am?" she politely greeted the older woman who is seating behind a white marble desk

The woman looked up and Ysabelle saw a piercing hazel-brown eyes "Ysabelle, yes. Sit" the woman ordered and took off her reading glasses turning to the younger girl. Sofia rested her elbows on her desk studying the girl in front of her "So, I heard what happened between you and my daughter"

Ysabelle couldn't look at her in the eye so, she just kept her gaze on her trembling hands on her lap

Sofia stood from her seat and gazed at the view of the city "I know you have a good reason for your decisions"

Ysabelle is getting the idea that she might get fired and this will be the end of her medical career. Everyone knows that if you get fired from a Pendleton-Croft company it'll be impossible for you to get a decent job. That's how powerful they are. Her family has money but she knows she'll grow more as a surgeon in this hospital.

"But please. Don't let that affect you work" said Sofia making Ysabelle give her a surprised look.

"Y-you're not going to fire me?" she asked

Sofia laughed "why would I fire one of my best surgeons" said the woman "it'll be the hospitals loss if I let go of you. And like I said we have to keep our personal lives outside of work"

"T-thank you ma'am" Ysabelle replied

Sofia walked towards the girl and sat on the chair in front of her. She gave the younger girl a sad smile "It's weird you calling me ma'am, again" Ysabelle turned her gaze down again "is there no chance for you and Alex to get back together?"

Ysabelle couldn't answer

Sofia turned to the picture frame on her desk of her family, all six of them smiling "you know she haven't been like her usual self since"

"W-what do you mean ma'am?" Ysabelle asked shyly "It's Alex we're talking about here. She's always on track with everything"

The older woman sighed putting back the picture frame "well she is still. She goes to work, does her job splendidly as always. She's been hanging around the house more. But something's off" Sofia shook her head and stood up "that's probably her way to forget"

Ysabelle felt guilty knowing well that she is the reason for all of this. She doesn't want to hurt Alex but, it's the only way she know how. She kept thinking that maybe one day, Alex will move on and find that person that'll love her unconditionally. It will hurt but, it's the only way for her to move on.

The older woman gave Ysabelle a reassuring squeeze on the hand and went back to her desk "Don't forget, you're assisting me this afternoon"

Ysabelle nodded in response and went back to her office. She kept thinking about what Sofia told her "well she is still. She goes to work, does her job splendidly as always. She's been hanging around the house more. But something's off"

She went to her office bathroom and leaned on the door. She couldn't help it, but tears ran down her cheeks 'Alex, I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry' Then she heard a knock on the door. So, she quickly wiped her tears away and composed herself

"Doc Alvarez, they're waiting for you at the OR already" said her secretary on the other side of the door

"Y-yeah, yeah. I'll be there" Ysabelle replied shakily. When she got out she saw a younger female so, she just gave her a quickly smile and went out.

She entered the operating room and everyone turned to her "Great, Doc Alvarez grab the scalpel" Sofia told her. Only ten minutes in and Sofia saw that Ysabelle was a bit pale and shaky "Ysabelle, are you ok? Do you want to step out for a bit"

"I'm fine, Doc" Ysabelle replied taking a deep breath "suction please"

Only minutes passed and Sofia was worried, so she told the girl to go home. Ysabelle and her daughter might've broken up but she still cares about this girls' wellbeing. She's been like her second mother, her mentor. And Alex would've also wanted her to go home

Ysabelle was about to protest but she felt dizzy and she was about to throw up so, she ran out of the operating room and ran to the nearest sink and did the business. "Are you ok?" Sofia asked while rubbing the girls' back

"Y-yeah" Ysabelle replied

"We need to get you checked" said a worried Sofia

"N-no. There's no need. I probably need some rest" Ysabelle insisted. So, Sofia just watched the girl scrub out and went.

Ysabelle opened her apartment and sat on the couch leaning her head back. Her head is pounding. "Hey babe!" a man appeared from the bedroom "you're home early. How's work?" he asked seating next to her

"I'm fine" Ysabelle told him coldly

"You look pale. Are you ok?" he asked "I told you not to work yourself too much. It's bad for the baby" 

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