Chapter 33: Sneaky Doctor

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Everyone's heads turned as Alex walked down the hallway "who is he?" someone asked "I'll get myself sick everyday if he's my doctor" said another. Alex is currently wearing a white lab coat, a stethoscope around her neck and a clipboard that Brix snitched somewhere.

With her new haircut, she could pass as a guy plus she has a deep voice for a woman "I'm here to check up on Miss McGregor" she told the guard in front of the door.

The man assessed her for a moment "Where's Doc Pendleton?" he asked

Alex gulped but she kept her cool "Doc Pendleton is not on duty today, so she handed me the patient. Is there any problem?" she challenged.

She was pretty believable, and her demeanour is convincing, so the guards let her in. When she got in no one was inside except the girl in bed. It's been a couple of day now since the accident and Ember's conscious now.

The woman woke up and saw the doctor. She looked at him curiously "wait you're not my doctor "

Alex turned to her with a smile "because I'm not"

"Wait! I know you" Ember tried to remember who the girl is "your Brix's sister! But wait what are you doing here? And why do you look like that? I swear you're the pilot and you're supposed to be blonde"

"I am" Alex replied "and it's a long story. But Brix wanted to make sure you're ok"

"Where is she?" the girl asked, "is she here?"

"She is but your parents won't let her near you. So, she sent me to give you this" Alex handed her a phone "I'll bring her here next time but I have to figure out how"

"How is she?" Ember asked

"She's fine but she's very worried about you" Alex explained "she wanted to see you as soon as she heard what happened, but your parents won't let her. She haven't been sleeping and eating thinking about you"

Ember smiled and shook her head "that girl"

A guard came in the room to check so Alex pretended to check the girls' vitals "Looks like your healing just fine" she told the girl "just rest ok?" then turned to the guard "can you tell her parents to minimise stress on the patient, thank you" then turned back to the girl again with a wink "I'll come check on you again later, just call if you need anything, ok?"

"Yes, Doc" Ember replied

"If you'll excuse me" Alex bid them and left the room.

Meanwhile, Ysabelle saw Brix by the corner looking at Ember's room "what are you doing?" she asked.

Brix turned to the woman in surprise "Ysa!" said Brix "Hey!"

Ysabelle looked at her suspiciously "what were you doing?" the woman asked then turned to the direction Brix was looking at "isn't that the senators daughter's room?" she asked then remembered that the girl and Brix are friends "Oh yes, you're friends with...Ericka?"

"Ember" Brix corrected her and turned Ysabelle's face towards her. Alex agreed to the plan not wanting to talk to this woman so its Brix's job to divert her away.

"Right. Then why are you just standing here? Why don't you go inside and visit her?" asked Ysabelle

"I'm uhmm...kinda nervous" Brix lied "h-how is she?"

"The last time I heard she's ok now and awake" Ysabelle replied then saw a man wearing a lab coat exit the room "who's that?" she asked making Brix turn "I swear Miss McGregor is your mom's patient"

"I don't know" Brix lied

"Wait here" said Ysabelle and followed the man.

When the woman left Brix immediately called her sister who picked up on the first ring "run" she told her. Alex turned and saw Ysabelle walking behind her. So, she turned to a hallway and sprinted out.

They got home and decided to hang by the pool. They saw Ghaille and Jaime playing in the pool, so they decided to join "who's that?" Ghaille asked when she saw some random person in their pool.

"I can't believe you don't even recognise your own sister" Alex replied

"Alex!" blurted Jaime finally recognising the girl "what the fuck!"

"Is this part of Brix's reconstruction?" asked Ghaille studying her sister "you look very different"

"Before you look mature and out of style but now you look like a badass. Dang!" said Jaime then turning to Brix "nice job!"

"Out of style?" Alex asked locking her sister's neck with her arm playfully

"You look great, you look great" said Jaime tapping Alex's arm

"Let's just see how mom and dad will react when they see they're perfect child" teased Ghaille

"Cut the perfect" said Alex "I'm trying to change that"

"Changing just because of a girl. I don't recommend it" advised Ghaille

"Changing, no. I'm still Alex" said their eldest then turned to Brix "reconstructing, yes. For myself and not for anyone"

Brix's phone rang and her face lit up when she saw the caller ID "Hey!" she answered and left her sisters by the pool

"Who's on the phone?" Ghaille asked

"The not yet girlfriend" Alex replied

"Ember?" Jaime asked. Alex nodded. "I thought her parents didn't want her talking to Brix. Are they ok with it now?"

"They don't know, they're talking" said Alex then explained to them what happened

"I didn't know we have a guest coming" said someone behind them making the trio turn. They saw their parents.

"Hey mom, hey dad" the eldest greeted them nervously

The couple's eyes widened when they recognised the person "Alex!"

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