Chapter 7: Quality Time

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The next day, Alex is at Ysabelle's penthouse "Hey, don't you have work today?" Ysabelle asked as she cooks in the kitchen 

"Nah, dad's there so he's taking the reins" replied Alex who was leaning on the island table. She walked towards the other girl and wrapped her arm around her waist "Why? Don't you want me here?" she whispered seductively.

Ysabelle felt a shiver travel down to her spine. She could feel Alex's warm breath on the back of her neck "Lex, I-I'm cooking" she struggled to reply

Even with her facing away from Alex, she knows that the other girl is smirking. She felt Alex lean her head on her back.

She lowered the heat and turned to Alex. The other girl looked up and she saw how tired her eyes were "Why don't you go to the bedroom and get some rest. I'll call you when the food's ready" said Ysabelle

"Why don't you come with me?" Alex teased

Ysabelle scuffed and lightly slapped Alex's arm "You and your perverted brain" Ysabelle commented "The food won't cook itself you know"

"We'll order take-out" her fiancé suggested

"Lex, I already started cooking" Alex pouted "those puppy eyes won't work on me anymore"

"Pwease" Alex pleaded like a child

Instead of saying something Ysabelle pinched Alex's cheeks "You are so cute!" she said

"Aw, aw, aw. Sabby. It hurts!" Everyone called Ysabelle Ysa, Sabby is Alex's nickname for her, from her second name Sabina

"Just go rest, I'll call you when it's ready"

Alex placed Ysballe's arm around her neck. Then positioned hers in the woman's waist. They stared into each other's eyes for a full two minutes without saying anything "you're so beautiful" Alex whispered with longing in her eyes "and I will never get tired of saying that"

"Stop sweet talking me and go get some rest" replied Sabina trying to hide her reddening cheeks

Alex smiled a little "fine" she replied but instead of going up to the bedroom she sat on the couch

An hour passed, and Alex woke up when she felt arms around her neck coming from behind "wake up, sleepyhead" said Ysabelle giving Alex a peck

Alex turned her head and stole another kiss on the girls' cheek "I can't wait until we get married"

Ysabelle also gave her another quick peck on the cheeks "Me too" she replied

When they finished eating, Alex volunteered to clean the dishes while Ysabelle went up to her room to clean up. Alex followed after.

Alex sat on the bed leaning on the headboard. She was checking her phone when Ysabelle came out from the bathroom "You better not be texting other women Pendleton"

Alex chuckled "what would you do if I am?" she challenged

Ysabelle then grabbed her phone and checked "Who's mom?" she asked showing Alex her phone

"It' mom" Alex admitted

Ysabelle dialled the phone and after a couple of rings someone answered "Alex, why did you call?" said an older woman on the other line. Ysabelle then turned to Alex who was trying her hardest not to laugh. She gave her a 'don't you dare laugh' look

"Hey, mom. Sorry to disturb you" said Ysabelle. When they got engaged, Sofia and Nico told Ysabelle that she can call them mom and dad. And similarly, with her parents with Alex

"Ysa? Is everything ok?" Sofia asked

"Ah, nothing mom. Everything's fine. It's just, Alex's pulling another prank on me again"

"Oh. That child" Sofia shook her head "Well, give her a smack from me, ok?"

"I'll do that. Thanks, mom" said Ysabelle and ended the call.

Alex then burst out laughing

But then Ysabelle glared at her making her stop but she's trying to not laugh "You are so annoying" she said

"Oh, come on. That was epic" said Alex and continued laughing

But then she felt a presence on top of her pinning her down "If you ever talk to other girls, I will make sure that bitch will never see you again" Ysabelle threatened making Alex gulp. She rarely see this side of Ysabelle "as for you" she leaned closer and grinned "you know what's going to happen next"

Alex has always been intimidated with Ysabelle. There's this one time she had a fling with a girl, she and Ysabelle wasn't dating at that time. They were having this on and off thing.

So, when Ysabelle found out, well, let's just say the girl moved to the other side of the world and Alex... oh poor Alex nearly got her junior massacred. Whoops, didn't I tell you she's intersex. If you don't know what that meant. Google it. Well, now you know. Back to the story.

That happened when they were dating, imagine what would happen now that their engaged

Alex looked up to her fiancé "Why would I do that, when I already found the perfect woman" she said and kissed Ysabelle's nose

"I'm telling you Alex" said Ysabelle and laid on top of Alex burying face on the other girls' neck.

Alex wrapped her arm around the girl feeling each other's heartbeat.

They stayed like that for a couple minutes "I kinda like this position" Ysabelle looked up at her and squinted her eyes "What? All I'm saying is that I like us being like this. You know. So close to each other"

She saw Alex grinning "Alex stop ruing the moment"

"What? I said it's nice being like this position, it's comfy. I never said anything. You have a dirty mind my dear"

"I know what you were thinking"

"I never said anything perverted though" Ysabelle didn't say anything else and buried her face on Alex's neck again feeling her chest going up and down "So, are we going to do this or not?" Alex asked

Ysabelle slapped her arm and got off her "You are such a pervert"

"You love me though"

"Yeah and I don't know why I do" 

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