Chapter 17: Courting

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Brix and Ember are playing basketball at the school gym "do always play shitty?" teased Ember while dribbling the ball

"Shitty?" replied Brix taking the ball from the other girl and took a shot "how's that for a shitty player?"

"Psh! Lucky shot" said Ember catching the ball "I was trying to let you win because you were about to cry"

"You are so conceited Miss McGregor" said Brix launching at the other girl, then gave her a hug

"This is clearly a foul" said Ember "how am I going to take a shot"

Brix smiled "you already did. At my heart" she said making Ember gulp. Their faces are so close to each other. "What are you?" Brix asked confusing the other girl "who are you?" she added.

She let go of Ember and played with the ball while the girl watched her.

"No one's ever made me feel this way" said Brix looking down at the ball "I-I always thought I had everything, like I have control. But then you came and I-I felt helpless" she turned to Ember who was also looking at her.

She looked away again at the girl then turned to the bleachers

"Before, I always thought everyone was below me and that they're not worthy to be with me. Or they just want me for money. So, I played their game, I didn't settle for one" she looked back at the girl again "then there's you. At first, I thought you were just like them, an easy prey. But then you showed me your fangs and I felt threatened and very intimidated" she said making them both smile.

She walked closer to Ember and grabbed her hands

"I'm very very scared" Ember looked up at the taller girl and placed a hand on her cheek. She saw sincerity in the girls' eyes and that she's really telling the truth.

"What are you trying to say Brix?" Ember asked softly

Brix knelt down surprising the girl in front of her "Miss Ember May McGregor, will you let me court you?" said Brix "No pun intended because we're in a basketball court"

Ember on the other hand was shocked. Yes, she knows Brix has been giving her hints. But she thought she was only playing around. And now she properly thought Brix was going to ask her to be her girlfriend.

"Let me show you how truly sincere I am about my feelings for you" said Brix answering Embers thoughts.

"Yes" said Ember making Brix hug her. They heard cheers from the door. Turning they saw Ghaille, Jaime and some other people.

Brix turned back to the girl "No take backsies?"

Ember laughed "Yeah"

The others joined them "What are you guys doing here?" Brix asked her sisters

"We're decorating the gym for the inter-u remember?" Ghaille replied "congrats by the way" she added patting her sisters shoulder

"So, are you guys like together now?" Jaime asked grinning

"No, no. I just asked her if I could court her because we're not in a rush" said Brix turning to the girl not far from them who was also talking to her friends. They made eye contact then turned back to her sisters again "and she told me her parents are old fashioned so, I'm going to ask them for permission too"

"Dude, it's only for a girlfriend to girlfriend relationship, right? Not marriage, so why do you have to ask them?" asked Jaime

"I don't know. I just want to do it as respect, and I want them to see me in good light" Brix replied.

"Hmm" Ghaille replied "that is a good plan. Just do you" she placed a hand on Brix shoulder "I'm proud of you, Brix. We're proud of you"

"Aww! Thanks guys" said Brix hugging her sisters

After school, Brix drove Ember home again like she always does "I'm actually scared and psyched at the same time" she started

Ember shook her head smiling "are you sure you really want to do this?"

Brix turned to the girl on the passenger seat "for you, I'd do everything"

Ember rolled her eyes and swatted Brix on the arm

"Hey! I'm driving here!" Brix complained "but really, thank you"

"For what?" Ember asked confusedly

"For giving me a chance" Brix replied "I promise you wont regret anything"

"I better not" Ember teased smiling then turned to the window.

When they got to the house, Brix mentally prepared herself before going in "Brix! I didn't know you're joining us" said Martha giving the younger girl a hug "It's been a while since you visited. I always tell Ember to invite you"

"Good evening ma'am" greeted Brix "I-I" she turned to Ember then back to the woman "I actually have something to tell you and your husband"

"Ooh that sounds important. Come, let's go to the dining room. I cooked carbonara, it's a family recipe" said Martha leading the young couple to the dining room

"Brix!" greeted Anthony giving the girl a bro. Eversince their last meeting the two have been closer. "Why didn't you tell us you're coming?"

"I-it wasn't planned" Brix replied

"Come, sit" said Oliver "Martha said you wanted to say something?"

Brix was about to say something, but Martha came in from the kitchen carrying the food followed by the maids "Oh we'll eat first"

While they were eating they talked about business and stuff in school, but they still haven't talked about the reason why Brix is there. Brix cleared her throat "uhm... ma'am, sir. Anthony" they turned to her

"Yes, dear?" said Martha

"I...uhm... I'd like to... uhm" Ember gave her hand a reassuring squeeze "I would like to ask you something"

The trio were confused "What is it?" asked Anthony

She cleared her throat again "Sir, ma'am, Anthony I would like to court Ember" she felt her heart thumbing inside her chest. Her palms were sweaty. The temperatures getting hotter. "I...uhm. I promise to not hurt her and that I—"

"You like girls?" asked Anthony clearly still in shock. The two older couple still hasn't reacted

"Yes" Brix replied

"I think you should leave, Brix" said Martha dropping her utensils on her place

"Mom" said Ember

"I-is there something I said?" Brix asked

"I think my wife is right. I think you should leave, now" said Oliver. His voice is low and very authoritative.

"Mom, dad what is this about?" said Ember but it seem like they couldn't hear her

"Go now while I still have respect for you" said Martha

Brix didn't know what to do "uhm... ok. Thank you for the food" she turned back to Ember

"No, don't leave" pleaded Ember making Brix stop from her tracks. Ember tried to go to the other girl but her father stopped her. "Let go of me!"

Anthony stood up and went to Brix "you should go"

"I can't. Em—"

"Let them cool off" Anthony advised

She turned back to Ember and left. While she's at the door she heard people arguing inside. She wanted to go back inside but she couldn't there were guards stopping her. 

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