Chapter 9: Numbskull

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The student council members had a meeting today because of the coming interuniversity programme and they have a lot to do because KTU is housing it this year.

"Alright guys, I need the final plans by Friday, so I can take it up to the board for confirmation" said Ghaille in the front. "I'm going to need all of you to split up and supervise each venue and report back here"

"Friday is too late" said Naomi looking through the papers in front of her "We have two weeks to organise everything. What if that board denies it? We'll need more time plan again"

Ghaille paused for a moment "Naomi's right" she answered surprising everyone.

As mentioned, Ghaille and Naomi has always been countering each other that's why they're in the debate club. Duh. Everyone in the room was stunned because for the first time in a very long time, they agreed on something.

"How about this Wednesday then. I'll present it that day after school and we'll get the result probably the next day. If they decline it, we'll plan again and submit it by Friday. Does everyone agree with that plan?" they nodded

After the meeting Ghaille and Naomi were the only ones left in the room doing some final touches.

"Great work today" said Ghaille breaking the silence. The silence was too loud, so she finally decided to speak up and she was amazed on how fluid that sentence came out

"T-thanks" Naomi replied. She doesn't know how to act with this new Ghaille. She turned to the girl who was writing on the white board "W-why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" she finally asked the question that's been bugging her for ages.

Ghaille turned to face her "Well, since we're on the same team, I decided to...uhm, make this work. So, you know we can work better and stuff" she said "W-why is there something wrong?" now they're both stuttering

"N-no, it's just weird seeing you all nice. That's all"

"Why do you want me to go back to the Ghaille who disagrees with you all the time?"

"You know I think the other Ghaille is better"

"So, you want me to be annoying again?" Ghaille challenged

"What if I do?" Naomi countered

"Then fine! You'll get the old the Ghaille back"


"Fine!" they both said. And they're back. Who jinxed it?

The next day, everything went back to normal with Ghaille and Naomi on each other's throats again and their voices were the only ones heard in campus.

"I guess they're back to normal" said Jaime while putting her book in her locker

"I guess they are" Claire replied beside her "hey wanna grab lunch later?"

Before Jaime could answer someone grabbed her wrist "You're coming with me" said Ghaille

"I'll see you at lunch!" Jaime shouted while being dragged.

Claire smiled while watching the sisters disappear in the corner "I swear I can't take her anymore. She's so annoying" said Naomi behind Em throwing things in her locker

"What are you guys fighting about this time?" Em asked her friend 

Naomi thought for a moment and scratched the back of her head "Huh. I don't know. I forgot. But I'm sure she's wrong"

Em laughed "You guys really do fight like a married couple. You never know, you guys might actually end up with each other. Like they always say, the more you hate, the more you love"

"I'll tell you this. Even if she's the last person on earth. I will never go out with her" said Em

"Like I would too" said someone behind them

They turned and saw Ghaille and Jaime "Sorry I forgot something on my locker" said Jaime and opened her locker.

"Why do you always butt in someone's conversation" said Naomi

"For your information, if I wasn't the topic of your conversation I wouldn't butt in" Ghaille replied

"Why are you listening to our conversation in the first place?"

"Why don't you say those things you said in my face instead of saying it behind my back?"

"What's the point if you already heard it?"

"Well, I want to hear it face to face"

While the other two are shouting at each other, the other two also had their own conversation "So, what are you feeling for lunch today?" asked Jaime

"Hmm... I'm torn between burger and fries or sushi"

"Good choices. I know this place not far from here who serves both. I've never really been there though"

"American and Japanese restaurant...hmm. Weird combination, I like it"

"So, around noon, then?"


"I'll pick you up after your class?"


"Come on, Jay. I hate the vibe here with that woman around" said Ghaille grabbing Jaime by the wrist again.

"Finally, the numbskull is leaving!" said Naomi making sure Ghaille heard it

"What did you say?" Ghaille turned back

"I said, finally the numbskull is leaving but she came back!"

"You are you calling numbskull?!"

"Who else do you think, numbskull?!"

"Why don't I walk you to your class. These two are having quality time together. Let's give them some space" suggested Jaime

"Yeah, sure" Claire replied, and they left the two alone.

Back at the pair in the hallway "Why do you have to be so annoying?!" asked Naomi

"Why are you so annoying?!" Ghaille replied back

Naomi grunted "You're so childish!"

"You're so childish" Ghaille mocked

"You know what. I'm done wasting my time here. I have better things to do than talk to numbskulls" said Naomi and walked off with a smile on her face. But she didn't let Ghaille  see it

"I have better things to do than talk to numbskulls" Ghaille teased again smiling as she watched the other girl walk away

Brix stood next to her sister "you two seem to get along better now"

"I think so too" replied Ghaille still gazing at the girl 

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