Chapter 38: Official

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(A/N: Because it's Christmas Eve I'll upload two more, or three?) 

Rhett, Miah, Faye and the other student council members were confused when they saw the president and the VP seating and laughing with each other. The interuniversity has finished and it was successful. Of course, they won most of the games and the SC was praised for their excellent work.

The three were about to say something but they didn't know what to say. The bell rang making the couple turn to the people by the door "Evening everyone" Ghaille greeted them

Naomi smiled at Ghaille first then went to her friends who were still confused "did we miss something?" Faye asked dropping her bag near her chair

Naomi shrugged with a smile then turned to Ghaille who gave her a wink "alright everyone" Ghaille started in the front "settle in" a group of people came in the room carrying boxes of pizza, drinks and other foods. They all cheered.

Naomi joined Ghaille in the front "alright guys, for the job well done. We got you some food"

Ghaille smiled at her and placed an arm around the girls' shoulder "eat up" she told the others then turned to the girl "do you want me to get you something?" she asked

Naomi smiled at the girls' gentlewomaness "I got it" she replied.

After getting some food, she joined her friends "girl what's with you and Ghaille?" Miah asked. Naomi again shrugged. That time in the rooftop, they did confess that they feel the same thing about each other but never really put any label on it. They're kinda like experimenting and going with the flow kind of thing.

After that Ghaille drove the girl back to their house again. She noticed the girl was in deep thought "what's up?" she asked then stopped before the red light.

Naomi out of her thoughts turned to the other girl who looked worried. After her talk with her friends, she wasn't sure if she should ask her what they are. She's scared of ruining what they are right now. She never really liked someone this much she's not sure on what to do

"Hey" Ghaille held the girls hand "are you ok?"

Naomi bit her lower lip "I...uhm... w-what are we?" she finally asked. Ghaille was surprised on the girls' question because she too wanted to know what they are. The car behind them honked so, the girl started to drive again, but when she did that Naomi thought she was avoiding the question. She cursed internally.

But to her surprise Ghaille parked the car on the side of the road. She took off her seatbelt and turned to the other girl "I-I don't know" she replied "w-what do you think we are?"

The other girl also turned and now their face to face "I-I don't know" Naomi stuttered "y-you never really asked me to be your girlfriend. You just told me you liked me. Like I didn't want to assume were together. Like, are we? I mean, is this too fast?" she blabbered. Out of embarrassment she covered her face.

Ghaille removed the girls' hands from her face "this is the least romantic place but" she composed herself "Naomi...will you be my girlfriend?"

Both shocked, Naomi nodded with a smile hugging the person on the drivers seat "S-so were together now?" she asked

Ghaille smiled then gave the girl a nod "yeah" she replied. Then she paused turning to the girl again "h-how are we going to tell our families?" she asked "I...this is the first time I'm doing this and I really have no idea what I'm doing" she confessed "but don't the books say, we have to tell them?"

Naomi smiled then stroked the girls' cheeks "we'll figure that out together"

Ghaille held the girls hand on her cheeks and smiled. Dropping her off, Ghaille also got off the car "are we doing this too fast?" she asked

"Don't ask me because I also don't know" Naomi replied but she held the girls' nervous hand "but I'm always here beside you"

"What if they don't like me?" Ghaille panicked

Naomi gave her a questioning look. Her parents have known Ghaille eversince she was born and they've treated her like one of their children. But then again this is different. She gave the girls' hand a reassuring squeeze.

Naomi's parents were shocked at first. Not because of their romantic relationship but because they never thought Ghaille and their daughter would ever be in a relationship after their passive aggressive relationship before. They never thought the girls would ever get along let alone be in a relationship. But they accepted it. They actually liked it because before even if they weren't getting along they push each other to be successful.

When she got home, she saw her parents with her sisters at the kitchen "Ghaille, where have you been?" Nico asked

"Ghaille, have you eaten?" said Sofia "come join us"

Ghaille joined them "I...uhm" she didn't know how to start it. She told Naomi she'll tell them about their relationship on her own "I have something to say" she started making everyone turn to her. She gulped. She already knew her parents accepts same sex relationships but she never actually came out to them. All their children are gay so, what if they want her to be with a guy

"What is it, honey?" asked Sofia

"I...I'm gay" she replied

"So?" asked Brix

"Uhm... you're gay?" Nico asked

Ghaille nodded "yeah and uhm... I'm in a relationship with Naomi"

"Ha! Called it!" said Brix "Congrats bro!" she slapped Ghaille's back

"I-is that ok?" she asked her parents

Nico walked to his daughter and gave her a hug "of course. We love you no matter what" he replied "I'm actually happy because I don't have to deal with boys taking my princesses"

The other's joined them "Congrats mate" said Jaime with a smile "I actually thought you'll die alone" she joked

"Thank you, guys" she told them

"You should invite her here sometimes" said Sofia "we haven't seen her in ages"

"I will" Ghaille replied 

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