Chapter 21: I love you too

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Brix and Alex are at a bar "what are you planning to do?" she asked her sister while studying her. She has never seen Alex this gloomy. She's always composed, and she rarely shows her problems.

Alex swirled her drink "nothing" she replied without turning to her sister "what else could I possibly do?" she answered taking a swing from her drink

"Is there any chance that you two could get back together?" asked Brix hopefully

"I can't force myself to her" replied Alex "it's her decision and I have to respect that for the sake of what we had" Alex finally turned to her younger sister "how about you? Wait? Why are you here anyways? Don't you have class tomorrow?"

Now its Brix's turn to avoid eye contact "Nah, I wasn't planning on going school tomorrow"

Alex gave her a questioning look "Why?"

"It's a long story" Brix replied then took a shot

"Well, I have all night" insisted Alex "and just think of it as a pay back for listening to my drama" she turned her seat to the other girl "so, what's up? Did you talk to Ember yet?"

Brix hesitated to answer at first "s-she haven't been attending these past few weeks, so I really couldn't talk to her. I went to their house but" she paused then shook her head "they won't let me talk to her. I can't contact her through her phone, social media, everything"

"How about her schoolwork?" Alex asked

"The teachers have been sending it through email" Brix replied.

They turned to each other "are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Alex asked

So, they went home to their study room "what the hell?!" said Ghaille when her two elder sisters just barged in the room, drunk

"I need to borrow your laptop" said Brix pushing her sister off her chair

"What?! Hey, I'm doing my homework!"

"Shut it four eyes!" Brix scolded as she opened the email tab

"I'm so sorry about this" apologised Alex "we need your laptop to email Ember"

"What?! Just for that you pushed me off the chair and stole my laptop" asked a furious Ghaille "Don't involve me with your craziness. Not give me back my laptop"

Alex stopped Ghaille "It'll just be a minute" she explained

"Why don't you use your laptop or you phone" asked Ghaille

"Cant. I don't know her email" replied Brix while frantically typing

"But you little sister is the student council president and have access to the student files" added Alex deviously

"You've approved of this?" Ghaille asked Alex who just shrugged "I'm going to get in so much trouble"

Brix lifted her head from the screen "only if they find out" Ghaille sighed

After writing the email, Brix turned to her sisters "what if they see this email before her?"

"Damn your girlfriends' parents are strict" said Alex

"She's not my girlfriend" Brix replied. The other two girls turned to each other then back to Brix giving her a 'we don't believe you look' "yet" Brix added "So, what do I need to do?"

They joined her and read through it "just give it an unsuspicious subject" said Ghaille

"Like?" Brix asked

They thought for a moment "How about 'free lunch meal'" asked Ghaille

"She'll think it's spam and delete it" Brix replied

"Wait" said Alex and took a screenshot of the message.

"What are you doing?" Brix asked watching what Alex is doing

Alex then looked through Ghaille's documents about the interuniversity schedule and attached it to a new email and another attachment with Brix's message. She composed a message explaining the inter-u and wrote in the subject 'Interuniversity programme schedule' "I think no one will suspect that" said Alex.

"Huh" said Ghaille impressed on what her sister did "that does look like an innocent email"

"Yeah, I might have done this with Sabby before" Alex replied

The two turned to her questioningly "what have you been sending to each other?" asked Ghaille

"Nothing important" Alex brushed off the question and leaned down on the laptop "so are we going to send this or what?" she asked.

Jaime walked in the study and saw her sisters around Ghaille's laptop. She looked at them suspiciously "what's going on?" she asked

Brix slammed the laptop closed "nothing" she replied

"Aha, what are you guys doing on Ghaille's laptop? Or should I say what are you watching?" she asked with a grin on her face

Alex walked up to her and twisted her left ear "you and your dirty mind"

"So, what are you guys doing so suspiciously?" Jaime asked rubbing her ear

The three elders looked at each other then turned to her "promise you won't say?" asked Ghaille, Jaime nodded. So, they explained it to her.

"Hmm" Jaime hummed then turned to Brix with a grin and placed an arm "the Rohan Beatrix in love? I need to video this" she said and pulled out her phone. The other pair just shook their head when they heard a sound.

Brix got out of Jaime's embrace and her eyes widen when she saw what's on the screen "she emailed back"

So, they ran towards her as she opens it "Let me see!" they all said

"What does it say?" Jaime asked

"I'm opening it, calm your tits!" Brix replied

When they opened the email, they saw small paragraph from Ember saying she's ok and that she has nothing to worry about. But the last sentence shocked all of them. It wrote 'I love you too' 

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