Chapter 4: Change of Heart

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Naomi grabbed Ghaille by the wrist after the meeting and dragged her just behind the hall "What the hell was that about?" she asked frustratedly

"What are you talking about?" Ghaille replied with a smirk clearly knowing what the other girl is pissed about

"You know what I'm talking about! Why did you agree with Brix joining the team?"

Ghaille raised an eyebrow with a grin "what happened to the 'I'll keep the team in the best shape'?" she challenged

"Fucks sake Ghaille! It's Brix we're talking about here"

She knows the girl is fuming, but she's enjoying it "Excuse me but you're talking about my sister there Emmi. Brix can be smart..." she lied "...sometimes"

"Urgh! Will you stop calling me that?!" she grunted. The Greyson's and the Pendleton's have been associates eversince, so that meant, Ghaille and Naomi have known each other for a very long time. That nickname was given by her mother but she hates being called by it. "Why are you so annoying!" she grunted 

Ghaille still has that smirk on her face "why Emmi?" she emphasized the latter part "Can't you take the challenge? I can just tell Mr Craigson to give me back the captainship. I'm sure I can whip up Brix in shape just in time for the competition"

"Watch me, Pendleton. I can do better" said Naomi and left Ghaille

Meanwhile, Brix was grabbing some books from her locker when she heard someone say something beside her "That was pretty ballsy, Pendleton"

She turned to whoever that was "E-Em" she stuttered for some reason and that surprised her. She was never that kind of person who stammers when talking to anyone.

"I didn't know you were into debates" said Em

"I get into debates everyday" Brix replied, "and I'm not as bad as those things you heard about me" Brix added charmingly

"Well, I'll see you at the meeting" said Em and left Brix leaning on the lockers.

Someone tapped her shoulder "That girl has some kind of power over you. That was the first time ever I saw you so weak"

"Shut up, Jay. Watch me she'll be mine" Brix replied looking at the way the girl went to

"Looks like you're struggling" Jaime teased

"Me? Psh. Never" she looked at her younger sister "How about you and Miss Student Council member?" she said looking at the girl just across the hall

Jaime tore her gaze from the girl "I don't know what you're talking about" she responded while walking away backwards

"I can help you lil bro"

"I don't need your help" Jaime shouted

After school, Brix was by the pool again and Alex decided to join her "Isn't too early to be drinking?" she asked her younger sister while popping a can of beer.

Brix looked up to her sister then laid back on the chair "I joined the debate club"

Alex was taken aback "you joined what?"

"Surprising, I know" Brix replied popping her sunglasses on

"What's with the sudden change?" Alex asked sipping her drink

Brix sat back up then turned to her sister "How did you make Ysa your girlfriend?" she asked all of a sudden

"Uhm..." Alex thought for a minute "I guess, we had a lot in common and we bonded through that. Then eventually I asked her to be my girlfriend, why?"

"That's what I did" said Brix getting up from her seat "I joined the debate club to impress her. I never did this much effort on a girl before. And what if she puts me on the friend zone because I'm being nice and shit. Maybe I should just quit you know. But then she'll see me as a wimp and I don't want that" she blabbered 

Alex just smiled at her sister "you're serious about his girl aren't you?" she asked.

Brix laid back down and shrugged "I don't know" she replied covering her face with her hands "There's something about this girl that's making me go crazy, you know. No one has ever made me feel this way and it's scaring me"

"In love there's fear. You cant have one without the other" Alex told the other girl

Brix turned to her older sister and cringed "where the hell did you get that?"

"I saw it from a movie"

"That's too cheesy" said Brix shaking her head "I think your drunk. You never say those shits to me" she said getting up from her seat. Alex just watched her sister confusedly because she's only had a sip from her drink "You better sober up or Ysa's going to kill you!" she heard her sister shout

After having that conversation with her sister, Brix got ready for dinner and joined them at the table. She sat on her usual seat in between Alex and Ghaille "I heard you joined the debate team, Brix" said Nico to her daughter

"I did" she simply replied

"What made you change your...ways?"

"Nico" restrained Sofia

"What? I was just asking" Nico responded

"Well, don't you want me to? The black sheep of the family finally changing colour"

"Brix" said Sofia on the other side of the table

Nico nodded "I'm actually proud of you" he said completely surprising Brix. That was the first time in ages that her father complimented her "You're doing something good with your life" Brix didn't say a word after

After dinner Brix was in a good mood and actually had the motivation to do her work. She wanted to go to Ghaille's room for help, but she was busy with student council stuff and couldn't help. 

So, she decided to go to the study room where she found Alex and Jaime. Alex was teaching her younger sister something. She then noticed Brix standing by the door and saw that she was holding books "If it isn't Alex and Alex Jr" she teased

"Brix. What do you need?" Alex asked looking at the books she was holding

"Nothing. I went to Ghaille's room to get some help but she's busy so, I decided to come here but I guess it's occupied"

"No, no. Come. I'll help" Alex answered

"No, it's fine. I can do it"

"Brix, sit" Alex commanded

"Ok, shit" she replied taking a seat opposite Jaime "It's so weird you bossing me around. I thought we have this bro to bro relationship" replied Brix and sat down next to Jaime.

"Well, I am still your older sister and I can boss you around" 

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