A Talk To Myself Paper: School work..

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It is October 16, 2018. That is not important, I just thought I had to say that. Anyways my computer is acting stupid. Yesterday my computer would refuse to charge. It wasn't my charger because my charger works on other people's computers. Science is hard. Sometimes I get confused. Social Studies is no difference.

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Oh I know! Let me clear something up. This writing might seem unorganized. I am not trying to write a book. If I was I would organize it later (Like I am right now, lol) It is more like a journal but on lose leaf paper. But yeah anyways I don't care if it makes sense or not.

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In Science we had a group project. I worked with Vianey and Haley. We finished early so we started talking about Halloween. We can't eat in Social Studies. Kinda sad. I eat a lot so at least it gives me a break.

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I had to change my password on my google account because someone from Florida thought it would nice to try to get in my account. This is a little bit sad but I'll live.

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I am actually doing my work in Social Studies. Not that I don't do my work normally. I normally put down low thought out answers. The lesson seems easier today. I wish we got more partner time. I could use that. Not only is it always so silent but I need more help on my work.

"Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on."

 — Louis L'Amour

+More to come!! My life is complicated, I am telling you. In the next "Version", as I call them, Some more drama comes...

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