A Talk To Myself Paper: Social life

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So IA for today, complete. In this version, I want to talk about random things. Oh, wait I do that every version. Anyways continuing!

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So recently I have been trying to fix Kimberly's YouTube Channel because if you don't know, she has been on an 8-month hiatus. She doesn't know it but I am currently working on a video that will go on her channel. The video is just about rebranding her YouTube account. Instead of being similar to mine (Doing random stuff) I wanted to make her channel into a series. Almost making every video like a mini-movie. I also want to get rid of her limitations like um, idk, ********! No hate towards her but she is holding Kim back to make videos and uploading. I have probably said this before but Kim has had her channel longer than mine and I still have more uploads than her. I want the best for Kim's channel but the only way that can happen is she needs to stop procrastinating and start doing things for herself... BTW, I am her manager. LOL

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So I go on this one website where I used to troll people but now I use it actually. I used to troll for a YouTube video that never happened. It's like called Kids Chat or something. IDK! I was talking to one kid and he said: "Cam with me or I will hack your account." Well, I never cammed with him and he never hacked my account. But I did get banned for "spamming." It's happened before though so I will get my account back in a week. I kinda don't want it back though because I found the same exact website but labeled 321 chat. It is the exact same but with better features like you can share YouTube videos and pictures. If you do that on Kids chat you could get banned. 321 Chat is way better. I use those sites to promote my YouTube and social media so it's good!

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My mom has been trying to make lots of Asian foods recently. It started with orange chicken and chow mein. Then she tried making white rice and kimchi. She tried stir-fry. But now she wants to make a bunch of sushi for Ivan's Birthday. She can try but IDK... She wants me to help her but the only thing I will her with is going to H-Mart and eating the sushi... If it is good.

"There are reasons people seek escape in books, and one of those reasons is that the boundary of what can happen is beyond what we do – or would want to see in real life."                                                                       – James Patterson  

+This chapter is the last one that I had to copy over from paper!! Now I can freely write on here!! Hope it has been good so far!!

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