Chapter 2

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“Where are we going?”

I asked for the millionth time since we left the park.

“You'll see, love.”

After walking for a few minutes, we arrived at Harry and I's favorite diner. This diner was special to me and Harry because we had a lot of memories here.

I smiled and looked at Harry. He was already looking at me, showing me his famous, charming smile. Harry intertwined his fingers with mine and we sat at a table near the back. 

It feels so good to spend time with my best friend again. We haven't spent a lot of time like before since he joined X-Factor. Now, he's in the world famous band, One Direction, along with my other high school best friends. But every time he has a break from tour, he would always come home at Holmes Chapel and spend time with me.

Harry clears his throat, breaking me out of my thoughts. I looked at Harry and he was staring at his menu. “Are you going to eat or what?” Harry joked, looking back at me. I scanned the menu and picked what I usually order here. 

A waitress came over to our table and took out her notepad and a pen.

“Can I have today's special and... what do you want, love?”

The waitress sent daggers to me. Ooh, does someone fancy Harry?

“I'll have mashed potatoes and some tea. Oh and babe, can I have something sweet after?”

“Ice cream? Candy? Me?” Harry winked. 

“I want the last one.”

It's so amusing watching this waitress get all jealous. Her eyebrows were scrunched up together and it looked like she was about to explode. She gave us a quick smile and walked away.

I laughed and Harry smirked at me.

“You're so evil.”

I smirked back at him and he snickered.

Harry took out his phone and pointed it at me. I quickly covered my face and threw my handkerchief at him.

“What are you doing?”

“I'm taking a picture for Twitter. Now, smile.”

I was still covering my face and Harry sat beside me. He was trying to pry off my hands off of my face.

“Haz, I don't want to.”

“Fine. Can we at least take a picture then?”

I removed my hands off of my face and looked at Harry. He stretched out his arm and put his other arm around me. He put my head on his shoulder and we smiled. *click*

"Thanks, babe."

He stood up and went back to his seat. He was typing on his phone and my phone vibrated.

I looked at the screen and I had a notification on Twitter. I checked my Twitter and I had a mention.

'@Harry_Styles: having some lunch with my babe. @Kim_Griffths x'

I looked at Harry and he was wiggling his eyebrows.

I chuckled and I typed down a reply.

'@Kim_Griffiths: thanks for taking me out, babe. @Harry_Styles x'

After a few minutes, the waitress came back with our orders.

The waitress 'accidentally' left a piece of paper on Harry's plate. It had a number on it. I'm guessing it's her number.

Harry and I gave each other a knowing look.

“Um, miss..”

Her face lit up and it was so hard trying not laugh.

“There's a piece of paper on my plate.”

She looked disappointed. She walked over to Harry and removed the paper on his plate.

“I apologize, sir.”

After she left, Harry and I tried not to laugh.


After eating our lunch, Harry and I went back to our house. He grabbed his keys and we left again.

“Harry, where are we going to now?”

“That's a secret, babe.”

He winked at me then he placed his hand over mine.

Damn butterflies.

Sorry for the lack of uploads! I fail, for real. Stupid exams are coming up, so yeah. I'll try to upload more often now! Thanks! :)

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