Chapter 21

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Harry’s POV

I saw the four boys waiting for me. I walked over to them and the first thing they said was: “Kim called last night!”

There were so many things going through my mind at that moment. Why did Kim call? Was she looking for me? Does she want to get back together?

There was only one thing that I really want to know. Does she still love me? She could be on the other side of the world for all I care… as long as she still loves me.

After pulling me out of my own thoughts, I asked them why did she call and what did she say.

“She was looking for you, but we told her that you went back to Los Angeles to look for her.”

I took a deep breath and signaled them to continue.

“She said that she’s extremely sorry for everything and she hopes that you’re not mad at her,” Liam said.

As I was going to say something, I was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller I.D and it was… Kim? Why is she calling me? I told them to hold on for a minute and I answered my phone.

(A/N: Yeah, conversation type again! :D)

Harry: Hello? Kim?

Kim: Harry, did the boys tell you what I told them?

Harry: Yeah, they did…

Kim: I hope you’re not mad. I mean, you went back to Los Angeles only to find out that I left. I’m so sorry. I got you worried and everything. I should’ve told you, I’m sorry.

Harry: Hey, stop apologizing; it’s okay. I’m okay, as long as you’re safe.

Kim: I’m fine, thanks for asking. Um, Harry… I left you without a proper goodbye.

Harry: Why are you saying goodbye?

Kim: I don’t want to, but I have to. I need to get away for a while and you need to focus on your career. I don’t want to be a bother, Harry. And, you’ll find other girls while you’re on tour.

Harry: I don’t care about the other girls, I only care about you! I want you! I need you! Kim… I love you.

Kim: Harry –

Harry: Please tell me that you still love me…

Kim: Harry, you know I still do!

Harry: Then, why are you saying goodbye? Why do you need to go away? We can fix this, I know we can. Just please, give me the chance.

Kim: Harry… I can’t. Not now, not after what just happened. Please give me space.

*Kim hangs up*

I angrily put my phone in my pocket and walked away. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder, but I shook it off and stormed off.


I don’t where I’m at right now, but I just need something relaxing. I seriously need to get myself together. I am a completely different person. I’m not so relaxed and laid-back anymore. I’m always angry, so stressed and fucked up.

Why am I like that now?

Because, I MISS KIM!! I need her more than anything.

It’s pretty amazing how one person can affect you. I can see how desperate I am for Kim.

I’m also very stupid. I’ve waited nine years for Kim and when I finally had her, she’s gone in how many weeks.

Good job, Harry. :P

Kim’s POV

Why did I just let go of Harry? I know I got hurt because of what had happened, but it’s normal to get hurt. My mum always told me not to make decisions when I’m angry, because that’s the anger talking. Now, I’m not angry anymore and I screwed up big time.

Is there any possible way that I can get back together with Harry? Um… nope.

Knowing Harry, he’ll just find other girls to fuck around with. He’s Harry Styles for crying out loud! The whole female population wants him!

But, I know that those girls just want him for fame and fortune. They’ll just break up with Harry once they get what they want. Selfish bastards.

I’m not like them. I don’t want to be with Harry because he’s famous and he’s fucking rich. Those things don’t matter to me. I’ve known Harry way before all his fame and glory and I loved him since. I want to be with Harry because I love him! I love him because I fell in love with his personality, not because he’s in a world famous band.

I wanted to call Harry again and tell him everything, but I’m scared. He’ll just probably laugh at me and tell me that I’ve made the worst mistake in the history of worst mistakes. No, I’m just kidding. Harry’s not that fucked up. Actually, he’s not fucked up at all. But, I’m pretty sure Harry will just tell me how we can’t be together after all that.

After a few hours of thinking of what to do, I decided to give my life a new start. I’ll forget about what has happened and I’ll be starting a new chapter in my life.

I’ll still be keeping in touch with the guys, but not as often. I’ll be looking for a job and I’ll be living in Harry and I’s house here. I know it’ll remind me of him, but I got no other place to stay. I can’t stay with my mum because she knows that Harry and I are still together. I don’t want my mum running her mouth every single minute of how stupid I am for doing that. So, no thanks.

I’m starting to like the sound of this ‘new life.’

Harry’s POV

Kim wants to move on, but I’m sure she’s not really going to move on. I think I should move on as well. I’m not really going to move on from Kim, that’s impossible. I’m just going to move on from the past. I’ll focus on my career. I’ll try to keep in touch with Kim. I’ll call her every once in a while. The ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ thing may have not worked out for us, but being best friends is definitely for us.

It’s time to stop dwelling in the past and focus on the present.

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