Chapter 7

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Still Harry’s POV

I took and a deep breath before I started.

“I heard Kim this morning…”

Zayn signaled me to continue.

“She said that she’s in love with me. But, I’m not sure if she’s talking about me or a different Harry. I just assumed it’s me.”

Zayn smirked and he let out a chuckle.

“How unobservant can you be, Harry? That girl you’re in love with… is in love with you, too!”

I looked at him, telling him to go on.

“Harry, ever since Kim and I met, she’s been in love with you. She just doesn’t want to tell you because she’s scared. I’ve been forcing her for years to tell you how she really feels about you.

” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I don’t know if I should feel happy that Kim’s in love with me or stupid because I’ve been hiding this feeling from her for too long.

Kim is going to know everything. No more lies, no more hiding secrets from her.

I stood up from the chair and I made my way to my room.

I saw Kim standing in front of the mirror, fixing her hair.

I knocked on the door so she could acknowledge my presence.

“Come in.”

I sat on the edge of the bed and she turned around to face me.

“So…” I broke the silence.

“We can go to Starbucks and drink and stuff.”

She let out a small laugh and sat down beside me.

“Are you asking me on a date, Styles?”

I gave her my signature smile and let out a smile laugh.

“If I say yes, will you give me the same answer?”

Her face flushed red and she held my hands.

“Let’s go, Styles.”


We got to Starbucks and we got out of my car.

I intertwined my hands with hers and she looked at me.

I opened the door and we walked towards the register.

“Hi, Mr. Styles! What can I get you today?”

I looked over at Kim and I told her to get anything she wants.

“Can I get a venti Mango and Passion fruit Ice Blend?”

“Can I get a venti Green Tea Latte, non-fat with skim milk, please?”

I let out a small laugh and looked over at her

. She playfully pushed me and she laughed.

“Can I also get a Marble Pound Cake?”

“Make that two, please.” I quickly said.

I paid for our order and took them.

Before Kim and I could find a table, the lady asked, “Are you two dating?”

I looked at Kim and her cheeks turned red.

Mine turned red, too.

She looked at me, not knowing what to say.

With my free hand, I put my arm over her shoulders and said, “Yes, we are.”

I gave the lady a cheeky smile and we walked to an empty table near the back.

I put our order on the table and we sat down.

She chuckled, “What was that for?”

I took a sip from my drink and I took a bite from my cake.

I was hoping she wouldn’t ask that question. I don’t have an answer. Or I do, but I don’t want to say it just yet.

It has to be at the right time and I feel like right now isn’t the time.

“Harry? Are you going to tell me or not?”

“It’s nothing.”

I avoided looking at her straight in the eye because she knows if I’m lying or not.

“Why won’t you look at me? You’re lying to me, Harry!”

I covered her mouth with my hand.

“Shush! People are staring…”

She grabbed my hand and removed it.

“I don’t care! You’re lying to me, Harry. I thought we’re best friends…”

She took her bag and she stood up.

“Whatever,” she said before she left.

She stormed out of the place and I stood up and ran after her.

Damn, she walks fast.

I finally caught up to her and I grabbed her arm.

“Leave me alone, Harry.”

She was tugging on her arm, but I didn’t loosen my grip.


She scoffed and she pushed me off.

“You know why I did that?” I yelled.

She stopped walking, but she didn’t turn around.


I walked closer to her and she turned around.

“You know why I don’t want to tell you just yet?”

Her beautiful blue eyes met with mine and I leaned in closer.



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