2. Happy

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The mentioned had his window rolled down when he pulled into the familiar driveway. As soon as he heard his name he parked and got out, a wide smile on his face. "Jenna!"

Jenna ran over to him, throwing her arms around him. He lifted her slightly off the ground as they hugged. "I haven't seen you in person since April oh my god it's so good to see you," she breathed into his yellow sweatshirt. They pulled apart and Tyler felt like his face was going to split from smiling too hard.

"Now you're stuck with me," he joked.

"No I wanna be stuck with someone. I hate living in this house by myself and Biscuit does too. I think she's been missing an extra body ever since Sarah moved out to move in with her boyfriend," she smiled. They were silent for a second while Jenna surveyed her long time friend. "I'm glad I'm stuck with you though. You look so good, wow. You seem really happy and healthy."

"I am, thanks Jen," Tyler replied sincerely.

"I still can't believe you're a hat person now," she giggled, staring at the black hat on Tyler's head.

"It's to combat this mess," Tyler laughed and took his hat off to show the messy long brown hair underneath. It went slightly past his ears and was thick and fluffy but he didn't mind it. He had it buzzed throughout college and he decided a couple months ago to just let it grow even more. When he had a hat on it wasn't noticeable though so that came in handy.

"Oh my God your hair!" Jenna's eyes widened. "It's so long! I love it!"

"Me too. I decided to let it continue past that barely fluffy shape I've had since high school," he chuckled, putting his hat back on. "Sometimes I just need a break though so these bad boys come in handy."

"I get that," Jenna nodded, still smiling. "Sorry I'm just really happy to see you. And we get to live together too! I'm gonna drive you crazy just to let you know."

"That's alright," Tyler sighed contently. "Damn. It feels weird to be back in Columbus after almost a decade."

"Not much has changed," she shrugged. "I mean a ton of buildings have opened but nothing like too ground breaking."

"Speaking of buildings," Tyler nudged her arm. "When do I get to see your place of work? Black's Bakery, huh?"

"You can come in with me tomorrow if you want," she bargained. "Not all day of course but for a bit."

"Sounds good," he grinned. "It's nice to be back. New Jersey was getting to be too much and ever since what happened with Noah I've needed a change even if it was an old change."

Jenna looked at him sadly. "Noah was a prick and he didn't deserve you, especially after what happened."

"Thanks, Jen," Tyler smiled. He didn't let the situation affect him. He was over it. Love just wasn't his thing. He was better at helping other people with their emotions than his own, hence why he became a therapist. "Enough about him. We should head inside. The movers should be here later at five if all goes planned. I can bring in my suitcase later."

"Awesome," Jenna began walking towards the front door of her small house. Tyler had only been here a handful of times to visit Jenna but he's seen this house more in the past nine years than his own old one.

As soon as he walked in, he felt something rub against his leg and smiled down, seeing Jenna's cat. "Hey, Biscuit," he bent down to greet the brown and white furred creature and rubbed her head softly.

"I think she missed you," Jenna laughed. "I mean it's already early October it's been six months."

"I missed her," Tyler smiled as Biscuit purred contently. "This is so weird," he continued, repeating what he said earlier.

"It's nice to have you back though," Jenna assured.

"I mean I heard about the opening for a therapist here and decided why not," he shrugged, standing up. "I have you and Sarah here so I wouldn't have to live alone with no friends like I would if I took a different opening."

"You start on Monday, right?" She double checked.

"Yeah," he nodded. It was currently Thursday so he had a few days to settle in. Back in New Jersey he had been working as an assistant therapist up until a few months ago and decided it wouldn't be half bad to establish himself as an actual therapist in the place he grew up.

"Oh by the way," Jenna spoke, walking into the kitchen and promoting Tyler to follow. "Sarah and Mason wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow to celebrate you coming back. I told them it would be up to you though cause you've been driving most of the morning and we're gonna be unpacking and dealing with stuff when the movers come."

"We?" Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not gonna let you do this alone," Jenna told him. "You don't have to do things by yourself anymore, Ty. You have me at the very least."

"I love you Jenna."

"I love you too."

Suddenly the door bell rang and Tyler watched confusion make its way on Jenna's face. She held up a finger to him to signal 'just a minute' before walking out of the kitchen and over the front door.

Tyler watched her open it but couldn't see who was on the other side of the doorway. He couldn't hear their conversation either.

He saw the person start to walk in and he darted his eyes to the floor so he didn't look like a creep. However, his questions were soon answered when he heard a familiar voice. "Tyler!"

The brunette looked up and saw Jenna's mom walking in. "Debbie!" He grinned and held his arms open.

"Sorry, Ty," Jenna smiled sheepishly as the two hugged. "I told her not to come until later."

"Hush let me hug my son," Debbie told her daughter as he still held onto Tyler, making him laugh. They pulled back and she beamed at him warmly. "How have you been, honey?"

"Really good, thank you," he replied. "You?"

"Wonderful," she sighed. "It's so nice to see you again. You've grown into a such a nice young man."

"Mom stop smothering him," Jenna piped up.

"If you insist," she laughed. "I was actually on my way to the grocery store and I drove by and saw Tyler's car and I just had to come say hi. I'll leave you alone now," she began to walk towards the front door. "You two should come over for dinner later this week."

"Will do, Mom," Jenna shook her head lightly with a giggle. "I'll call you I love you."

"Love you too, honey. Bye Tyler," Debbie smiled one last time before walking out.

"I love your mom," Tyler told Jenna.

"Me too," Jenna replied.

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