13. Septum

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Josh was in a good mood.

A very good mood.

A great mood, actually.

He didn't feel stressed or anxious or worried.

Him and Reagan had gotten all their bills taken care of and since he did commissions they had enough money to last until they got paid.

And more importantly, he didn't have to worry about all the shit with Tyler anymore. They weren't friends by any means but he was going to see him every Thursday and he was trying to work on trust and relaxing again. His second session, the first real one technically, had just been the day before but he was feeling good about it. It was working and he knew he'd be better in no time and him and Reagan could move on together.

Josh was currently standing behind the counter, working on different designs for a client coming in at five. She had called in and said she wanted to incorporate a bumble bee and a flower but didn't have a lot of time to get it tattooed later so Josh was taking the liberty of getting ideas sketched out beforehand to hopefully speed up the process.

"Hey, J," Frank walked in, his children in tow. Every Friday he would pick them up from school and bring them to the shop for a few hour while Jamia worked a few extra hours.

"Hey guys!" Josh smiled widely as the three walked in. "Rockstar Miles nice to see you, you're looking pretty snazzy. And my favorite twins."

"Our favorite Josh," they replied, giving their dad their bags.

Frank set their jackets and backpacks in one of the chairs before walking over to Josh. "How are you feeling? Reagan told me you went back yesterday."

"Pretty good, actually," Josh nodded. "We talked a bunch of shit out and I don't think we'll be friends again but the closure is nice."

"That's good," Frank smiled sadly. "I was worried about you. You scared me."

"I'm okay," he promised. "Or at the very least I will be."

"Good," the older nodded. He turned to his kids. "Cherry! Stop blowing up the rubber gloves we talk about this every week. Oh my God did you make it a water balloon this time? I swear to fucking God," he walked over to his daughter, leaving Josh to laugh and continue his sketches.

A few moments later, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He opened it and saw he had a text.

Ashley Dun:
Hey are you busy at the shop rn?

Confusion seeped onto Josh's face as he typed back a reply.

No. Why?

A few seconds later he got a reply.

Can I come in?

Yeah... for what?


I'm scared.

You should be big bro (: see you soon!

Josh laughed, shaking his head and putting his phone back in his pocket.

He kept sketching until he heard the bell above the door go off. Looking up, he saw his sister walk in. "What do you want? I'm scared," Josh instantly spoke, setting his pencil down.

"Hello to you too, Joshua," Ashley laughed. "I'm here cause I want you to put a hole in my face."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Josh raised an eyebrow.

"Josh! Look!" Lily came running out of the back area that Frank had taken his kids into. They were probably in his office. "I drew you a picture! It's of you and Aunt Reagan!" She held the paper out to him.

It was by no mean a masterpiece but the meaning behind it was priceless. Josh crouched down to get a better look. "Who are these?" He pointed to the two shorter blobs next to his stick figure, a small smile on his face.

"Freddie n Jim," she grinned. "Here ya go!" She handed him the paper.

Josh chuckled and pulled her in for a hug. "Don't tell Cherry but you just became my favorite," he whispered in her ear. "Even if you did call my white nail polish boring," he replied jokingly.

Lily's whole face lit up and Josh thought her face was going to freeze from the smile on it. "I have a secret!" She whispered shouted before running back into her dad's office.

"She's so adorable aw," Ashley gushed, looking at her brother. Josh stood up and smiled at her, walking back over behind the counter.

"Yeah," he replied. "Anyway you said you wanted a hole in your face?"

"Mhm," she nodded. "Will you pierce my septum?"

Josh blinked. "Uh. I guess. It's gonna hurt."

"Well yeah, asshat," she rolled her eyes. "It's a needle going through my nose. I know it's gonna hurt. I can handle it."

"Your boyfriend texted me and told me you stubbed your toe and cried for twenty minutes the other day," the blonde deadpanned.

"Okay I was also on my period I have a valid excuse," Ashley huffed. "Will you please do it?"

"I guess," Josh groaned playfully. "Go sit on the chair closest to the window. The one that's upright. Take the consent forms with you," he handed her a clipboard and pen. "Wait before you sit down which one do you want?" He handed her a laminated sheet of paper with pictures of the different styles of jewelry they had.

"That one," she pointed to a simple one with a small circle in the middle.

"Cool," Josh put the sheet back. "Okay, now go sit down."

Ashley complied and walked over to the chair they used specifically for piercings, the other being for tattoos. They used two separate areas to keep everything more clean and organized.

"So... how have you been?" Ashley spoke up as she filled out the form Josh gave her. "I feel like we haven't talked in awhile."

Josh washed his hands in the sink by the various supplies before grabbing the pouched needle, alcohol swabs, and pieces needed for the jewelry. "Alright," he replied, not wanting to get into the negative things that have been going on in his life lately. "Tyler's back."

Ashley's head lifted instantly. "He is?"

"Yeah," Josh nodded, putting latex gloves on. "He's my therapist."

"When the fuck did you get a therapist? And how are you doing? Why aren't you panicking?"

Josh sighed and walked over to her, sitting on the rolling chair next to the plastic chair. "It's a long story."

"I've got time."

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